Isometric Bugbait WIP


Vegeta, any updates on the status of the project?
I think he has forgotten about it and has accidently deleted it.
Pressure said:
I think he has forgotten about it and has accidently deleted it.
Nope, been working on other things.

But thanks for posting here, now I will work on it today. :)
Dammit! None of the pics work!

You're all winding me up... :hmph:

I demand pics!
Am I the only one that can't see the images? It seems as if there should be images with his posts, but I cant see them :( The
Erestheux said:
Am I the only one that can't see the images? It seems as if there should be images with his posts, but I cant see them :( The tags and attachments work in all the other threads, though. :/[/QUOTE]
Yeah my host is down...

If you really NEED to see them, PM me.

Will try to work on this thing whenever I can, just finished that movie so.. We'll see.
vegeta897 said:
Yeah my host is down...

If you really NEED to see them, PM me.

Will try to work on this thing whenever I can, just finished that movie so.. We'll see.
Ooooh, okay. I can be patient, but I'd love to see your work. :D I was just really confused there...

Hey, Vegeta, while you're here, I'd like to thank you. I just was in this forum looking at all the art, yours especially, and thought that I'd draw a bit... a thing I haven't done all summer. So thanks a lot, man! I'll post it here when I'm done :D (It will suck, though, but I dun care much.)
Erestheux said:
I just was in this forum looking at all the art, yours especially,
Gee, how much art do I have on here? :rolleyes:

Good to hear my friend. :D
vegeta897 said:
Gee, how much art do I have on here? :rolleyes:

Good to hear my friend. :D
Um, this and the flash animation. I haven't seen this, but I knew you were doing it. It was the idea that counted. :p
Wanna see it!!!!!!!!!1111111 Pic isnt workin (atm) :(
I poked and prodded vegeta until he started working on it :)
I'm getting impatient here, and you're not gonna like me when I'm impatient.

I forgot all about this thing. Looked really interesting; too bad all the pics aren't working any more. I would like to see them again.
I haven't seen such a blatent display of laziness and procrastination since my Gabe Newell's computer flash!
nw909 said:
I haven't seen such a blatent display of laziness and procrastination since my Gabe Newell's computer flash!
I haven't delayed nearly half as long as you, AND I am still working on it! Dont worry!
I'm also eager to see it. I have been checking this thread for about a month now and the images are still offline. If you have some time, please upload them again or post a new version :)
I've figured it out...anything which has a name associated to half-life 2 automatically gets delayed by the universe. Somewhere, some place there are things associated with something else coming out early.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I've figured it out...anything which has a name associated to half-life 2 automatically gets delayed by the universe. Somewhere, some place there are things associated with something else coming out early.
haha, you know sparrow, i think you just might be onto something there. :)
I've never seen any of these so-called "Isometric" images of his. Every time I come into a thread where he is supposedly showing them, all of the images have either disappeared... or were never there in the first place. I think they don't exist. :E
all the links are dead and i havent seen them yet. im sad now because this sounds like a neat idea
Confession time, guys... I killed Vegata. I killed him. I... I just couldnt help myself. He's dead now. This little "Isometric Bugbait" thing...Its not happening, because Vegata is dead. I. Killed. Him.
He's still around. Go to his profile and click on the find all posts button. He posted a few times today.
Vegeta, you doggie, Half Life 2 has gone gold, and you're slacking off. ;) No seriously, it's cool, I took a year to finish that goddamn Acromediacts Gopher Story, so I'm in no position to tell you to hurry up.
Okay okay sheesh. I will finish it up right now.
Re-post the older pics (if you still have them) while you're at it.

My memory isn't as good as it used to be, but I thought they were really cool.

And Thanks for continuing the project.
CB | Para said:
Three months later...

Sheesh! You people!

Okay.. I am done..
Right now I will format and host...

And as a reminder this entire thing was all done in MS Paint.

Check for a new thread.