Is the PS3 worth it?


Sucked so much dick for this title
Aug 29, 2006
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I, honestly, really want to get a PS3.

I haven't played my Wii in months, and the only game I happen to like on it is Brawl, which all of my friends have anyway. I was going to try and sell it and get the rest of the monies, if anything. I've really wanted to try out MGS4, Killzone, and some other games, and particularly the built-in wifi is appealing(I can't play on XBL because I'd have to by an adapter which are shit expensive.).

As well, I'm really hyped for Heavy Rain, and obviously I'm sure some other good games(inFamous) and the like are bound to come out soon.

What does /v...

What does think?
I'm not really for upgrading my PC at the moment.
Because if I did, I'd have to get a new motherboard and everything.
And it's a hassle.
PS3's a pretty good system. In truth there's a lot of worthwhile exclusives coming out, and it has a pretty nice selection of games.

Don't ever ask me to say that again because I'll deny it.
I respect your opinion, Darkside.
Also screencapped.


Wow, the quality went to the shitter.
gg, photobucket
Its worth it because after having mine fixed and away from me for almost a week I'm going nuts!!
If you do not have a 360+360 games, and watch a lot of movies, then I'd recommend getting a PS3, it has some good exclusives(depends a lot on persons taste), and it's a great DVD and Blu-Ray player.

I would buy a PS3 myself if it weren't for the fact I have a 360(Since 2005), with over 40 retail(legal) games on it.

In other words, if you feel you can afford a PS3, then I'd say buy it.
I'd say it depends on a few things

1. Do you have an HDTV and a decent sound system?

2. Are their several games (and games to come) that you're interested in?

3. Is backwards compatibility a big issue for you? (it's what's holding me off, for now)

I'd say PS3 is becoming increasingly a more intriguing system purchase if you possess an awesome enough HDTV and desire to play Blu-Rays. Hell, I'm tempted to snatch up the cheapest model just for the Blu-Ray player and MGS4/Drake/Resistance. I'm reluctant and a bit turned off because of the fact that Sony seems to have lost a lot of third party support in this generation of consoles. The exclusives are just nowhere near as temping as the PS2 era. I'll cave soon enough, though.
I've been thinking of getting a bluray player for sometime. Few weeks ago my girlfriend said she wanted to play singstar so I decided I'd order a PS3. Just need to wait till e3 so I'll know if the slim-model is really coming. The prices have really come down for like 450e I'll get ps3 and six games.
I'd say it depends on a few things

1. Do you have an HDTV and a decent sound system?

2. Are their several games (and games to come) that you're interested in?

3. Is backwards compatibility a big issue for you? (it's what's holding me off, for now)

I'd say PS3 is becoming increasingly a more intriguing system purchase if you possess an awesome enough HDTV and desire to play Blu-Rays. Hell, I'm tempted to snatch up the cheapest model just for the Blu-Ray player and MGS4/Drake/Resistance. I'm reluctant and a bit turned off because of the fact that Sony seems to have lost a lot of third party support in this generation of consoles. The exclusives are just nowhere near as temping as the PS2 era. I'll cave soon enough, though.
Regarding 1. To be honest, most decent HDTVs these days come with decent builtin stereo speakers. I use those when I have friends over etc, otherwise I simply use my surround headset(proper one, not one of those phony stereo headsets with "Surround emulation".)
I wholeheartedly recommend the PS3 above the other systems :)
I hardly play mine. Actually no, I regret buying it. Don't let that put you off thou, it's a great system, I just hate hate hate the controller. PC FTW.
If you're going to play shooters on it, consider upgrading your PC.

I've also had a Wii, but I found the games very disappointing(and I started playing shooters) so I sold it and bought a 360. That was a horrible decision, because it hasn't ever worked longer than 3 months before a new hardware failure came(so far: RROD, scratching DVD's, DVD-drive giving huge amounts of read errors, DVD-drive not opening, and currently a unfixable E73 error)

So, if you want a console you should get a PS3(also considering the 360 is from 2005 and will likely be replaced within 1-2 years) but you should really consider how important good controls are for you.

It's a shame the current consoles don't include keyboard/mouse support which could be easily done with modern technology, otherwise a PS3 would be perfect for me.
I love my PS3.

Games wise it hasn't been great so far. Not bad, some nice exclusives, but not great. It's much better value if you don't have a 360 or high end PC as you get the multiplatform games too. There are some awesome looking exclusives on the way, though - Trico, GoW3 etc - and once you go Blu there's no going back to dvd if you have a big screen.

The PS3 is just getting into its stride and now is a great time to purchase. The PSN may not be as good as Live, but it's free, and the gui craps on the monstrosity that is the new 360 interface. As a pure gaming console I rate the 360 higher - especially if you value online play - but am not sure how long it'll have the edge.

