Is there something between Alyx and Gordon?



Was there something going on between godon and Alyx?
Like when you get to black mesa east Eli and Alex are talking when they are finished Eli says someting about gordon not beiing able to handle Alyx and then he winks at you
I am i just imagineing it or what?
There is suposed to be something, at least with alyx with gordon (gordon says nothing so how can you tell) .......alyx flirts a little in the elavator just before the end.
I belive so,if you would read the book that came with HL2,on page 20 and 21,look at the little chart titled "Key",under 19 you can find these words:"Friend and Romantic crush on".
By the way,Alyx dooesen't only flirt with him in the elevator,but anytime when those two are not in danger and alone.
Also, at the very end of Entanglement(just finished going through that place again), when she sends you out of Kleiner's lab, she looks like she's about to say something important, but then just says "take care of yourself Gordon."
Its obvius there is something between them..
Valve gave us so much clues :)
alyx likes gordon and if you liked her gordon likes her too
nope, people read into it too much. Just because there is a girl in HL2 does not mean there's got to be romance.
Apocalypse89 said:
Also, at the very end of Entanglement(just finished going through that place again), when she sends you out of Kleiner's lab, she looks like she's about to say something important, but then just says "take care of yourself Gordon."

I don't even know the bitch and she wants to **** me!
Of course she wants Gordon. Gordon's the man. What bitch in that crazy world wouldn't want the most powerful man?
Harryz said:
I don't even know the bitch and she wants to **** me!
Everyone wants to **** everyone else. The Combine baned reproducing.
short recoil said:
.......alyx flirts a little in the elavator just before the end.

A little!?! hehe
I would call the "Its great to finally meet you" with the breathy voice at the very beginning "a little flirt"
Basically everything she says to/about gordon is a flirty remark

EDIT: And could people calm down a little with the whole.. using "bitch" as a synonym for "female"
Alyx can't have him! He's MINE! ALL MINE! j/k :p

Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that there's something going's typical for the main female character to have something for the main male protagonist. Whether it's for the benefit of the player (dur hur hur, girl pretty), or to further round out the characters, or both is arguable.
Alyx totally likes Gordon. way to obvious. In HL3 if Alyx comes back and theres a romantic scene, then you should get a choice. Choose to love Alyx or don't. It should result in a differnent ending or something. that would be surprising.
its kinda obvious that she wants him but how do we know that she will be in hl3, she might not have even survived the explosion at the end.
I think she'll live. I doubt Gordon would have gotten as far as he did without her. Think back to the prison, and then the citadel itself. I think she's made quite an impression on G-man like Gordon did in HL1, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
She probably survived... I understand theres some thread somewhere talking about how GMan picks something off of alyx at the very end [saying she's actually there]
i never thought about that idea that gman picks something off her, implying she is there. thats quite a good idea... but i sure would miss all the other characters (dog and barney have a special place in my heart)
Remember at the end, when Gman said he "recieved some interesting offers for your services"? I think in HL3 when Gordon wakes up he'll have been sold off to another Gman type of person. I have reason to believe this because I remember seeing him at the *very* end, adjusting his tie like he was getting ready to do something important. I'm guessing Alyx has survived, & Gman will take her under his wing.

And no, there is no love between Alyx & Gordon, it is a mere friendship.
My version of hl2 didnt come with a book it only came with i little pamphlet talking about Coounter Strike:source
I m glad that im not the only one that saw it
Defpotec22 said:
i never thought about that idea that gman picks something off her, implying she is there. thats quite a good idea... but i sure would miss all the other characters (dog and barney have a special place in my heart)

I'm sure Barney got away from it all just fine. You can't kill Barney he's like one of my favorite characters lol.

As for there being something between Alyx and Gordon it's hard to say. Alyx at the end of the game when you're about to go down the elivator after Breen she shows some feeling towards him. As for Gordon, who knows he never says anything lol.
She's just manipulating Gordon until they get the impotence field down, then she'll make her move, G-Man saw it coming though the crusty old gimp.

I wouldn't worry too much about the citizens below, since the impotence field went down they'll all be 'inside'.
Wilsonator said:
She's just manipulating Gordon until they get the impotence field down, then she'll make her move, G-Man saw it coming though the crusty old gimp.

I wouldn't worry too much about the citizens below, since the impotence field went down they'll all be 'inside'.


That is all.
maybe there was some hero-worshipping on Alyx's part too

"oh man... the REAL Gordon Freeman...."

You know, like Mossman (only SHE had the hots for Eli)
He is married with a 20-25 year old daughter though... bad thoughts...
probably why Alyx hates Mossman so much. She doesn't want Mossman for a mom...
It's obvious the G-Man is jealous of Alyx, he wants Gordon all for himself!!
I think Alyx is to important to be killed off. G-man probably took her home.
How old is Gordon though? Not his real age, but the age everyone thinks he is?

There's a huge age gap, and either Alyx likes older men, or she knows he hasn't grown older.
I think he was 26 in BM and it's roughly 10 years later so, 33 I think. Yes I did fail my maths, whats you point?
At the beginning of HL1, Gordon's age is listed as 24 or so. Seeing how Alyx is at least 18, he isn't much physically older.
lol...... I hope Alyx dies and never gets to see Gordon again... either that or Gman messes with her and.... she falls for him instead.
gordon was in stasis so he's still only 26

and alyx's mom's dead
well, "hasn't changed an iota", actually.

It makes sense that Gordon hasn't aged at all since Black Mesa since it's obvious his "employer" has some control over time itself.