Is the PS3 worth it?

I HATE my PS3.

Small range of good games. Most are only in 720p, which doesn't even look good.

Bluray is way overpriced, never even bought a single movie, not when they are £16++.

The voicecoms is HORRIFIC and ol' Sony makes it so you have to fork out for their Official headset if you want good quality - what a joke.

One of the worst purchases I've ever made.
Most are only in 720p, which doesn't even look good.
This is what I've seen also, and has also partially held me off from buying a PS3, IMO the PS3 upscales games worse than the 360, so when playing 720p games on a 1080p HDTV(Where the PS3 upscales to 1080p), it IMO looks worse than when the 360 upscales a 720p game to 1080p.

Which is kinda ironic, because when it comes to watching DVDs etc, it's the other way around, with the PS3 upscaling the videos far better than the 360.
Odd, i've found the opposite. PS3 games looking sharper and more detailed when upscaled to 1080p.
GTAIV was pretty bad in 720p, it really needed some AntiAliasing (and none of that DoF blur stuff). Even upscaled to 1080p it just didn't look "next gen".

I bought it again on the PC, and the difference is jaw dropping, can't believe that a system so hyped up on power, is actually lacking behind.

I mean 1080p isn't a very high resolution compared to PCs standards, we aren't asking for much.
I play my PS2 more than my PS3 still. Mainly cause Sony got retarded and took away the backward compatibility.

I do like Warhawk, MGS4, and LBP a lot, though.