It's Now Fall 2007...

Very well said, eAi

Episodic content can work but Valve are not the company to make it work. They just got the ball rolling. It will be up to other companies to see the idea to fruition ..... That reminds me, what happened to SIN episode 2?
I think their big mistake was trying to put Episode 2, Team Fortress 2, and Portal all in the same package. By putting them altogether they now have the same amount of content that you would find in your standard full game. Plus a delay for one means a delay for all.

If they were truely releasing episodic content they would have released these three games seperately. A schedule like this woud have made sense.

Portal should have been out by last Christmas.
Team Fortress 2 should come out this summer (around May/June).
Half-Life 2: Episode 2 should then come out at Christmas 2007.

The reason you would release Episode 2 last is because that is your main draw. Also Team Fortress 2 and Portal could be expanded upon (new levels and such) whereas Episode 2, once it's released, there will be no changes/additions to it. Episode 2 would be the one to perfect because you won't be able to really change it after it's released. The other two however, can be added upon as they don't necessarily follow anything linear like a storyline. This type of shedule leaves a 6-month window for development between each 'episode'.
As long as the extra time goes to improving\polishing the game then I'll be fine. (hopefully making it longer too)
I'm convinced the delay is more to do with the console versions rather than any problems Valve might be having with the PC version. I believe the PC version is being deliberatly held up so that it can be released in conjunction with the console versions. As such I don't believe there's any reason to expect the game to be any more polished or indeed longer than if it was released this Summer as originally scheduled ...... after the first delay that is!
OOOh man Smash! Wtf is this? :( They better release Left 4 Dead or something. They just gotta. This is almost gonna take the time as making HL3 for friggn sakes.
I didn't even know what the original release date was, so... err, hooray!
Wow. Nice to see this thread is rather ebullient, and the such.

We kind of waited for Episode 1 for what, over 1 year? Not a stride from 2 interminate years? Because VALVe delays said expansion pack, as well as Team Fortress 2, Portal, the PS3/Xbox 360 ports and what have you, we suddenly lose our once-existing leap of faith? VALVe are game developers. To be blunt... many a thing could come up that would put a wrench in the once-set release date, that was, by the by, never set. A game (and an expansion extension) is always "when it's done", regardless of the release date that has been said. Their job is not rudimentary and if they need a few extra months to make certain this isn't going to be an undercut game or underscored in scope, then it's suddenly the blight of the world? Or would you rather have a game that isn't rushed? That's kind of giving some light as to why they delayed it at whim.

I mean no offense to anyone, but I'm sure you could have infinitely more trust in VALVe. You'll get your games this year, is the train of thought I tend to ebb and flow with. Not that it's an earnestly lips-trembling thing, but that the prospect of the completion is still far away, is what I'd coolly say.

But this is just my take, no less. Carry on, fellow posters...
I think we would all agree Valve knows what its doing. In terms of game content, have they let us down yet?

i would really like to know what exactly is the hold up. is it the whole engine reworking or something else? please valve, dont delay everything because of wanting to release console versions at the same time as the pc version.
i think its geared towards more ea than valve, from the videos (That were released quite a while back now) it shows that it is quite close to finishing, i think valve are probably just applying the final touches here and there. But EA want to release it all universally at the same time.
Not a surprise considering Valve's penchant for delaying games until they're perfect however I'm curious as to why they didn't just sell the package early and release what they have like they did with the gold and silver packages when HL2 first came out? I'll still bet the house that Episode 3 comes out before Duke Nukem Forever(now that's one truly sad story).
I really hate it when they use a season to denote a release date, it's almost autumn here and for about 5 seconds I was really pumped. Doug, stick to to using quaters.
I too blame the PS3. Sony sucks. :)

1) More time for me to gather cash for a new machine. (currently on a P4 2.8, 6600GT)
2) More polish on the game?
3) Valve has never let me down; they release damn good games.
4) More delay-related Valve jokes. :-D

1) We don't get to play it anytime within the next 5 months.

The pluses win, I'm still buying the game. :-D
I haven't read all the posts so I don't know if this has been said, but I bet the delay is not the games themselves (Ep2, TF2 and Portal), but rather the upgrade for the Source engine: (CPU) dual core support. They had mentioned back in Sept-Oct that we would start seeing a (beta?) portion of the dual core released before the end of 2006 - I keep looking daily for that Steam update.
I am just as disappointed at the delay as the next guy, but know I will get a superb game when it is released. Until then, new games such as STALKER and (possibly?) Crysis will keep me more than satisfied. I'm a "re-player" so HL2 and HL2:EP1 and FEAR and QUAKE will keep me warm at night as well.
Also - being a "hard core" gamer, people might think me silly to look into the Nintendo Wii, but my wife is a "Casual gamer" and my son is 3 1/2, so, I'll likely have a Wii and about 5 games before Ep.2 hits the shelves...

