ITT, we admit the really really geeky things we do.

What's ITT? This has been bugging the shit out of me.
Posting on an internet games forum about the geekiest things I do, at 1:30 in the night.
I used to play D&D twice a month, the group (consisting of 7 people) has changed system to GURPS. Used to collect Warhammer minatures but stopped as they are basically a black hole in ones wallet. I will begin to study Information Technology at a University in a month.

I am also a virgin (although thats a matter of choice, I have plenty of female friends but I have never met a person I could see myself living together with and I dont want to have sex with someone I would not go serious with).

I also know the difference between speed and velocity. Yes I am very geeky.
Actually, the only reason why I know what it stands for is because I wondered what it meant too. So I checked on Urban Dictionary.

Your new avatar is throwing me off. You've had the same one forever.. gosh. What a nerd.

*pulls out Magic Cards
bryanf445 and i play final fantasy I on nes in my basement, sometimes while our friends are out. he plays the game, and im the designated walkthrough guy. weve been playing it since last summer, hopefully we'll beat it soon.

its not THAT nerdy, but that about as nerdy as i get. i cant speak for bryan...
I also know the difference between speed and velocity. Yes I am very geeky.

I do too...

Besides posting on this forum, hmm, I guess talking to people about videogames in general. I've found that the real problem with this, is that videogames tends to be the only topic that ever comes up with some people.

Umm, majoring in engineering is pretty geeky and I almost went to an engineering university, but now I'm at a nice normal public university with lots of drunk idiots :P. I also tend to be the person that random people ask for homework help. Once my physics lab partner called up at 4 AM asking me to explain partial differentiation to her....

Last thing: In my dorm room I set up my monitor and keyboard to face my bed so I can just sit in bed in front of the computer. I even rearranged my bed and pillows to make this set-up work better. This was suggested to me by someone else though, so at least I didn't come up with it. Also, I'd blame laziness more than geekiness.
For me? I code in C# and C++ and I know the in's and out's of computer hardware and software.

I have never played D&D.

However I keep my computer life and personal life seperate. For example, around most of my friends you would never hear me talk about Computers. I play Need For Speed: Most Wanted here and there, thats what I play the most. Other than that I don't play games all that often.
I get annoyed when I see pointless exclemation marks and velocity getting mixed up with speed in textbooks.
Mostly us internet acronyms and posting on forums. I don't know if staying up on a school night awaiting for the MGS4 trailer only to find out its NOT being released that night counts as anything but plain old fanboyism.
I play Morrowind sometimes... that's about the extent of my geekiness... You guys are freaks.
ITT = Information Technology Team
I believe

Well, I game a hell of a lot, spend most of my days on the computer, and I'm a computer enthusiast.. Hardware wise.

Oh, I also like to play around with photoshop every now and then
Uuuhm, say lol, lmao (l-m-ow as in ouch), ftw as a proper sentence, in real life conversation. My friends actually understand most of it now.

Uuhm also most of my friends are gamers or are interested in it, so I brag a lot about my amazingness with computers and the like. Fun stuff.

Getting into DnD. Borrowed a rules book off a friend so that I can do a bit of roleplaying with them in a month or so (after I've read it. Boy they're a big read.)
Other than that, not really a geek. Haven't had a girlfriend due to seperate reasons to do with my childhood, and uh yeah. Can't wait for uni though so I can get out of this shitty area and meet some good people.

By the way, that parody on DnD posted on the first/second page is actually a hidden video from the "Summoner" PS1 game, and has it's own video which is FAR better (Made by the Dead Ale Wives)
You can get to the video by pressing triangle in the credits screen.
That's all done from memory. Geekyness +10
I might as well list ALL my nerdy qualities

I am obsessed with Star Trek (dur) and I played EverQuest for 5 years straight since the first expansion pack released (I play WoW now, so one habit for another) as I stated earlier I play D&D once a week with 5 of my friends, I spend many hours in #halflife2 on IRC and I post here

That's about it

..alright once I went to a Star Wars convention
I might as well list ALL my nerdy qualities

I am obsessed with Star Trek (dur) and I played EverQuest for 5 years straight since the first expansion pack released (I play WoW now, so one habit for another) as I stated earlier I play D&D once a week with 5 of my friends, I spend many hours in #halflife2 on IRC and I post here

That's about it

..alright once I went to a Star Wars convention
And you have the cheek to knock me for having a vectra? :laugh:
I used to play D&D, many years ago. I'd still like to play if I could find a good group of local people to play with.

Let's see...

I live on the internet. I'm always hanging out in this forum, on imageboards, and browsing; and anytime I'm on the internet I'm always in IRC. Two of the channels I hang out in I own.

I go to anime conventions; next year going to Comic Con.

I still watch cartoons. I don't mean anime either, I mean like, cartoons.

I spout off catchphrases and pop culture references in public situations. I think that counts as being nerdy.

I wrote a 36-page headcrab article. I think that qualifies me as some kind of supreme nerd. It also qualifies me for an insane asylum.
I'm somewhat of a closet geek. Nobody other than my girlfriend even knows I play video games. And she only knows because I scream a lot when I play CSS, and I live with her.

Though that's only because I don't actually know a single person in real life that plays video games, console, pc, or otherwise.
I'm the resident computer geek in my circle of friends... and considered one of the geekier people at my old high school.

I know the names of all the weapons in CSS.

I play board games... a lot.

I exclusively watch the Comedy Channel and Teletoon on TV. Nothing else.

When I bought my DS, I played around with it's less-than-extensive menus for an hour and a half before buying any games for it.

I have two empty computer cases in my bedroom, which I use as stands for my radio, alarm clock, and bedside lamp.

The motherboards from those cases are sitting on my desk in discrete pieces.

I've read all the Halo books, and I'm shamefully excited for the graphic novel.
I almost forgot about comics. I read a lot of those. I'd love to go to Comic-con one year.
I've been to two nerdy conventions. One game one, one anime one. I was one of the only ones at both of them not dressed up :)
I still love childish cartoons, I still like the idea of Pokemon, I'm into alot of anime that others would consider downright stupid, I used to play D&D.. and some other crazy things :p ah well
When I'm taking a dump I sometimes read an encyclopedia.
Anime, watch it, don't like too many real life fans because they creep me out. I actually went to an anime club at high school, which rocked in the 9th grade mainly because of the leader dude who was my friend's brother. Went downhill after that year since the leader was a senior and had to leave, was replaced by some goth chick and then the creepier people started showing up so I kinda stopped going after 10th grade...which is when I started going to video games club! (consoles).

It wasn't always that great but it was fun at times with halo tournaments, fighting game rounds with pals that I knew. Got to meet new not creepy people. Now it's the summer before college, I am pretty much into computer stuff, reading occasionally and watchin anime. Good thing I have the least geekiest friends to keep me company.
I still have the Oblivion worldmap pinned on the wall behind my monitor.
I play WoW, read webcomics and watch anime. That's about all I can think of
I'm actually the biggest computer geek in my grade, I'm proud of the fact that I know more about computers then any one person in my year.
I time music to events in games and in life to make them more awsome.
I still love childish cartoons, I still like the idea of Pokemon, I'm into alot of anime that others would consider downright stupid, I used to play D&D.. and some other crazy things :p ah well

Wouldn't it be grand? The Pokemon thing. I've always wished that in reality... people would set forth unto adventures, to capture pokemon and discover new stuff in the world. No school, no job, no worries. But I guess.. it's not how it works in the real world:rolling: