Is the Nihilanth in HL2?

when you do stuff like, thanks for the spam!

on topic: Wonder who is going to be the big boss in combine terms, would have to be something crazy.
I think the Nihilanth probably did die, but then it looked like it was sewn together like frankenstein's monster in the first place.
that's a goddman good point, i forgot how the nihalinthe was all sewn up, hrmmm not like the other aliens...a mystery.
romeo0201 said:
NOOOOOO! Not more headcrabs! Those things so scary. I remember in HL1 I was walking in so many dark air ducts and then they pop out of nowhere and make me jump scared.

/me thinks this person isn't even old enough to buy the game... Probably not even old enough to go to the store all by itself :p
lol, though you have to admit the headcrab in the vent at the top of the cliff-face was a scary sonofabitch
Hazar Dakiri said:
Why should Nihilanth return? It was very obvious that you killed him. Espically since the scientist talking before you went to xen told you that you would have to kill him. ('or their won't be much to come home to,' remember?)

Well, there isn't much that Gordon comes home to in HL2. What with the world being all messed up as it is and all. :D
Yes good points everyones Finally the topic is starting to go somewhere. Personally I like the ideas of the sewing and of the being born a new one. it has been 10 yrs. There must be another one to come or be built by the aliens. Maybe Nihilanth is built in that factory. Who knows, maybe we will learn about the nihilanth in HL2 and what his role was.

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
btw, have you even beat the game yet?

There's alot more to come home to than there would have been if it weren't for the quicksave feature. ;)
Hazar Dakiri said:
btw, have you even beat the game yet?

There's alot more to come home to than there would have been if it weren't for the quicksave feature. ;)

I am almost at the nihilanth. I think. But what do you means by second parts?
I ment that a) you wouldn't beat the game without quicksave; and b) that if you didn't beat nihilanth the world would be completely dominated by aliens just like the barney in the end before you go to xen said.
press F6 to quicksave, F7 to quickload.

Much faster than to save via the menu.
Espically when you're playing on hard. ;)
No I playing on easy, Is too hard otherwise, they shoot so good aim
Apos said:
Not really. We saw some concept art. But the Kingpin art was around back from the HL1 days: doesn't mean anything. Maybe Gabe just liked the look of it.

Could be in of course, but the several years old concept art doesn't tell us much.

I think that concept art was a newer, revised version. We've seen the old one elsewhere. The new one seen in that trip to VALVe was also grouped with a concept of the Hydra and some Combine war-biomechanoid-thingys.
According to a website I haved been on it says the Kingpin was supposed to be one of smart aliens, They said it would be in charge of the more stupidier creatures of Xen.
Aaw man somebody needs to learn how to spell... Or stop acting like he's/she's 12 years old...

It would seem I am the only one who liked the Xen world :( It was a well needed change & nice change of pace. The not-so-colorful environments of Black Mesa wouldn't have been the same without it :)
I quite liked Xen. I can understand that some people weren't too happy with the jumping puzzles, but I think they were fairly well done...
Yeah I miss supertrooper :[. Even though it was Yatta (right? I think) it was still great because he was so .. friendly. lol.
romeo0201 said:
According to a website I haved been on it says the Kingpin was supposed to be one of smart aliens, They said it would be in charge of the more stupidier creatures of Xen.

Ok Ok. I know she isn't from around here.. but someting always strikes me as funny when people say more stupidier. Anyone else see the irony in that statement??

Rupertvdb said:
before my time...:(

You missed an errr... interesting time then