Isnt it just like...old times Mod (not just any other mod)

guinny you were saying that you make the single player maps in 14 hours?
no it will take you 14 hours to get through the maps silly :) thats just for first release though, so dont expect an ending on our first release, by our final build the entire game will take somewhere between 40-50 hours to beat
Guinny, may I suggest a return to the surface of Black Mesa, maybe in a radiation-proof vehicle of some sorts? I'd love to see that dam again.
hmm...sure y not, we'll make it a part of our opening sequence (a lengthly movie about 5-7 minutes of intro)
So when you beat the game and you are able to reverse the alien invasion, Halflife 2 would never be? What kind of ending do you have in mind? If the player doesn´t succeed in reversing the invasion he will feel like he lost the game. Nobody likes losing.

Oh well, I´m sure you have come up with something to overcome that. I was just wondering.
argg, no that's where the fun begins isn't it because you don't really reverse it, you make it worse (spoilt the ending now haven't I, doh!)...pfft, everyone knows you can't stop something in a game...
sounds cool

This is an excellent mod idea. I can see a helicoper circling down upon the massive crater that was Black Mesa. Gordon is lowered from a cable into a pit that is the ruins of the above ground entrance. Down past scorched earth and twisted metal and into darkness, only deep rumbles are heard from below and momentary flashes of sparking wires reveal the wreckage...down and down. Gordon ends up standing landing in an empty black decimated tunnel with twisted and wrecked tram car rails under his feet, he looks back above him as the cable rises and 1000 feet up is a bit of sunlight and the heli flying away.

You are now first person in your suit ready to rock, you follow flickering lights of the tunnel past corpses both human and alien 'til you find the semi-functional tram.....

On from there with the mod.

Sounds like an awesome project, hope the SDK comes out soon so I can work on one of my own.

rubbermonkey, your idea just won. credits will be give to you. your idea will be used :)
Cool, glad to contribute to an already great idea, I am replaying Half-life now and was thinking it would be cool to return to Black Mesa, discover some evil plot that helped cause the tragedy and reverse the reaction that started it all (and have fewer air ducts with headcrabs in them). Would be cool to see one of the reaction chambers with modern graphics, the possibilities are endless. Hell, I've already played this mod in my mind ;)
I think what would be cool before the helicopter bit would be actually seeing the nuke launched (button where you have to lift up the plastic cover and then press it being used), and then following it all the way to black mesa (like tomorrow never dies) and loads of soldiers filing out of corridors and into jeeps. Then one soldier realises that the nuke is here and it cuts from his face to the back end of the warhead which 'lands' and then the screen flashes white, followed by the mushroom cloud. Then what about a secret character who is wearing sunglasses watches the detonation from the desert (reflection of the cloud in their glasses) and then walks/drives off
Wasn't the nuke placed inside of BM rather than launched? The nuke was thing in the truck during opfor right?
well the secret character would have to be the G-man, and you've got to remember that everything should be in first person mode, just like the original, and the upcoming sequal, as not to break tradition and the link between the player and gordon...

EDIT: yes the nuke was on the truck, which you dis-armed in one of the mods...can't remember which one, my memory fails..oh well
How about starting the mod playing as another character, like a marine (maybe the same one from opposing force). Don't necessarily need to do stuff though it could make the beginning a bit more interesting. Perhaps doing something and you hear over the radio about the nuke, and a squad is making their way to disarm it while you have to do something else. You suddenly hear something like 'Kcccht..Oh my Go......<static>' and the whole place goes kapang around you, ceiling falling down, bits going pow and ping, maybe even zing. Basically seeing the results of the nuke in first person perspective (in keeping with half life tradition). Hmm the marine in opposing force was sent off somewhere by the g-man, well I guess you could start as someone else then. Perhaps, if you have some sort of task as the marine (not that it would stop the nuke anyway cos the nuke has to go off) then depending on how well you do, determines maybe where gordon starts off. Perhaps if you managed to open a special elevator shaft that led deep down into black mesa, waaaay deep (your task so the squad by the nuke try to push the nuke down deep to limit the damage) then as Gordon you could start on the tram system like someone suggested as it would be less damaged cos the explosion was deeper down. If you fail this task (run out of time) then there would be more damage up near the surface so the tram system would be bust and you drop in via helicopter like someone else suggested.

Also, what you could do is have the credits and things being displayed (y'know, like a movie at the beginning, names coming on then disappearing) as you run around as the marine, then after you die, and the screen goes white/black/turquoise or whatever, the title of the mod appears. Perhaps I watch too many movies.
ren - we've got the ending planned out, and i guarentee 90% of the ppl who play will just be like "whoaaaa.........." i told ya i wouldnt let ya down! trust me! ;)

and lupus im sry bro, its 2 in the morning by me, ill read ur long post tomorrow :)
ok ok ill tease u guys with a render of one of the new times call for new guns;) g36 ladies and gents....
Looks good.