Go buy :)
I only play mine with my mates on the weekend, so I could do without it. I think PSN is shit though, so whenever I want to pick up a good MP game I'll usually get it on my 360 over the PS3.
TLDR: The 360 is for hardcore gamers, its better online.
The PS3 is for more casual gamers, but has more variety in its usage. Better interface too. PSN is TERRIBLE. Online IS free though, but you get what you pay for, but playing online doesnt exactly suck as a result. Just expect more disconnects.

I had my 360 for 3 years and loved it.

The 360 is MUCH better online as, well, you get what you pay for. The store/marketplace is also layed out SO MUCH better than the Playstation store. I mean, the PSN doesnt even have sections for demos. Its such a hastle trying to find something for a game, even trailers.

I think the controller for the 360 is also more comfortable.

However, the PS3 cant be beaten for the sheer diversity of its function. Its more of a PC than the 360.

And I think the games are better on the PS3. MGS, Killzone, Infamous, Gran Turismo; all the PS3 exclusive games are better in my opinion, unless youre a Gears fanboy.

Blu-Ray makes a big difference too.

They seem to have payed more attention too at Sony, little things like a USB cable for your PS3 controller so that you can charge it while playing and chose to not use it at all if you want to go wireless.

Didnt come with an HD cable, which was a bit of a bitch. Spent all that money then go out and spend MORE simply because...I dunno why they didnt add in an HD cable. Communists.

I think the PS3 looks better than the 360 (outside casing), OMG its so much quieter than the 360, but graphically its arguably inferior to the 360 for some games (fallout 3 prime example).

I had more fun on the 360, but the PS3 is still loads of fun too. Its only just breaking into its stride in terms of what the hardware can do, so developers are slowly making games to beat the 360's lineup. The PS3 just needs time to catch up on the 360's career.

Its a good investment, and the cheapest Blu-Ray player. Kinda wasteful if you dont have an HD TV, but everyone has one of those these days..I think.

Either way you look at it, theres always going to be a game that only comes out on the 360 and you go 'Oh I wish I had a 360 now instead of a PS3', but I think there are more games for the PS3 that are exclusive to the PS3 that has 360 owners thinking the same thing about the PS3.

Just get the PS3. Go on. Join the dark side.
The 360 is MUCH better online as, well, you get what you pay for. The store/marketplace is also layed out SO MUCH better than the Playstation store. I mean, the PSN doesnt even have sections for demos. Its such a hastle trying to find something for a game, even trailers.

I found it the most horrible store I've ever seen. It's very hard to see where you are, and a lot of parts are broken. In the new Xbox Experience crap, you for example can't access the 'pending downloads'(or whatever it's called) screen without starting a new download. So if you want to see how far your downloads are, you'll have to start downloading something new to get the pending downloads screen.

The 360 is for hardcore gamers, its better online.
The PS3 is for more casual gamers

casual gamers don't play very often(the kind of players who get the new NFS/Fifa every year). They often want something cheap, so they pick up a 360 for just $180.
Also the 360's lifespan doesn't fit very well to people who play very often XD
TLDR: The 360 is for hardcore gamers, its better online.
The PS3 is for more casual gamers, but has more variety in its usage. Better interface too. PSN is TERRIBLE. Online IS free though, but you get what you pay for.

Please explain exactly how the Xbox 360 = hardcore and PS3 = casual. I could argue the same thing based on the amount of games on the PS3 that I prefer over Xbox 360 games.

The 360 is MUCH better online as, well, you get what you pay for. The store/marketplace is also layed out SO MUCH better than the Playstation store. I mean, the PSN doesnt even have sections for demos. Its such a hastle trying to find something for a game, even trailers.

What aspect of the live is MUCH better than PSN? I've never had any lag in any of the games I've played online, so that can't be it. And no section for demos and trailers? On the main PSN page there's a button labelled "Demos" and another one called "Media". See for yourself:


I think the controller for the 360 is also more comfortable.

And that's a matter of preference. I've been comfortable with the dualshocks since their original release on the PS1, and the PS3's controller is almost exactly the same.

Ace, my advice for you is to wait until E3 and see what the future has in store.
Okay your PSN home page is COMPLETELY different to mine. [edit] Just realised youre using a US account, which ive yet to create. Apparently they differ in layout.

I dont have that section on the right, just a big sections showing the Infamous Demo

And my list consists of:

Search All Games by A-Z
PS3 Games
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How the...and im up-to-date as far as im aware. You using a different version or something?

What I meany by the 360 being hardcore, is because its PRETTY MUCH aimed at being JUST a gaming platform. You startup, maybe browse online on the store, then play.

The PS3 can add pictures, videos, browse the net using an actual browser, has a store too, and its easier to browse around and find your settings and such (The main UI).

And yeah I guess the controller is down to personal preference.

In the new Xbox Experience crap, you for example can't access the 'pending downloads'(or whatever it's called) screen without starting a new download. So if you want to see how far your downloads are, you'll have to start downloading something new to get the pending downloads screen.

