It's Friday 9/26 7:00am in Tokyo!!

I am dissappointed, i hope we will see some new stuff in the near future
Jesus, not even a sodding announcement?
Oh well, nothing to do now but sit on our hands and wait for Alcatraz Tuesday :hmph:
Tokyo Game Show 2003 takes place on Friday, September 26 through Sunday, September 28 at the Nippon Convention Center

Wait guys :)
Originally posted by -Yo-
Tokyo Game Show 2003 takes place on Friday, September 26 through Sunday, September 28 at the Nippon Convention Center

Wait guys :)

Thx for clearing that up
You guys talking about Taiwan Computex 2003? or somethin else
I emailed gabe about the benchmark earlier.....probably wont get a reply, but if i do, i'll let you all know
Originally posted by hudson
Wow, you are actually going stand in the line to see 1337 hl2 movies?

I hope you will bring enought rice for your yellow friends with you cause it's gonna by a long line

you racist prick. take you shit elsewhere.
I agree Dr Evil.......what a ****i n arsehole :flame: :flame:
What's Half Life 2 again? Oh noes! I'm going backward in time! Dang, that Unreal game is a freakin blast. The waterfall at the beginning is.. OOOOH look at Duke Nukem 3D, that game looks a Doom kil... wow, Wolf3D is freakin fun!... cool, I'm playing Sopwith on this new 8088!... gurgle, gurgle, swim, swim - success!
Originally posted by DrEvil
you racist prick. take you shit elsewhere.

your hating him, because he has an opinion, an opinion you dont like
not a good opinion, but thats just like stating... grass is green, and it consumes water...
Originally posted by Owskie
your hating him, because he has an opinion, an opinion you dont like
not a good opinion, but thats just like stating... grass is green, and it consumes water...

No......he has a really good opinion........its like calling a black person a ******......its racist. except he's refering to the Japanese as read the post properly first, moron! :flame:
Originally posted by Owskie
your hating him, because he has an opinion, an opinion you dont like
not a good opinion, but thats just like stating... grass is green, and it consumes water...

of course i am gonna hate/love people for their opinions. I won't love/hate based on race.
Originally posted by ilove64
"I hope you will bring enought rice for your yellow friends with you cause it's gonna by a long line"

That deserves a ban.

omg for some reason i didn't read "rice" and "yellow friends" i read "I hope you will bring enough food with you cause it's gonna be a long line" and i wondered why it deserved a ban so i read it again... this time i read it good ;(

Question: When exactly will it begin?
Sheesh people 7 out of 10 pages of this thread are about people flaming Hudson. Stop the grandstanding I don't care how many of the 6,499 members here are against racism, we certainly don't need every single person to personally post in this thread how they oppose racism. Save it for a "look at me I am not racist' thread.

Hudson said what he said, it was dumb, most here don't agree with it. Lets drop this subject 6 pages ago please and stay on topic.