But that model = not gordon..... (pointing out the obvious)
Didn't Black Mesa got destroyed during the gameplay of HL1, and not forget the nucliar blast at the end of HL2 and Opposing forces destroyed alot of critical things too like power plants etc...

I don't want in Hl2 I have to return to black mesa... I want to get over with it...
Originally posted by sharp
Didn't Black Mesa got destroyed during the gameplay of HL1, and not forget the nucliar blast at the end of HL2 and Opposing forces destroyed alot of critical things too like power plants etc...

I don't want in Hl2 I have to return to black mesa... I want to get over with it...

Did you not read any of posts before you?
give him a break :) if he doesnt like the mod idea, he doesnt have to play it!;)
Hmmm, nice weapon...

The question on my lips is what's everyones sudden fasination with the G36 series of weaponary :p
that's a great weapon model...make sure you put a hazard suit on that arm though... i guess it would be best to wait for HL2 to see how valve does it though.
the arm is just a reference for the size of the gun u nutcases! you think id actually leave a bare arm? ;)

Ive no doubt valve will do the arm something like they have in the high definition pack. That looks ok even now.
Originally posted by sharp
Didn't Black Mesa got destroyed during the gameplay of HL1, and not forget the nucliar blast at the end of HL2 and Opposing forces destroyed alot of critical things too like power plants etc...
See, that could be the genius of the mod. A lot of critical areas near the surface would have been destroyed, so the areas are really dark and run-down, maybe auxiliary power in some areas? Then the deeper you get into the facility, the more power there is, therefore the more portals there are, therefore the more enemies there are.
And maybe you try to reverse the experiment, but it goes horribly wrong and just opens portals in the areas near the surface and on the surface, and then you have to escape. Then the "victory" would be survival, and knowing that even though you've doomed mankind, you'll eventually survive to see the worst of it... :E

BTW guinny, nice model, it kicks ass! :thumbs:
Man this mod looks pretty sexy. The only single player mod i played for hl was redemtion. It was kinda cool but very short. It was intresting how the G-man talks to before u get to actually do anything. You should add something like that at the start, like have the G-man say that for your mission you are to go back to BMRF to check on a disterbance or what ever.

Also you know about that area with all those portals and how there were many doors that could not open? Well it would be cool to venture back there and go into some places that you couldn't go before.

You have to make sure to have tons of puzzles and such for us to boggle our minds with. Can't go wrong with having to turn on some back up generator by running to different places turning on switches and such. Also jumping around on rumble to get to a hole in the wall.

btw that gun model looks really cool. It would be sweet to see the manipulator as one of freeman's weapons to help solve some puzzles and reveal some hidden rooms or even areas along the way.

Well thats all i had to say and can't wait for this mod.
Originally posted by kanarico
Man this mod looks pretty sexy. The only single player mod i played for hl was redemtion. It was kinda cool but very short. It was intresting how the G-man talks to before u get to actually do anything. You should add something like that at the start, like have the G-man say that for your mission you are to go back to BMRF to check on a disterbance or what ever.

Also you know about that area with all those portals and how there were many doors that could not open? Well it would be cool to venture back there and go into some places that you couldn't go before.

You have to make sure to have tons of puzzles and such for us to boggle our minds with. Can't go wrong with having to turn on some back up generator by running to different places turning on switches and such. Also jumping around on rumble to get to a hole in the wall.

btw that gun model looks really cool. It would be sweet to see the manipulator as one of freeman's weapons to help solve some puzzles and reveal some hidden rooms or even areas along the way.

Well thats all i had to say and can't wait for this mod.

All I can say is, I think you read my mind.:)
:) well that makes me smile

Edit: forgot to say how it made me mad how you couldn't go into every room in hl. I understand why but still. I just hope that in your mod there is less of that, maybe instead of showing a locked door maybe it would be better with somethign blocking it or something.
Seriously man, change your name to worldspam, because that's all you do around here.
Originally posted by guinny
Seriously man, change your name to worldspam, because that's all you do around here.
No one likes spam
No one likes spam

Stone: Shh, kanarico, dear, don't cause a fuss. I'll have your spam. I love it. I'm having spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam. (starts Vikings singing...)

Vikings: Lovely spam, wonderful spam...etc

Waitress: Shut up! Baked beans are off.

Stone: Well, can I have her spam instead of the baked beans?

Waitress: You mean spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, and spam....
/me is so scared of Stone he throws a rock at him and runs to the police station.