Is this Illegal? Printable Version of 1984


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
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Okay, your probably wondering why I put the 1984 thread in the HL2 discussion, but it might give an indication as to where the story of HL2 might lead to.

Such as the title suggests, I found this website where it is possible to make printoffs for free
Orwell is dead so he wont care. Its his book so no one else should be making a profit on it. Print away!
I've only read the first chapter and its brilliantly written. I want to make a story as original as this one.
If you like 1984 then read Orwells other book Animal Farm. Other books in the same vain as 1984 are Brave New World by Aldous Huxely and Fahrenhiet 451 by Ray Bradbury (451 isn't very good).
Don't be so goddamn cheap. Buy the book, it's fantastic. Don't read it on a website. Christ.
Don't be so naive. Some things are quite legal to put on websites and there's no reason to support some random publisher who is making money off of public domain works.
Personally, I liked farenheit 451 considerably.
1984 is good book, but isn't as good as Animal farm, which is more frightening because it shows a fall into oppression, rather than an oppressive state that comes out of nowhere and just is.

I liked Brave New World more than 1984 also. There's more to grapple with and think on rather than "this is an oppressive govt, be paranoid, etc etc." It poses moral questions that arn't so clear cut.

For the same reason, I would suggest Clockwork Orange by Antony Burgess , which is well worth a read.
Is farenheit 451 bad or good, because i have to read it for school this summer.
Removed the link. Unless its copyright has expired and its now public domain. You can't link to things like that.

If it is public domain then PM a member of staff with proof and they'll put the link back for you.
Huxley's "Brave New World" is good too, and protrays a world controlled by pleasure, not pain. More plausable imo (and therefore more chilling). Dunno if 1984 is public domain. It should be, and if it's not then it's probably owned by his great grandson or something. But I'll be damned if some publishing company holds the rights to it. As far as I know there aren't any 'versions' of it, like there are with translations such as Crime and Punishment etc etc. I believe companies and authors can copyright translations and versions.... oh hell I don't know at all.
farenheit 451 is a good book, and im going to be buying 1984 soon.
well it doesn't matter if its good or not if you HAVE to read it for sschool next year , lol.

I liked it. I like the concept.
Farenheit 451, ugh. i had to read that in english class a few years back for high school, and of course the teacher ruined it by tacking on about 100 questions (no joke) on the whole book. Any time a report or questions are part of a book reading assignment, the book is ruined for me.

But yeah that was a great book. maybe the combine are like the firemen, doing there job unquestioningly because of brainwashing. i dunno, this IS the HL2 forum, after all, just trying to relate the book to the game.
I would have to agree on the idea that forced study of a good book (reading schedule for instance) can make a book less pleasant to read, and harder to enjoy, though it can give better insight when discussed.

The combine are like firemen, cept instead of just books, they get rid of people too :D!
Read Lord of the Flies as well. Another excellent book about the human psyche.
1984 was published first in 1949.
US Public domain:
The book wont be public domain untill 2016.
(google "Mickey Mouse Law" if you really care about this stuff)

In Canada it is legal because thier law is "life +50 years" and Orwell did in '49.
I studied animal farm for my GCSE's (exams for 16's) I quite liked it but it suffers because it is written like a childs book. makes it easier to understand but less potent somehow.

but what the hell do I care.. I still got an A* :cheers: lol
I had the link from the Wikipedia, so I suppose it's all legal.
public domain laws are national, so 1984 may be public domain in whatever country you're in, check your laws. as someone linked, it's not PD in the US yet. what country are you in evader?

i wonder if it's legal to read a non PD work on a website hosted in a country where the work is PD.. hmm..
Colonel Sanders said:
If you like 1984 then read Orwells other book Animal Farm. Other books in the same vain as 1984 are Brave New World by Aldous Huxely and Fahrenhiet 451 by Ray Bradbury (451 isn't very good).

I thought 451 was quite good; although it was probably a better read back during the communist witch hunt of the 50's. It's funny because censorship is just a big an issue as it was back then (50 years later and we still cant show a nipple on tv...I blame the religious nuts)

if you liked 1984 you'll like Kurt Vonneghut's Player Piano
Read Animal Farm for class, wrote a bunch of essays on it too, I loved it :)

Will check out 1984 once I've finished with my current "read".