I dont remember having to do that with the new experience download. Im pretty sure you could view it if you pressed the xbox button on the controller and flicked onto the..errr cant remember what menu.
In the new Xbox Experience crap, you for example can't access the 'pending downloads'(or whatever it's called) screen without starting a new download. So if you want to see how far your downloads are, you'll have to start downloading something new to get the pending downloads screen. button, flip over to "marketplace" tab, active downloads. there.
Yeah, the PS3 is more of a Home Entertainment Machine, rather than being focused on being a console, hence the higher pricetag too.
The NXE is fine, you can do everything you want right through the little guide button menu.
Okay your PSN home page is COMPLETELY different to mine.

I dont have that section on the right, just a big sections showing the Infamous Demo

And my list consists of:

Search All Games by A-Z
PS3 Games
Game Add-Ons
PSP Games
Other Media
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How the...and im up-to-date as far as im aware. You using a different version or something?

I just logged onto my European account to check, and it looks the store is set-up completely different for some reason. I guess you'd have to make a US account to see the menu I linked.
Yeah it seems so, going to create a US account now I think. See for myself.

If its true then the European PSN needs a serious rethink to its layout. Its a nightmare to find anything specific.
I've got to say I hate the NXE I much prefer the old blades system. It's so ****ing annoying to find anything on NXE and its too ad centric.

Although I will say the UK PSN store is incredibly crap in comparison to the other PS stores (we still don't have PS store cards in shops like microsoft points cards)
Okay, the US PSN layout is much more manageable.
I don't play my PS3 as much as I'd like..but that's just because I usually play it alone and that gets boring fast. I don't regret my purchase at all, though. button, flip over to "marketplace" tab, active downloads. there.

I didn't have it. I walked through all the menus a lot of times but I couldn't find it.
Probably it was because I used the Dutch language or they have fixed it in newer versions(I disconnected the LAN cable a few days after the big update)
its value keeps on going up since better games are coming out now, and then you have the blu ray player which is a big selling point.
Every console is a fine choice, but I wouldn't get both a 360 and a PS3. I also particularly wouldn't rush out and buy a PS3 if nothing has grabbed you instantly, since a price cut is inevitable before the year is out, and those extra months of experimental 'this looks ok I suppose' gaming you get aren't worth the money you'll pay for them.

My (considerably richer than me) housemate has had one for a while, and if I had his collection I honestly wouldn't be satisfied with the console. But then, he fills in the void left by a PC or 360 (he has so many shooters, but none of the platform's exclusives) and managed to pick up a lot of excessively lame first wave titles. Little Big Planet is a lot of fun and Valkyria Chronicles looks neat (but generally RPGs seem to have evaporated from the console. He has loads for PS1/2), but I think that's the limit to early, worthwhile ownership really...

Mind you, the house at large has enjoyed a lot of Pixeljunk: Monsters and Singstar PS3, and it's also a great media centre. Basically, it's great if you need it for the media or to entertain guests (the two groups overlap of course, when you want to watch Blu-Ray Sleeping Beauty. Yes, this is a universally applicable event), but it's not really a must buy if all you ever want it for are the games.
So you guys know, if you didn't already, I've got a 360.
I only pop in Fallout 3 every so often to wander about.
Blu-Ray is mostly pointless to me because the movies are so damn expensive, and I pira-
I mean, movies anyway. I'm not a huge shooter guy, and my PC is good enough to play the games I want it to(CoD4, CS:S, ArmA, L4D, TF2.).
In particular, MGS4, Killzone 2, Valkyria Chronicles, and some others interest me on the PS3. PSN also looks pretty interesting, and I'd look into that. I'm not a big JRPG fan(the last one I enjoyed was Chrono Trigger.) and thus the 360 is better for whatever western RPGs come out(lol, when the hell does Mass Effect 2 come out, damnit?).

And I think a page back you people were arguing about how you can't see the Downloads tab in the NXE? Yeah, you can. Try harder.
The 360 is the best blah blah bla-who gives a crap! They're both great machines, it just matters what you want from your system. If there are games on one that interest you more than the games on the other, then go for it.
Traded in my 360 for a PS3.

****ing sick of gay-lo. Didn't play it enough. Not to mention, there's not a whole lot else going for it.

PS3 has pretty good games, its just a different selection and is based on personal taste. I, for one, enjoy having a blu-ray player at my fingertips.

All I bought it for is the SOCOM franchise really. That and a blu-ray player. But, I'll eventually dig into other games, which don't look bad in the least. I own Killzone2 and find it to be a very decent FPS at least, and I look forward to playing a lot of other exclusives already out (and to come).

In all, PS3 is just as good of a system as 360. The game selection is just different and it isn't bad.

I in no way regret my purchase/trade.

At the moment blu-ray drives are more hassle than they're worth. Incompatibilities, slow loading movies, movies that don't load fullstop, having to mess around with firmware/drivers. Things are getting better, but I wouldn't pick one as my main blu-ray player yet.
I'd wait until it is $30. But, I'm rather patient when it comes to shopping.