Israel's Gaza offensive turns bloody


Nov 17, 2003
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GAZA CITY (CNN) -- Israeli troops were locked in battle Thursday with Palestinian militants in Gaza as Israel stepped up its bid to free a captured soldier and counter Palestinian rocket attacks.

israel steps it up a notch

most surprising though is that palestinian appears to be shooting his weapon in the proper firing position. at the very least he's using the iron sights and not shooting around walls and shit like they always do.
This offensive might destabilize the middle-east!... lawl.
It´s atrocious.

Isreal´s leaders should be tried for crimes against humanity.
Sometimes I wish Palestine would get their hands on a nuke.

And I will say nothing more.
I knew this would happen. I wonder if the palestinians have Scuds.
Solaris said:
It´s atrocious.

Isreal´s leaders should be tried for crimes against humanity.

...Oh yeah, definitely not the Palestinian militants who kidnap and murder innocent civilians!
heh :p

I think Israel will win this, with their superior weapons, equipment, jets, missles that are actually capable of hitting their targets, and of course, manpower.
Boy, I didn't see this coming a mile off :dozey:
15357 said:
missles that are actually capable of hitting their targets

hmmm I wonder why with such accurate missles they keep hitting civilians ...oh ya indescriminate fire
CptStern said:
hmmm I wonder why with such accurate missles they keep hitting civilians ...oh ya indescriminate fire
when you elect a terrorist govenment you have to expect the enemies of those terrorists to attack you. duh. :rolling: delusional. there are no innocent civilians in the gaza strip.
CptStern said:
by bombing a crowed area killing 11, including 2 children just to take out 2 suspected militants? that's getting them where it hurts most :upstare:
elect a terrorist government, expect reprisal. maybe they wont vote for HAMAS next time. duh.
LOL its so obvious thats a ****ing PR picture. theres no way a small child like that could be LIVING with that much blood all over the place. what a posed piece of shit. thats the only way the terrorist palestinians can get any kind of international support when a neighboring government retaliates against their elected government.
you'd better pray to your god that there's no such thing as Karma
no more than my god has 12 arms and looks like an elephant.
Electing Hamas was definitely a bad move and military reprisal should be expected, especially after a soldier is kidnapped. However, that doesn't give Israel the right to literally slaughter innocent civilians in the name of fighting terrorists. Israel can and should kill all the militants they can find, however not at such great costs. It seems as though the collateral damage far outweighs the benefits in almost all of Israel's attacks. However with Palestine the collateral damage is the attack.
gh0st said:
elect a terrorist government, expect reprisal. maybe they wont vote for HAMAS next time. duh.

yes because your answer addresses my point :upstare:

gh0st said:
LOL its so obvious thats a ****ing PR picture. theres no way a small child like that could be LIVING with that much blood all over the place.

you truely are dense've obviously never been to a trauma center ...not to worry you're soon to be shipped to the world's largest trauma center ...try not to step on anything

gh0st said:
what a posed piece of shit. thats the only way the terrorist palestinians can get any kind of international support when a neighboring government retaliates against their elected government. no civilians are killed's all staged for the media're really lost what little hold on reality you had

gh0st said:
no more than my god has 12 arms and looks like an elephant.

what does that even mean? or are you just randomly throwing words together "Spoon!! mud, poppycocks!!"
CptStern said:
yes because your answer addresses my point :upstare:
yes because you HAD a point.
you truely are dense've obviously never been to a trauma center ...not to worry you're soon to be shipped to the world's largest trauma center ...try not to step on anything
stern, communist dolt AND ER doctor. 40 CC's common sense STAT. no civilians are killed's all staged for the media're really lost what little hold on reality you had
wow i hope they hurry up with that common sense. i never said no civilians are killed. im saying thats a clearly living child in a clearly retarded propaganda picture. you just eat it up when it revolves around the plight of those poor poor palestinians. "we voted for hamas.. why are they attacking us?!".
what does that even mean? or are you just randomly throwing words together "Spoon!! mud, poppycocks!!"
karma being a view from subcontinental religion... nevermind, please return to your igloo.
gh0st said:
"we voted for Bush.. why are they attacking us?!".

By your logic Americans can be killed indiscriminately... because we elected bad leaders?
ElFuhrer said:
By your logic Americans can be killed indiscriminately... because we elected bad leaders?
sure they can attack us whenever they want. when they do we leave their shit in ruin. the palestinians are mad because they cant step on israel without getting stepped on back.
CptStern said:
by bombing a crowed area killing 11, including 2 children just to take out 2 suspected militants? that's getting them where it hurts most :upstare:
Like bombing an entire country to kill Bin Laden? It's not the right thing to do, but it's not an unprecedented act of inhumanity either.
gh0st said:
yes because you HAD a point.

His point was that there are innocent civilians. Do you just not understand, are you being deliberately stupid, or do you seriously believe that there are no innocent civilians?
CptStern said:
hmmm I wonder why with such accurate missles they keep hitting civilians ...oh ya indescriminate fire

'Cause Israel sucks.
Pi Mu Rho said:
His point was that there are innocent civilians. Do you just not understand, are you being deliberately stupid, or do you seriously believe that there are no innocent civilians?
not in gaza. they elected a terrorist government and the ramifications of that should have been obvious.
Both sides are kinda sucky. Anyone who believes otherwise is either an idiot, Solaris, or both.

-Angry Lawyer
gh0st said:
not in gaza. they elected a terrorist government and the ramifications of that should have been obvious.

Strange, Al Qaeda says the same things about the Americans.

-That they aren't innocent civilians because they elected a terrorist government.
kirovman said:
Strange, Al Qaeda says the same things about the Americans.

-That they aren't innocent civilians because they elected a terrorist government.
who cares?
gh0st said:
who cares?

Wow, nice comeback, you really took apart everyone else's arguments there with your amazing logic and debating skill.
who cares - exactly the kind of attitude which set off resentment on the scale of 9/11.
i think we had every right to be outraged as 9/11 was pretty much unprovoked (directly, at least) to a large portion of our public. israels troops were kidnapped and suicide bombers regularly blow up cafe's and shit there. the residents in gaza had this coming by electing a terrorist government. i wasent aware any further participation on my part was required to get that across.
Angry Lawyer said:
Both sides are kinda sucky. Anyone who believes otherwise is either an idiot, Solaris, or both.

-Angry Lawyer

We happen to have a few US nukes here in Holland, which we're trying to get rid of, any ideas? :smoking:
Give them to me. Really. I'll take care of everything. :)
Sorry, but justifying killing civilians because they democratically elected a governing body which endorses terrorism, is the SAME JUSTIFICATION, terrorists use; because it justifies manipulating a populace into voting with an entity with an affinity to compromising with your group, don't you see the equivalency?
I want to address several of the best statements in this thread thus far, just because I feel not enough emphasis was generally given.

Sorry, but justifying killing civilians because they democratically elected a governing body which endorses terrorism, is the SAME JUSTIFICATION, terrorists use; because it justifies manipulating a populace into voting with an entity with an affinity to compromising with your group, don't you see the equivalency?

For those of you who missed this from Midnight Cowboy, allow me to say kindly what it means to me in my own words:

Terrorism, is a weapon of Diplomacy. It's the tool of those who do not have the capability of government or world representation. To any Western, Eastern, Northern, or Southern country that exists on this globe, power is only swayed by power of equal force and understanding.

It's asymmetrical warfare.

Sometimes I wish Palestine would get their hands on a nuke.

Really? Are they're 'civilians' in Israel who would deserve this fate? Or perhaps ... you? Me?

You appear just as indiscriminate as they are. Think a little bit, would you?
^^the guy qouting the palestinians should get a nuke probably thinks Palestina lies somewhere in Saudi Arabia lol, for if the Palestinians would toss a nuke anywhere in Israel they'de whipe themselves out :p
gh0st said:
i think we had every right to be outraged as 9/11 was pretty much unprovoked (directly, at least) to a large portion of our public. israels troops were kidnapped and suicide bombers regularly blow up cafe's and shit there. the residents in gaza had this coming by electing a terrorist government. i wasent aware any further participation on my part was required to get that across.

While I agree your nation had every right to be outraged at 9/11 (though no right to invade another country or two over it), I disagree that the residents in Gaza "had it coming" because of their election of a so-called "terrorist" government.

To repeat an argument that has already been brought up, if Palestinians deserve attacks because they elected a terrorist leader, one can argue that United States civilians deserve attacks because they elected an organization that can easily be defined as terrorist. People should be held responsible for their governments, but that does not mean they should be murdered simply for electing them. Currently, Hamas has yet to take any major action against Israel.

Also, I would like to point out that, yes, one Israeli soldier was kidnapped by a Palestinian group. That was used as justification to invade and destroy ALL the infastructure in the Gaza strip. In the meantime, Israel unjustly holds thousands of Palestinians in jail with no evidence or charges against them. The only power generator in Gaza, schools, hospitals, water supplies, roads and bridges were blown up by Israeli airstrikes. 7 officials of the Palestinian government were kidnapped by Israel.

When Israel demanded the return of their soldier (after invading Gaza), the group that held the soldier stated that they would return him if Israel pulled out of Gaza. The Israeli prime minister replied "We will not be bribed". This is totally contrary to common sense, as that soldier is the supposed justification for invading in the first place.

we try not to engage gh0st in conversations as he's an angry little troll who might just bite your ankle if provoked

/me makes sign of the cross
CptStern said:
we try not to engage gh0st in conversations as he's an angry little troll who might just bite your ankle if provoked

/me makes sign of the cross

Oh no! What have I done??

*gets ankle guards*
