Is this possible with 3DSM6?


Aug 3, 2004
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If you haven't already check this video out.
This shows how XSI can turn a many polygon wall into a one polygon texture and keep the same lighting effect. I was just wondering if that is possible with 3DSM6. I'm new to 3ds and just came from using milkshape3d. If someone could write a tutorial, if it is possible with 3ds, then that would be awesome. Thanx in Advance. :D
It is possible. This is what is called a normal map. Basically what happens is you have a high detail model, then build a low detail model around it. You uv-unwrap the low detail model and use a program (think max has a plugin for it) that creates what is called a normal map. Basically it takes the lighting information from the high detail and assigns it to the low detail. So on the low detail what is actually a flat surface (and means all the normals in that area point in one direction) the normal map will alter the directions of the normals there while maintaining the same actual polygon mesh. Sorry I don't know how to do this in max (try googling for "3ds max 6 normal map" or something like that and I'm sure you'll find something). There are some free programs you can also use to do this, one is called 'orb' I think, and ati normal mapper is another.
I use Kaldera plug-in for Max 6. It's the best soft for making normal maps imo. I'll post the normal mapped version of my sword very soon, it's about 80% done. Do you know if HL2 uses specular maps?
They're putting in native support for normal maps in max 7, but i dunno when thats out
It would be sweet if someone made a video tutorial for normal mapping on 3dsm but then again....Ichi's modeling VTM's are down which i still havn't gotten...:( I can't wait to get em.... But at the moment I've printed out tons of tutorials that came with the software and ect. lol.
Ti133700N said:
I use Kaldera plug-in for Max 6. It's the best soft for making normal maps imo. I'll post the normal mapped version of my sword very soon, it's about 80% done. Do you know if HL2 uses specular maps?

Yes, HL2 supports bump maps, spec maps, normal maps, reflec maps, and more.
3dsmax7 has a built in normal mapping tool. It looks so wicked :D.