Is Valve Culpable?



I'd like your opinions. I ask the following questions in the spirit of respectulness toward this forum, as well as to Valve.

Regarding culpability, as you understand the meaning of the word, does Valve share in the responsibility for any aspect of the situation in which it finds its self? If you had to hold someone accountable, would you hold Valve 49% responsible or 51%? Second, if you think Valve is to blame in any way, how forgiving are you? What would it take for you to completely forgive Valve for the current situation, aside from immediate release of the product? Thanks for your replies.
That depends which "situation" we are referring to.
the leak
80% some little dipshit hackers fault for being an impatient twat who cant wait a month for the game to be released

20% valve's fault for not putting their network behind a linux box.

the doser has spoken.
Which situation? And I think the word "responsible" is probably more suitable than culpable.
Who cares? They didn't make the release date, so ****in' what! It happens every day!

Whatever the reasons for the situation as it is now, it's none of our concern.

I'd rather them miss the release date than release a shitty game with infinite amounts of cheats due to the code leak.

I am sick of all this crap. There's no forgiving to be done, because valve have nothing to be sorry for.

(I am not feeling friendly today).
well, they could be responsible in a positive way.

HL1 : Valve takes a good hard look at their game and decides it's just not very good. They delay it two years and put out the best game the world has ever seen.

Maybe they've done something similar (on a smaller scale hopefully) for HL2? Then they would be 100% responsible, but i certainly wouldn't fault them for that decision.
About the delay....well, hard to say since we don't truly know the reasons behind it.

About the so called "leak"....well, I have to compare it to someone parking their car in their garage while leaving the keys in the ignition and forgetting to lock the garage door.

Yes, they were dumb to leave the keys in the car and not lock the door, BUT it still is illegal to open the door and steal the car. It doesn't make it less henious because they made a mistake with the door and keys.

Same goes for Valve in my eyes. Yes they were dumb for not having the security they should have, but it's not their fault that some BROKE in and STOLE their property.

I'm completely on the forgive side, but then what is there to forgive? They made some mistakes, but lets just make sure we realize this is a game...and nothing more. It rules no one's life, and won't solve world hunger. It's a game and not that important all things considered.

When the game comes out, I will buy it, and hopefully, enjoy it.
I'm on the forgive side too, it was an illegal act to break in and steal the code....but, I bet Valve learned a valuable lesson in all of this.

BTW: Even if they used xnix...they would have had the same problem as debian just found little password compromised and all hell breaks loose.
Originally posted by Opinion
I'd like your opinions. I ask the following questions in the spirit of respectulness toward this forum, as well as to Valve.

Regarding culpability, as you understand the meaning of the word, does Valve share in the responsibility for any aspect of the situation in which it finds its self? If you had to hold someone accountable, would you hold Valve 49% responsible or 51%? Second, if you think Valve is to blame in any way, how forgiving are you? What would it take for you to completely forgive Valve for the current situation, aside from immediate release of the product? Thanks for your replies.

Not enough facts available to draw a reasonable conclusion in this case. More pointless speculation here.

P.S. what the heck is a Manhack and when did I become one?
Re: Re: Is Valve Culpable?

Originally posted by Stryyder
Not enough facts available to draw a reasonable conclusion in this case. More pointless speculation here.

P.S. what the heck is a Manhack and when did I become one?

Becoming a manhack is a very special time in any growing boy's life.

On topic though, obviously they are responseable for the delay, the game just couldn't be completed in the aloted time, and they didn't wanna push out a half done build only to patch it later. People act like valve wanting to make a quality product for us is a bad thing. I mean, if it wasn't delayed then yea, we'd have HL2, but it would have bugs and map leaks and be a memmory drain from recursive loops in character AI.

The leak didn't help, but i'm sure the netcode will be modified a few times anyway even when it's out the door, just to keep most hackers from figuring it out.
the delay is probably alot to do with the "leak"

if youve just had your car stolen as one of the above metephors said, get a new car, get a better lock for the garage??? all kinds of stuff

these guys have lost alot of data. they dont want to lose it again and again. I would say the delay is more about making the enviroment safe for them to continue. The game will need patching regardless. They always do. you cant plan for every user in the world.
Originally posted by Spiffae
well, they could be responsible in a positive way.

