It's Now Fall 2007...

Fall 2007? Back to school? Damnit! It will be my first year of university! It will take me forever to complete this game if I'm not sober! :P jk Even at university I won't be afraid to hide in my room just to play and beat this game as soon as possible lol.(it's just a matter of whether i can afford it lol)
We could've had Half-life 3 by now on the Source engine.
Dream on. The episodes are taking as much time as development on a full-size game would take, with the pratfall that you'd have to wait until they're all finished and would likely be using your bitching quota up on moaning about how long Half-Life 3 was taking four whole years, as opposed to bitching every time an episode slips a few months and occasionally going quiet when an episode actually gets released.
Dream on. The episodes are taking as much time as development on a full-size game would take, with the pratfall that you'd have to wait until they're all finished and would likely be using your bitching quota up on moaning about how long Half-Life 3 was taking four whole years, as opposed to bitching every time an episode slips a few months and occasionally going quiet when an episode actually gets released.
Guys like you are only going to be able to use that excuse for so long. It's pushing 2 and a half years since HL2 was released, and they didn't even have an engine to code from scratch.

And I don't buy episodes. The next HL game I buy will be HL3.
Guys like you are only going to be able to use that excuse for so long. It's pushing 2 and a half years since HL2 was released, and they didn't even have an engine to code from scratch.
I'm not excusing the time it's taking, i'm just saying that it'd take equally as ridiculously long to make a full-sized game. The fact that it's an episodic release doesn't mean that the project gets massively longer. It's just that we get the parts quicker than we ever would.
And I don't buy episodes. The next HL game I buy will be HL3.
How is Half-Life 3 going to make any sense to you? In a story sense, the Half-Life 2 Episodes ARE Half-Life 3.
On the plus side I reckon this could be (but I won't hold my breath) the final delay because by Winter 2007 the PS3 will be out & the versions for that & the Xbox 360 should be finished ....... if they're not expect more delays as the PC version is held back whilst those versions are finalised.
I'm not even sure if I'm going to buy it. Portal doesn't appeal to me, TFC2 looks a bit meh. And episode one wasn't great, I don't like the gameplay formula at all. The shootings incredibly weak, then theres a little puzzle that isn't all that fun or imaginative whilst the story's interesting, it's not gripping like Max Payne or Deus Ex.
Max Payne was gripping? D:
Dream on. The episodes are taking as much time as development on a full-size game would take, with the pratfall that you'd have to wait until they're all finished and would likely be using your bitching quota up on moaning about how long Half-Life 3 was taking four whole years, as opposed to bitching every time an episode slips a few months and occasionally going quiet when an episode actually gets released.
I fear you underestimate the size of the bitching quota of people on the 'net... It's unfathomably huge.
In fact, it grows almost exponentially the more asinine the woe.
Honestly... this will give me enough time to finally get Episode One.
Stardog, I hope you're ready to wait - there will never be a Half-Life 3. What did you think the Episodes were for?
There will be another HL game. Whether it will be called 3 or not, who knows.
That 10m figure didnt have to include engine licensing costs due to the fact another team in their company made the engine, probably at the coats of millions. It probably would cost another million or so to license the engine which is a waste when valve have a perfectly good engine already. They then have to retrain staff and they will have to redo assets to the engine and things like their in game speech system wouldnt work with the engine and IMHO the source engines facial technology is superior to that seen in GOW.

Im sure episode 2 costs alot less than GOW anyway.

I was being fairly sarcastic with the post. I also know that its expensive to dev unreal 3, but i don't think engine costs should be included in the cost of the game dev cause the engine will be used and licensed to dozens of games if not hundreds over the next few years. They will recoup there money for engine dev.

ep two should cost alot less then 10 million. for the 20 price tag though, at least 10 m would be a decent price for a next gen game, but they merely have to reuse 90% of their old content, so its like making a few sp levels.

this is almost a farce with episodic content, and im kinda glad. I dont want to encourage other companies to take a 50 dollar game with no mp and break it into 3 parts at 20 a piece. I just wish the delay wouldn't impact TF2 or Portals. Focus on one game at a time.
I can understand "I don't buy expansion packs" or something... but these are episodes... whats the point of not buying them if you intend on buying HL3 (or whatever the next number is)?
Whatever is the point in that?
The point is not supporting something I don't agree with.

I'm not about to pay money for something that's half-assed on the developers part with its recycled art assets etc.
The point is not supporting something I don't agree with.

I'm not about to pay money for something that's half-assed on the developers part with its recycled art assets etc.

To each his own. No point in arguing with somebody who doesn't want something.

As for me, I'm eagerly awaiting this, and I can't wait to continue the story.
and its gonna be called episode 2 still? come on give me a f***ing break
Oh well, that's unfortunate. I half expected it in the next couple of months. No big deal i guess; we looking at November sometime then?
I, Chabo, am a genius. I just figured out why they made the box art like they did.

If the box is ugly as sin, fewer people will want to buy the game from a brick-and-mortar store, and they'll get more Steam sales.

If you liked this idea, you may PM me for details on how to send me gifts of gratitude. :)
I, Chabo, am a genius. I just figured out why they made the box art like they did.

If the box is ugly as sin, fewer people will want to buy the game from a brick-and-mortar store, and they'll get more Steam sales.

If you liked this idea, you may PM me for details on how to send me gifts of gratitude. :)
But EA are in charge of the boxart and they get no revenue from the Steam sales, so this in fact makes zero sense unless EA are stupid. Well I mean, we KNOW they are, but... whatever...
It's really stupid, and it sucks, but they have so much on their hands. Along with the next story installment, they're making Portal, Team Fortress 2, they're implementing new shit into Half-Life 2 so they can port that, Episode 1, and the Episode 2 package to the PS3 and 360.

I'd say after this, we'll be good with all the non-Half-Life focused stuff for a bit, and they can focus completely on getting us the next episode.
Looks like we'll all be playing it on Windows Vienna.

(about damn time I got around to registering)
Yeah, I can almost see myself being waked from a cryogenic storage to play episode 3 in the year 2634.. But it will feature TWO new enemies and it will simulate the movement of earthworms under the grass :)