It's time!

Will the rumors come true?

  • Yes

    Votes: 95 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 76 44.4%

  • Total voters
yay for another post like this.

Just wait still awhile to go...
I'm really looking forward to setting the gold version of my avatar. And, lucky me that I don't have school tomorrow! :cheers:
EC said:
I'm really looking forward to setting the gold version of my avatar. And, lucky me that I don't have school tomorrow! :cheers:
Hmm.. I don't either. Weird since it isn't really a holiday or anything.
i wish they were, it will make the day of school that i have go faster :( . Why do you guys even have it off lol? We have weird days off too, randomly every now and then, something to do with the school district... who knows
If it does go gold tomorrow, its certainly going to be after I wake up.
We have off because of a teacher inservice. Although if HL2 does go gold tomorrow it should become a national holiday. :)
ShadowFox said:
We have off because of a teacher inservice. Although if HL2 does go gold tomorrow it should become a national holiday. :)
While it would clearly be a day of the people, a day to celebrate, I know the powerful Halo 2 lobby would never allow this. Damn those special interst groups..
I have gay ass school! :( I sure hope it goes gold so there will be a law that October 18 is an official holiday. :)
Depends on when it gets classified by the BBFC and PEGI.

So the ESRB rating is done ->

They can start manufacturing for the US version (and various other countries) asap, then start manufacturing for Britain and Europe a little bit later. This may be cause some differentiation in release dates, like Doom 3. If they're planning a simultaneous world-wide release then they'll have to wait until Europe and Britain get their classifications finished. Not sure how long classifications take, one would think a couple of days ?
:thumbs: :angel: :p :| :frown: :eek: :bounce: :D :bounce: :cheese:

That expresses my feelings over the next week. hopefully.
I hope people don't start blaming valve again if it doesn't come out, because there was no announcement from them at all.

I'm surprised so many people are optimistic
I will be happy if is annouced gold tomorrow but if it isnt im not going to start a hit list for all the people at valve. I'm jsut glad i have CS:S to tie me over
Plug, the reason why so many people are optomistic, is because these "rumors" have not yet been shot down. They've been posted on many major gaming websites, and we have not heard a peep from either VU, or Valve. Kinda reminds me of the lead up to Doom 3's gone gold / release fiasca.
11:37pm here .......... if Chris posts early (or valve is up late) then yay! .......... 30 more minutes would do it!

anywho i'll be up till about 2am so i hope the newz comes early in the morning for my sake

(i live on west coast)

You might aswell be as pesimistic as possible, because that will only make you happier if it turns out to be true
well its now 9:35 am in the uk. Im thinking if we do have a release date, then it'll be somewhere around 2pm (US time) so that leaves me sitting at my computer at 9pm 2night...refreshing this page for such a geek

GOD IM SO HAPPY!!!! my new GFX comes today!!11!! omfg!!1111one!!!!1111!!!
I think waiting a day or two would be a good idea. They won't announce it on a Sunday night. Half-Life went gold on a Saturday but they didn't announce it till the Tuesday (I think).

I love referencing Half-Life's developement.
Only 2am Mon there, so ill be awake if there's any news :D
Yombi said:
Only 2am Mon there, so ill be awake if there's any news :D

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Valve will probably be in bed at the moment.
Are we going to this every single day?
Feath said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Valve will probably be in bed at the moment.

lol, mean when i wake up *about to go sleep*. BUt cliffe was just on :p


Clavius said:
Are going to this every single day?

Who said anythign about comming out today? :p
Hmm, I just realized that the game is probably only now going to be translated into all the different languages. This will take a long time! Which reminds me, are they really using closed captions for the game? It would take decades to translate everything D:
footsteps said:
Hmm, I just realized that the game is probably only now going to be translated into all the different languages. This will take a long time! Which reminds me, are they really using closed captions for the game? It would take decades to translate everything D:
But that's already finished I think.
nadolph said:
[ had to move the smilies cause to limit]
That expresses my feelings over the next week. hopefully.

let me try to translate:

:thumbs: : Its GOLD
:angel: : omg it's coming soon
:p : I have already bought hl2
:| : its taking a long time
:frown: : ffs release the game!!!
:bounce:: Only 1 week left!!
:eek: : 5day to go
:bounce:: Tomorrow
:cheese: : I got hl2 and im playing it now
Koffern said:
let me try to translate:

:thumbs: : Its GOLD

What an ingenious way to pass the time!

hl2 source is leaked: :flame:
hl2 is delayed: ;(
hl2 goes gold: :smoking:
hl2 shows up in stores: :cheers:
some dork spoils the whole plotline before you even load up the game: :sniper: :dork: