Is there an easier way to browse textures?



I mean it's so choppy in Hammer to scroll through all the textures and it has to load them. Is there an easier way?
Well if you know what you're looking for, you can type in a keyword into the box (brick, road, ground, grass etc etc).
Oh ok, thanks I forgot about that, but I was more leaning towards an easier way to actually look at all of them at once (scrolling through them or whatever), but I suppose outside of the editor. If anyone knows of a way to do something like that, could you help me out? I could open the gcf, but then I'd bet that it would be pretty hard even from there to view them all at my liesure. Or is there maybe another way within the editor to view them more effeciently?

Thanks in advance to whoever answers =]
You can change the size in the bottom-left corner so you can view more textures at the same time.
You can also filter by size I think. If you know what approx. size you want it might help narrow it down.

Texturing always seemed tedious to me too.