HL1 : Valve takes a good hard look at their game and decides it's just not very good. They delay it two years and put out the best game the world has ever seen.

Maybe they've done something similar (on a smaller scale hopefully) for HL2? Then they would be 100% responsible, but i certainly wouldn't fault them for that decision.

See the thing is, they aren't going to rework it, hence the money comes into play then, the company would probably go bankrupt if they did that. They don't have a whole lot of money to throw around right now.
really there is nothing to forgive. Valve hasent done anything that needs finger-pointing, and if your talking about the delay, how is it their fault the game needs delaying? not sure if it was offically stated that they delayed because of the hacker (always thought that was somthing somone made up and just stuck) but even in that cause u dont need somone to blame, because ther is no situation.

all we need to know is that valve has HL2, its looking really nice, they delayed for a good reason to make them game better (either fixing code or adding on goodies) and everyone should just lay off them because valve is bringing you somthing that you will be playing for the next few years. i would suggest that everyong does what i am doing, and that is playing other games to keep your mind off HL2. since there is no news for now just pretend HL2 was cancelled and forget about it til it comes out (hey, it worked for me with the starwars movies).

good luck.
Gabe can do no wrong. To prove otherwise would negate existence itself.
I wonder if Gabe can fly too, people seem to think he's making HL2 on his own.
Originally posted by phantomdesign
....pointless speculation....
what else do you recommend we do? theres nothing else new to discuss, and the game isn't coming out any time soon.
Originally posted by SupaKoopa
what else do you recommend we do? theres nothing else new to discuss, and the game isn't coming out any time soon.

Uh it might, we do not know what is going on at VALVe at the moment, so stop saying things like that.
Originally posted by DiSTuRbEd
Uh it might, we do not know what is going on at VALVe at the moment, so stop saying things like that.

I'm betting it's not going to be making it out soon, when someone asked about december 11th release, gabe gave a very pointed "no" as a response. Most signs are pointing toward next year.

Somebody from VALVe needs to realize that the public is losing interest. That's all I have to say.
Re: dangk

Originally posted by TheSoupNazi
Somebody from VALVe needs to realize that the public is losing interest. That's all I have to say.

yeah. somone said it before but all gabe/valve/VU needs to do is give a little update on what is going on, and just say that they are working on the game. a bonus would be saying what exactly was being worked on right now but eh, we can dream.
Re: dangk

Originally posted by TheSoupNazi
Somebody from VALVe needs to realize that the public is losing interest. That's all I have to say.

Valve knows as soon as the game goes "officially" gold everyone will start going gaga over it again. Then when it's released you won't even hear about how it was delayed anymore; just how kickass the game is. It happens with every game that's released or delayed. If you play Diablo2 then you know everyone who played that game bitched about the 1.10 patch being delayed for so long. Do you hear anyone bitching about the delay now? No.
Not quite every game. The ones that get delayed and still end up crap get crucified.
Originally posted by HybridM
Not quite every game. The ones that get delayed and still end up crap get crucified.

Half-Life 1 make it out alright.
I think more people want hl2 because they think they will get better mods... not because they want to play hl2. The mods are the most popular part of hl1 by far, single player games are not long term fun for "most" people. TF2, CS2, DOD2 are probably going to be bigger hits then hl2 anyways.
I know tons of people that never even played hl1 but own the game for only the mods. CS is the most popular game of all time.
Unless CS2, Dod2 and tf2 don't innovate i don't think they'll be that popular. And often games companies are hesitant to add new things that players won't understand in fear of not having the product understood. Pressure from publishers etc to take out features to noobify the gameplay happen far too often.

I personally think a bunch of amatuer mod makers will make the best game running off the HL2 engine.

Either way, exciting times are ahead.
I'd prefer to put it this way.

Do I think Valve have cost me money? YES.

The reason is this. Right up until about two weeks before Sept 30th, Valve were 'We will release on the 30th'. Everything reported suggested a 30th Sept date was achievable.

BECAUSE, Valve were tight lipped about release dates, I 'assumed' they were confident of the date and I decided to upgrade my machine, bought a new system 3.0Ghz CPU, 9800 Ati gfx, etc etc.

