It really sucks being me


Jul 14, 2003
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There are those in the world who's parents don't mind buying computers for the entire family to use. There are those who's parents buy really sweet kick-ass computers for the entire family to use. Heck, there are even those parents who gives a computer to their son.

What position do I, the computer-loving geek who has nothing else but computers to live for, have?

I'm in the probably worst position a guy like me can be in!
I am not allowed to pay for a computer for my own money!

My one parent (mom) doesn't really mind me getting one, although she thinks I should wait with investing it (that's what I'm planning so the Socket939 prize will be acceptable), but my other one (dad) totally refuses to allow me, a 19-year old person to pay for my own money to buy a computer!!!

I mean come on! What the hell is so f*cking wrong about that!??
He complains about me wasting money! Why the heck is that? I love computers! It's what I live for! Why can't I invest in something that I really want? It's expensive, yes I know, but so are cars (that he is buying all the time), so are getting gasoline for them, so are owning them, but what does a computer cost more than when I'm investing in it, having the Internet and the electrical support? Fuggin nothing! And the prize is not much compared to his big-ass investments!

I don't have the money right now, though, but in a few months I will recive the payment for the work I did this summer + student support for the university and I was planning on cutting it up 50-50(one half for studiyng and the other for pleasure) so I will definetly afford it in a short amount of time.

What is the only thing blocking me for getting a new computer? My dad!

HOW MANY PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD SUFFERS FROM BEING PROHIBITED FROM GETTING THEIR OWN COMPUTER!!?? THIS IS THE MOST F.U.B.A.R. PART OF MY ENTIRE LIFE! can offer to spend the money on drugs and alcohol and cheap women instead. see what he says then.

but really, as long as it's not a really expensive machine that you're after, you should be allowed to get it. time to put your foot down i think. there's a time when you need to respect your parent's decisions, but this sounds pointless. what were his reasons for forbidding you to buy a pc?
Ahh...don't worry, by me it's the same for getting a new car! You should really talk to your dad! My guess is that he is afraid of something, like that you'd become a big hacker and then the FBI will pay you a visit, or something! :LOL:
My mom always bitched at me for being on the computer, then I kicked the bitch out of the house.
There are much much worse things in life.

But still yes. You should be allowed to make that decision for yourself.

Bit of advice though. Be sensible. If you do get a computer. Dont get a £1500 one. Get something for a 1000 or less. There are deals everywhere and money is a precious thing. 1500+ PCs depreciate in value within about a week.

How much were you planning to spend?
Tell your parents to go screw themselves....problem solved.I think...
My parents baught me my computer =D I can upgrade it if I want, I just dont think there is a need to upgrade my comp right now, cuz all i care about is half life 2.

maybe when half life 3 comes out =P
My dad couldn't say that to me at all, he has 2 pc's himself and programs ATM's and my mom just loves the internet, so they can't really tell me to "quit using the pc" cause then I could go back on them, about their time using it.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Bit of advice though. Be sensible. If you do get a computer. Dont get a £1500 one. Get something for a 1000 or less. There are deals everywhere and money is a precious thing. 1500+ PCs depreciate in value within about a week.

How much were you planning to spend?
I'm planning on investing in like 1300 euro (dunno how much that is in £).
My loving dad thinks that 300 euro should be the limit period.
DiSTuRbEd said:
My dad couldn't say that to me at all, he has 2 pc's himself and programs ATM's and my mom just loves the internet, so they can't really tell me to "quit using the pc" cause then I could go back on them, about their time using it.

Your a very very lucky guy.... :LOL:
Murray said:
I'm planning on investing in like 1300 euro (dunno how much that is in £).
My loving dad thinks that 300 euro should be the limit period.

Erm.... Whats the conversion again?!

Does anyone know lol. I dont know why but my mind just blanked out and I cant remember....
Murray said:
I'm planning on investing in like 1300 euro (dunno how much that is in £).
My loving dad thinks that 300 euro should be the limit period.
a 300 euro computer!!! :bounce:
1,300.00 EUR = 872.328 GBP

that seems a fairly resonable budget, especially for a modern pc with all these new graphics cards etc.
Well, just buy it. You're 19 years old, you have the right to buy it, legally your parents can't stop you.
Just buy a computer anyways, burn the reciept and mod the case.
It won't be getting returned that way.
I think you shouldn`t listen to your parents in this case ;) I mean, what the hell, you are 19 years old and since you need one and you are the one who will pay, you can buy one without asking anyone...
You can get a really good computer for 600 euro, or similar. Of cource then you need to use your old screen, mouse, keyboard etc... but those things that matter the most are new (like the graphics card, processor the cd drive etc...) .

But since you are 19 years old they have absolutly zero right to force you to do something acording to swedish law. Of cource they can kick you out of the house if you still live with them...
you could just buy the components, put them in the old case and then remove the evidence!

or you could shout "im 19 gaddamit!"
the same crap happened to me, except i am 15
go ahead buy it, then argue, you are 19

nice avatar by the way, eyebrows..... :) i love flcl
Just tell him that you don't have a comp, it's better to go out every night and get some booze, drugs and women.