Hulk out
Wow, I'm glad i couldn't give two shits about HL2 anymore. I kind of feel bad for you guys really anticipating this, i know it's irritating. The PR at Valve is ridiculous, always has been, and probably always will be. They've pulled this "back to school" garbage in the past, and failed to show anything for it. Back to school can start as early as August 1st, and go all the way to September 30th. Two month field to play with, and they'll still miss the target. It's the same bullshit in 2003, same as in 2004, and here we go again in 2007.

And i hate to say it, but graphic engines these days get dated faster than ever. Their are some damn impressive games coming out at the end of the year, so the gameplay better be damn good, and I'm sure it will be. Maybe if "episodic content" was as cheap as they originally stated, then good luck competing with the fresh new games that are hitting the scene. And i hate to say it, it's nothing more than an expansion pack. Most come out within a year after the original title is relelased. Bundling all these other games and raising the price is defeats the purpose. I have little interest in TF2 and portal. Shame they blew the whole concept of "episodic" content at part 2.

I have no doubt the game will be great, and i'll probably buy it cause i'm a sucker, but their integrity regarding the fans is pathetic.
I bet the delay is not the games themselves (Ep2, TF2 and Portal), but rather the upgrade for the Source engine: (CPU) dual core support.
Yeah, I agree with The Hulk. I also think it has something to do with the console ports as well, but Valve insists on updating the Source engine every time. The new dynamic shadows, dual core abuse, etc...
It's a good thing I have other games to entertain me in the meantime.

Oh, and some of you are saying "... Valve are ...", it should be "... Valve is ..." because it is one organization... not many ("are" is for plural, and "is" is for singular).
I'd wait a hundred years if I had to :P but then HL2net would be weird, I'd be the resident ancient guy

cause stern would have died ;)
FU****K! Just in time for me to go to uni. Beautiful the timing couldn't be better. What the hell do they actually do at there HQ anyways? I realize they have multiple projects on the go but seriously!
Being an 8 year fan of VALVE's, I gotta say...they should really look into how Blizzard runs their company. It makes VALVe look like it's in the dark ages!
Had a look at said box art. WTF 5 minutes hell less in photoshop? Ugly as sin.
Now witness the final destruction of your episodic content!
Being an 8 year fan of VALVE's, I gotta say...they should really look into how Blizzard runs their company. It makes VALVe look like it's in the dark ages!

How do you exactly mean, didn't blizzard pull a DNF with Starcraft Ghost?
What an origanol box art :rolleyes:
This delay doesn't bother me. I have a life to get on with between now and then, and there's many other games to keep me busy between now and then.
What would be cool if Valve said they'd realese it at a certain date, adn relased it early.
I think that's just a placeholder box. You really think they'd ship the game like that?
Predictability strikes again! I really wish they would stop making estimated release dates. No vague, arbitrary deadline = no delay.

I think that's just a placeholder box. You really think they'd ship the game like that?

I believe we have found the reason for the delay. They realized they had to re-design the frickin box.
Doesnt this make a mockery of what episodic content is supposed to be about. Timely quick installments on current engine. hmmm. Its a conspiracy i tells you.
I think that's just a placeholder box. You really think they'd ship the game like that?
What he said. The games on the box arent even listed in any logical order, I mean EP2 is at the top HL2 in the middle somewhere and EP1 is listed last.

For all EA's crapness as a company they generally have half decent box art so I cant see that MSPAINT job being the final release.
Perhaps they are putting something special and new into Episode 2. Like a bullsquid or houndeyes.
Agreed, they may be redesigned, but EA usually puts only final "materials" on Plus now they will all over the Internet... they're already being used on Gamespot, for example.

Plus "Half-Life 2: The Orange Box". Fun ;)
I think it's about time to start betting the over/under for FF being released before or after TF2.
Personally, I think this extra time until release is great. I'm a 360 owner so I'll be getting HL2, Ep1, Ep2 and the other stuff, and that's a damn lot of stuff, so I fully support how long it's taking and Fall sounds like a great time.

I seriously cannot wait.
Do you think Valve bit off more than they can chew?

Seriously though, please end the episodic gaming, back to normal expansion packs please.

What does this mean for episode 3? Am I right in thinking there was a third episode? I'd rather them not make it, and tie up the story in the 2nd episode if the waits gonna to be this long again. Unless they're making sure E.03 is near complete before even releasing E.02.
Hopefully I won't complete it in one evening when it's finally released. :E