Is there such thing as a physprop shield hack?

Oct 27, 2004
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So I was playing on my favorite server as usual and I ran into this guy. Lucky for me, his back was turned :devil:. Or unlucky me as it turned out. Seizing opportunity I ripped a radiator off a wall and sent it flying at him. It didn't stop him so I guessed he was packing some armor. So I grabbed the next nearest object to me which was an explosive barrel and sent it soaring. It hit him square in the waist but it didn't explode. I looked to the bottom right hand corner and saw that my choke was at zero, my fps at the sixties and my ping was under 30. Guess it was just dumb luck for him and bad luck for me. So now he turned around finally and aimed his magnum right towards me and 3 shots later I was a ragdoll.

But then it got weirder. I picked up a crossbow which I used to pick off over a dozen people when he suddenly ran onto my sights. Zip went the rebar as I pulled the trigger it was going...going direct hit! But it just richoceted off of him and he was pushed forward. I fired again and again and landed one right onto his head but again my bolt bounced right off. Another shot hit his legs but I once again got the same result until he moved out of my range.

"Bullshit" I typed in. "I hit you three times with the xbow and you didn't die!"

He replied with "you're seeing things. you just suck thats all"

Then I saw it wasn't just me, the others chucked radiators at him with no avail. I saw another hit him with an explosive barrel and have it not explode. Soon other people started complaining accusing him of cheats too but he claimed he just had a lot of armor and that they were lagging. Then the claims started getting wilder as people said they hit him with a watermelon and sawblade which should have been an instant kill no matter what but he was unphased. This went on and because there was no admin on there was just a lot of bitching and much more excuses.

"there is no cheat like this. there is no shield cheat, you're all just paranoid!"

"stfu the server is VAC secured"

"how things land look different to every player. it's handled client side!"

Those were some of his arguments. Throughout the course of his stay he was not plumbed once. It seemed only bullets and explosives could kill him. Eventually he left. And so did I with questions.

Were we just seeing things or was this truly a hacker? Does a force field cheat exist out there and have any of you others seen it in action?
Very interesting. You should have got a demo and his Steam ID. Sounds like a cheat, I mean you have some pretty concrete eveidence... What else could it be? I know my Half-Life 2: Deathmatch back to front, and those things don't typically happen :|
- Gordon
Name was Wavy Gravy and I don't know how to work demos.

If only the friends list worked I would've tracked him down and tried to see it in action again.

Usually we see the same speedhacking and aimbots but this guy has something that affected the very heart of the engine=the physics.
I had exactly the same experience in a public vac secured server a few days ago, whatever i threw with a grav gun just bounced off the guy, it was only firearms that would do any damage. maybe there is a new hack doing the rounds. In another forum i read that there is a new hack that passes vac security and allows you to see through walls.
unfortunately, vac (or any other security system) isnt watertight...

it can't be achieved... once the system has been implemented and people have seen it in action, its inevitable that someone will work out what its doing and find a way around it...
Sounds like a pretty 1337 hack, lol :p So the person is like a wall, just bounces off, correct? Any bloody decals or what?
To make a demo, boot up the console and type "Record Physhacker".
Then type stop once you have enought evidence. To view the demo type in the console "Playdemo Physhacker".
- Gordon
I see this as 'A Major Bad Thing'. I've not seen any cheaters in DM before except for those spawning skulls and vortex things. I do accept that there were wallhackers/aimbotters etc. but to have VAC2 evaded already? It worries me.
I've had this bug more than once.

My clanmate couldn't kill me with phys props(objects). He chucked radiators, etc at me with every single thing just "passing" through me!

Strangest thing ever. Anything passes through me. Only explosives would kill me(and bullets etc) but it was... cool. I could see the interiors of the radiators and tables as they ran through my head and waist, etc. Crossbows didn't kill me either.

Good for me, but it only happens until I die then I can't reproduce it again. Not sure what I do.

- [VDuS] A Seagull
Polar_Bear said:
My clanmate couldn't kill me with phys props(objects). He chucked radiators, etc at me with every single thing just "passing" through me!

Strangest thing ever. Anything passes through me. Only explosives would kill me(and bullets etc) but it was... cool. I could see the interiors of the radiators and tables as they ran through my head and waist, etc. Crossbows didn't kill me either.
- [VDuS] A Seagull
That's a different problem : The server goes haywire and the physics engine blows up :p
Used to happen on dm_steamlab ALL the time, although now it's become quite rare. It can only be repaired by resetting the server.
BTW there were no bloody decals. What Polar _Bear described was interesting too.
Beerdude26 said:
That's a different problem : The server goes haywire and the physics engine blows up :p
Used to happen on dm_steamlab ALL the time, although now it's become quite rare. It can only be repaired by resetting the server.

Nah, I know what that is. It would only happen to me, nothing was bouncy at all or anything.

That sort've thing happens in sourceforts a lot. But this is different. Kind've like a hitbox problem. Nothing would affect me past the waist. He hit my leg and it hurt. (Only for 10 damage though, because it was going extremely slow.)
Pesmerga said:
Yes me and foxtrot use it to own in bf2
What is that in context to? This is a HL2 forum, not BF2 forum... :S
- Gordon
Polar_Bear said:
Nah, I know what that is. It would only happen to me, nothing was bouncy at all or anything.

That sort've thing happens in sourceforts a lot. But this is different. Kind've like a hitbox problem. Nothing would affect me past the waist. He hit my leg and it hurt. (Only for 10 damage though, because it was going extremely slow.)

maps dm_steamlab / dm_underpass can blow the physic engine in a server...window server's had this problem but i think has be fixed as with dm_underpass

would start with things like objects losing their damage....then nades falls through floors.....then items....weapons fall through floor....then objects start bouncing in and out the floor.....A server phsyic meltdown..this all takes place over about 30 minutes..b4 on the window server it would take an hour.........sounds like you where playing a windows server on dm_overwatch and the phsyic meltdown started....would be just the 1st line during the entire map only way to kill ppl is with bullets at that point

Polar_Bear said:
Nah, I know what that is. It would only happen to me, nothing was bouncy at all or anything.

That sort've thing happens in sourceforts a lot. But this is different. Kind've like a hitbox problem. Nothing would affect me past the waist. He hit my leg and it hurt. (Only for 10 damage though, because it was going extremely slow.)
If it were a bug, he was the only one it was affecting which was weird. The server ran smooth, never crashed for over an hour and nothing ever passed through him. Items just bounced/ricocheted off.

For a lot of people (especially the admins) act as if VAC was flawless. Did Valve ever make such a statement? I remember when Diablo 2 came out Blizzard bragged about their new anti-hack system had a totally new encryption and how it was pratically foolproof. About a month after release you had people PKing inside towns and carrying 20 mercs for themselves.

And remember the guy a month or two back that posted screens of hacks he used which bypassed VAC right here on this forum?
I am scared.

Physics is the heart of DM, and a phys_shield would completely screw the game over.
1. VAC ISN'T a cheat protection. It doesn't prevent someone with cheats to enter and play on VAC secure server (unlike cheating death or punkbuster). It does record cheats and ban the accounts afterwards, which is the beauty of it. Cheaters can never be sure if a cheat is VAC secure, as Valve might decide to hold of banning for a while.

2. It's true that a cheat that would do what you described is highly unlikely, since damge etc. really isn't handled client side. I have never seen any cheats like that for any other of the games I've played.

That doesn't mean that he wasn't cheating for sure, just somewhat unlikely. It could have been a bug, or the server had sv_cheats enabled and that guy was the only one that figured that out.

demo would have been nice. next time just enter "record DEMONAME" in the console to record a demo.
Jintor said:
I am scared.

Physics is the heart of DM, and a phys_shield would completely screw the game over.
I agree, I would die without my grav gun.
- Gordon
odd ..... right after i posted that i went to my pub and it was in the begining stages of that....I ran around with the stunstick and went 20-0 they tried throwing stuff at me which just bounced off and didn't hurt before the very confussed ppl left then i restarted the server.....if it's not that .....then it's gotta be sv_cheats on...but u said u killed him with bullets?........VAC can see all hacks except for one aimbot right now i think....but he could be using something old he will get caught for down the road......or could be simpler.....was he jumpin around a lot? u can take much less damage doing this.....could take two arm shots with a ratatior....while in the air your hit-boxes are still a little funky.....Must have had sv_cheats on and he was the only one to find out...or it was his server...but did u kill him at all?
ninojman said:
Must have had sv_cheats on and he was the only one to find out...or it was his server...but did u kill him at all?
But he could die from bullets. Buddha give you unlimited health when at 1hp. So you cannot die from bullets, in which this case he did.
- Gordon
He wasn't jumping. In fact he was moving very slowly while running into corners and stuff, which added to my frustration that he was so hard to kill.
I've believe I've figured out the bug...going to report it later. (Doesn't look like the one you're explaining, where it just "bounces" off him, this one actually passes through him.)

There are quite a few similarities between a few incidents of me playing (and getting the hitbox problem) so I tried it out and it worked on a clanmate. EXTREMELY hard to do.
Polar_Bear said:
I've believe I've figured out the bug...going to report it later. (Doesn't look like the one you're explaining, where it just "bounces" off him, this one actually passes through him.)

There are quite a few similarities between a few incidents of me playing (and getting the hitbox problem) so I tried it out and it worked on a clanmate. EXTREMELY hard to do.

I've had objects pass through me myself but it was only temporary whereas this guy who ahd props bounce off him was happening the entire time he was playing.


Might've been a hack DoctorWeeTodd, but I don't know..x-bow shots affect me when I do this. Sounds like a different exploit or whatever all-together.
The latest steam update has really affected my gameplay - i have been getting major lag on some servers,temporary loss of connection (very irritating)and my mouse has gone ultra sensitive, one small movement and the crosshairs are all over the place.
e.g On the UKPOO public server, i can see other people stuck in mid jump or just frozen to the spot (easy kill but a lame one) so they must be gettng it as well.

On the plus side my (?) ping has gone down to 19, the game does feel smoother but i wish the darn mouse wouldn't be so sensitive (i have adjusted it in options, now i have to get used to it again, im playing like a noob)