One week before the 30th Sept, the machine arrived. Unfortunately, Valve delayed, and I now honestly believe they were going to delay even WITHOUT the leak. If you read what the Hacker says, he suggests that there was a lot less ready than should have been at that time. (Who knows the truth!)

The fact remains however that I purchased a system for HL2, that IF i had known would be delayed, I could have delayed ordering. Thus saving myself REAL $$$. The CPU has dropped by > $120 in the mean time, and the gfx card has dropped a bit too in this time.

So I hold Valve responsible for this COST to me, for their inability to give the right information at the right time. I am SURE I'm not the only mug to believe them.
Originally posted by HybridM
Not quite every game. The ones that get delayed and still end up crap get crucified.

W0rd lol , the only thing I remember about Daikatana is how hyped up and delayed it was and still ending up like dogpoo...
Originally posted by Scumbag
So I hold Valve responsible for this COST to me, for their inability to give the right information at the right time.

I'd sue them, think you have a case there...:dozey:

A lot of people feel the same way as you and I can imagine. But seriously, delays happen all the time so you should have waited with the purchase until you have the game...
Originally posted by Scumbag
BECAUSE, Valve were tight lipped about release dates, I 'assumed' they were confident of the date and I decided to upgrade my machine, bought a new system 3.0Ghz CPU, 9800 Ati gfx, etc etc.

Yeah gj dumbass. Your fault for thinking that, never buy something till you know its coming out soon.
Don't call him a dumbass, makes you look ten times dumber.

He upgraded his system in anticipation of a great game that no one had any indication of knowing that it was gona be delayed.

And also don't blame valve, you spent the cash. And it will run alot of games out now and soon too, and will still play Halflife2 when its out just fine.
I too got a new system, but i love it. Finally I can play on good settings! :)
trying not to beat the horse even more, but scumbag, usually it is good idea to buy things based on just more then one purpose, or when you absolutly need it. im getting the AIW radeon 9800 soon because of HL2, yes, but also because my gforce4 ti 4200 is getting pretty slow on the new games, and i need to be able to plug in my video camera. ive learned over the years (all 17.85 of them) that if you buy things on impulse and right after learning about it, 80% of the time youll end up dissappointed. waiting at least 1 day and reflecting on whether or not you need the item, and for what purpose, can save you a ton of money. every once and awhile though u get somthing right away and are glad for it, but make sure you think wisely before you buy.

this has been a life lesson brought to you by ReZeroX...

...and Pepsi!
Originally posted by Scumbag
So I hold Valve responsible for this COST to me, for their inability to give the right information at the right time. I am SURE I'm not the only mug to believe them.

I'll tell you what Scumbag, you give me your system, and I will give you my PIII 800 w/ GeForce2 GTS. That way, you can have the fun of upgrading all over again when HL2 comes out.

I am just that nice.
Remember all the promises Valve made about Team Fortress 2 and how great it was going to be? TF2 turned out to be vaporware.

The same thing could happen with Half-Life 2.

Valve can't even get their act together to release Condition Zero, a relatively simple game using the old the Half-life 1 engine. CZ has been subjected to one delay after another. Valve also said that Steam is no longer in beta, but it is still as buggy as ever. I don't mean minor bugs either. Half the time Steam fails to work, period.

Valve has a historic pattern of lying through their teeth. They are either shameless liars or extremely incompetent, probably both.
Originally posted by chili pepper
Remember all the promises Valve made about Team Fortress 2 and how great it was going to be? TF2 turned out to be vaporware.

The same thing could happen with Half-Life 2.

Valve can't even get their act together to release Condition Zero, a relatively simple game using the old the Half-life 1 engine. CZ has been subjected to one delay after another. Valve also said that Steam is no longer in beta, but it is still as buggy as ever. I don't mean minor bugs either. Half the time Steam fails to work, period.

Valve has a historic pattern of lying through their teeth. They are either shameless liars or extremely incompetent, probably both.

Copying from other forums is really gay. It will not be vaporware, why turn there "baby" into vaporware? Dumbest move in the world. Next time don't copy and paste from Steam Forums to here.