Is this Alyx's father?

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Sorry, it didnt look like a beta pic to me. Took it down anyway.
Well, thanks for having the sense to take the picture down Dirtmunky, some people just try to justify it and then get in trouble by the MODs.

Hint to everyone else: if you post beta stuff and you didnt know it was, and you "find out" take it down, there is no sense in getting people all worked up.
Originally Posted by fishymumma
wow thanx for sodding up my game :/ i didnt know he had a <horribly game ruining fact>... ffs

lol... sorry, but the instant I read a "spoiler" complaint along the lines of "Damn you! Why do you want people to know that <generic object> is <something>?!" I just think of hundreds of others reading that and then complaining themselves that such and such revealed a spoiler in their comment and then complaining that the guy afterward revealed a spoiler in their comment and then...


A good point about where he is, really! I mean, does Valve plan to say that Eli was a particular Luthor and that HL2's Barney was a particular security guard? Or maybe we'd hear that practically every Luthor was Eli, moving around and doing his secretive thing before whatever-it-was-that-happened happened to him.
If flashback scenes are a reality (according to Gabe comments) it'd be great to reappear in Black Mesa alongside Kliener (ppft, always saw him as Walter Bennett meself) and co. ...hell, I'd pay money for Half-Life Remastered, as in the game we know and love appearing on the Source engine, without or without new or remodelled content...
Hear is a new pitchar of teh combine omg!!!!!1
Ashton this is the last time your going to be told. Break the rules again and your banned. I hope its clear enough this time. We do NOT allow images from the stolen files here. Thank you.
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