ITS AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

They are going by Alaska time, it is 11:41 right here now, so we have about 19 minutes. Lets hope Gabe discovered his Alaskan Heratage!
Hey don't worry guys, 2 months from now we'll all have forgotten about this 'preloading' thing and will be playing hl2 till we drop ! :P

PS wasn't there some sort of 'special edition' you could buy? 'cuz i'll take the most expensive double platinum gold plated diamond surrounded hl2 package i can get :)
bliink said:
'Cliffe' says game out in 30 mins
Well, you quoted the thread 11 minutes after that guy posted it at and he had a delay between reading it in IRC and posting it there. So, that means the 30 minutes is up in less than 15 minutes from now, right?
Come on Valve! You guys can do it! I know you can! I've been waiting all day :O
my steam just updated and now it has problems to connect...maybe somethings happening now... :naughty:
poseyjmac said:
no, update happened, and now just can't connect
it says "updating steam..." but it comes again when you cancel the connection attempts... so i guess it even can NOT download the update for steam...heavy traffic or someone @ valve or it's isp is messing with the servers :cheese:
i hope its not kiddies DOS'ing steam
"OMG CSS ISNT OUT YET!!!1111one I WILL PWN j00 SERVERS 2 TEACH j00 4 L3SS0n!!!! + i L0VE WON!!!1111oneeleven DIEEEE STEAMMM!!!!!111" even the forum is down :hmph: "Steam is currently experiencing network outages. The Forums are offline during this time. "
Machiosabre said:
got a steam update a sec ago, no CS:S though ;(
These aren't updates. Everytime you load up steam it checks if there's a new update. Thus you see the "Updating" screen. When there's a network outage it hangs at the "Updating" screen for a bit trying to contact the server but it can't.

It doesn't actually update.
Mr-Fusion said:
These aren't updates. Everytime you load up steam it checks if there's a new update. Thus you see the "Updating" screen. When there's a network outage it hangs at the "Updating" screen for a bit trying to contact the server but it can't.

It doesn't actually update.
k...hope you can live with the thought in your mind that you destroyed the little rest of hope i had for hl2 preload... ;( ;(
segobi said:
k...hope you can live with the thought in your mind that you destroyed the little rest of hope i had for hl2 preload... ;( ;(

That, or they're preparing something really REALLY big :thumbs:

Optimisme captain! :cheese:
Well at least they have an excuse for the lack of HL2 preload now.

Mr-Fusion said:
Well at least they have an excuse for the lack of HL2 preload now.


Who cares for the HL2 preload, I'm waiting for the CS Beta to go live! ;)
lmao Steam is currently experiencing network outages. The Forums are offline during this time.

somethings happening.
meh I doubt anythings happening, I can login to steam fine, nothings changing, I doubt they'd be working this early :frog:
Yeh i sorta agree, even though for the past 2 years, i've thought about HL2 at least once every day. Even if its just 'oh look, this place looks like from HL2' or even just random thought of "hl2"

But right now, im just really impatient for CS:Source.
I cant even connect, first it said its upadting now it says retry connection. Maybe its nothing but i hope its something.
It's either a massive DDoS attack, or they're releasing CS:S.

Or it could be something as simple as a router being out. Who knows.
Everyone! Right now, pray that it is CS:Source.

Please let it be that CS:Source is going online.

everytime i try to connect it says steam or my net connection is down.

and since im typing this on the net im gonna go ahead and say steams the one thats down.