It's 06/06/06!

Isn't today the National Emo Beatdown day? Go out there and punch your favorite Emo kid!!!!
Iron Maiden ftmfw :D

But I actually don't like that song at all :/ I'd much prefer Hallowed Be Thy Name or The Trooper.
I struck down a demon in my yard today. It had four legs, was relatively small, with a fearsome muzzle full of sharp teeth.
AmishSlayer said:
It's 06/06/06 and...

who expected something to happen?


This hot chick walked into my second period and totaly started rambling on to the teacher about "happy 666!".

There's something that happened.

Otherwise, only person to point out the date was her and her buttock.
weird things is
i woke up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason and couldnt fall back to sleep
all the while, i felt like something was after me (it was a sort of restless half-sleep)
I ate three pretzels shaped like the number six.
Am i the antichrist?
Of course you are! Run! Run far away from the rest of humankind!
its the day i played hitman blood money for the first time .. wow
The Girl's school had a mufti day and everyone was wearing black leather. Seriously. Everyone.
Jintor said:
The Girl's school had a mufti day and everyone was wearing black leather. Seriously. Everyone.

For me, 666 is a ill omen.

Today, my brother had banned me from playing HL2 by changing my password, it is curious to know why he knew my password and did that. After yesterday, I thought it was all over! But unfortunately, it is not.

My brother told me that sooner or later he is gonna uninstall steam from his computer in order to stop me from playing. I don't have the right graphic card to play HL2 and other HL2 mods though.

Well, I guess I know 666 explains all, and I guess it is my time for the end of the HL2 world for me though.
Heh, that video is plain ironic, well, there are some bad priests such as this one though whilst the others are godly priests.
I actually woke up at 3.33 in the middle of the night. Spoky.
timmy your ave roks man, is it a movie ?

yeah I watched the Omen original yesterday...... :| ZZZZZZZ
btw ...666 doesnt refer to a number's literally a name of the beast ..instead of the "bob the beast" it's "666 the beast"

didnt iron maiden teach you guys anything? ...listen to the first few seconds of the iron maiden video I posted earlier in this thread

unintentionally funniest post of this thread:

Double_Blade said:
Heh, that video is plain ironic, well, there are some bad priests such as this one though whilst the others are godly priests.

lol :laugh: omg, that's not priests that's the british heavy metal band Judas Priest

:laugh: thanks for the laugh kid :)
I woke up at 5:30. Just like every other day.. stupid morning paper.
Gorgon said:
timmy your ave roks man, is it a movie ?

yeah I watched the Omen original yesterday...... :| ZZZZZZZ

nah it's from a Tenacious D music video :p

Everyone don't forget that 62 years ago yesterday it was also D-Day
It wasn't really "666". June is not a number. We associate it with the 6th month. The 6 day is "6" but 2006 is not 6 so the correct way to say yesterday was June 6th 2006, or 6/6/2006 not 6/6/6.
No thats wrong. Its the 6th year of the millenium, so i say it works.
Rizzo89 said:
No thats wrong. Its the 6th year of the millenium, so i say it works.

In order for 666 to work, it would have to be 6/6/6 which is June 6th of 6 A.D or 6 B.C.
The demons slept in or their calendar was wrong. By the time they realized it, the portal was already closed. That's too bad. I was looking foward to using my double barrel shotgun.
it's almost 6/8/06, shouldn't this thread be dead by now? D:
lol, saw tons of emos get there asses kicked by punkers, skinheads, greasers, and just about everyone else...i lol'd
You will not believe what I did on the 6th second of the 6th minute of the 6th hour of the date 06/06/06…..

Well I slept.