See how he likes it.
lol that sucks..hell your over 18 ffs..i been having the luck having a computer loving dad so i have been having computers around all my life...
I built my computer for my Senior Project hehehe... so yea, they allowed me to get it :D
I felt sorry for until i reached the part u said u was 19. :LOL: Technically your considered a adult so you can make your own decision ;)
Yea but if he is living in their house, he abides by their rules... sadly
When I bought my computer, my parents lent me the money for it because it was more convenient for me to get it straight away (My brother was moving out and taking his computer :O). Anyway, my dad didn't have a problem with my getting it because ultimately it would be my money spent but he did however caution me to not do anything hasty. He also said, make the computer an investment rather than just something for fun. So basically, use it to make money as well as play games.

I suggest you try to convince your dad it will be extremely beneficial to get a computer, as it will help you in time to make money.
Dude, I was in the exact same situation. I got just over £1000 for my birthday and when I wanted to spend it on computer parts my mom would not let me!!

Anyway, I used almost the exact same arguments as you, I don't spend money on anything else apart from computers so what else am I going to buy?

My mom started going on about having something to show for the money and I'm like "mom, I will, I'll have a cool FPS!!!!" but ohh noo. Then I started saying how she isn't bothered about spending thousands of pounds on bits of wood and get this, she goes, "Well, I've at least got something to show for the money spent" :rolleyes:

And I know what you mean about the cars. My mom's last car cost like £17,000 and she wants a new one soon (she's had it like 5 or 6 years) and I'm like "For that I could get 17 computer upgrades in 6 years!! That's more than one every 6 months!!"

my dad bought her that car for a Christmas present fs!!
your 19 years old you dont have to listen to parents lol!!!

Well you live with them so Hhhm i would say just go buy it with out him knowing oocne he finds out he weill just yell at you if he hits you he goes Jail so nothing to worry about i doubt he would hit you im just giving tips on stuff if hes a ncie dad and just yells ignore him lol.
took me several months of argueing before my parents let me buy one, they still threaten to take it away at least once a week :|

just keep trying to convince them, eventually theyll give in

My parents bought our first computer about 5-6 years ago, they used to try and limit my time and when I spent too much time on it Dad would constantly threaten to sell it. Brilliant stroke of luck is he got pretty much addicted to Battlefield 1942 and started spending almost as much time on it as I :) And Mum needs it for work.

Anyway, since then I've put $800 into upgrades for it, out of my own pocket (well, a student loan), and loaned some cash to the olds, that coupled with the fact I just ignored their bitching for so long they gave up :) I got it sorted.

Just persist, don't do anything really drastic like buy it under his nose cause he'll take it away, guaranteed. Most parents think they're above the law in these situations, and if you DO get the law involved then it won't help matters. Try breaking them down a bit, tell them exactly WHY it's unfair what they're doing and counter every point they make. If they just walk away, you need to make it clear that they're being silly and hypocritical, and that they can't use their parental powers over you for no good reason. I know, it sounds harsh, but it's the only way they'll learn ^_^
heh. My parent dont care how i spend my money, as long as i get good grades and dont speed it on drugs and/or alcohol :p
Well bad hat in matters like these parents are in a sort of grey area when it comes to the law. I mean, technically they could be done for theft if they took it off you however, the police probably wouldn't pay much attention because its really a private civil matter and in England anyway, until 21 if you live at home your parents almost litteraly own you. Its weird, and something that isnt really brought up but its true. (I think its 21, but I could be wrong, it may be 18, however its one of those rulings that is left over from a long time ago and has never really changed.)
If you live with him- well, it is his house ;o.. Even though you may not like it, he's letting you live there for free, so he has every right to regulate the terms of you living there.

If you pay rent to him it's an entirely different story though.

If you don't live with him I don't even understand how this is an issue at all :p. Would he disown you over a computer or something?
I am fortunate to have a father who owns his own company that specializes in computer software. So I am able to stay relatively up to date with computers. The ony thing that I'm really lacking when I get a new computer every 4-5 years is the video card. :O

Anyway, I would have to ask what your current situation is. What are the specs on your computer right now. Do you really nee to update now, or can it wait? SHould you invest it in school or transportation, etc.

Everything in this world costs money, and it's up to you to decide what to spend your hard earned cash on. :bounce:

Seeing as you live with the parents, and they pay the bills, they still have a say on what happens IN THEIR HOUSE. But as long as you pay for the PC, the probable Internet connection, and any other add-ons that come with it, there shouldn't be a problem.

It just seems like your parents are simply getting tired of paying for your food, shelter, schooling, and anything else that takes money out of their pocket. They seem upset that your spending cash on "toys" instead of helping with your future.

Your call.
Luckily my parents are both computer illiterate :D

Bought my first computer allmost 11 years ago, and since then I put every penny i had into them (no they never bought me one :/ ).
Recently, I renovated the entire basement into a Home-Theater and my parents are the ones mostly in there watching home movies and such, so I kindof repayed my debt of them letting me turn the whole house into a borg cube :p

But back to your problem....You could always tell them you bought a 300euro computer, and then put in all your savings. Problem solved methinks :p