It's time for Christmas avatars.

Meh, I have a problem with avatars for this site.

1. The maximum resolution is too small so when I go to find pics on google they're all over the maximum resolution so since I dunno how to use my Photoshop i have use paint. To get the image to 50x50 pixels i have to now select it and minimize the image which pixelates the hell out of it and just makes it a small messy blob of pixels.

2. I can't save the file as anything other than jpg because bmp will be too big and gif will mess up the colours

What's wrong with jpgs? I don't see a mind numbing difference...
That's what happened with my green frame... I don't know how to fix it. It actually didn't look that bad in paint, just in the GIF animator.
Wait, you guys were talking about jpgs, not gifs. Uh... nevermind.
Meh, I have a problem with avatars for this site.

1. The maximum resolution is too small so when I go to find pics on google they're all over the maximum resolution so since I dunno how to use my Photoshop i have use paint. To get the image to 50x50 pixels i have to now select it and minimize the image which pixelates the hell out of it and just makes it a small messy blob of pixels.

2. I can't save the file as anything other than jpg because bmp will be too big and gif will mess up the colours

Yea paint + jpeg = crap quality.
I describe the process I use to make avatars here.
Editing the picture before saving it isn't that hard - photoshop has similar tools to paint (pencil, paint bucket, etc).
I wonder why the first instinct when making a Christmas avy is to simply put a santa hat on it... :/
I would dress up my cow in an entire santa outfit if I had the photoshop skills. He'd even have little gold buckle hoof shoes.
You brought the apple back. You rock appleman.
I will not conform due to Christmas origionally being a Paegan celebration :P

But.. Merry everyone!
Christmas was originally an Atlantean holiday.
Christmas. Christ... Mas.

Yuletide > Christmas

Christianity began to dominate Paeganisim at the time when Christmas was first created. The Christian church pretty much stole what was a Paegan celebration of the winter solstace (yuletide) and turned into a celebration of Christ. What we celebrate as 'Christmas' today was just a yoink on behalf of the christian church, It's actually called Yuletide.