I've been banned!!

JDM Accord

Apr 15, 2010
Reaction score
From a freaking cartoon message board for nothing more than for suggesting a folder battle. This is a new low. This is for you, Adult Swim.com!:sniper:
There's two folders called Babbling and Incoherent Babbling, they're basically where people can talk about whatever they want, I just suggested to some people that we go to one of the folders and basically have fun and post some stupid comments and stuff, and apparently, that can get you banned, even though they never post a list of bannable offenses. Idiots.
Who's fault is it really, the ones who banned you or the one who joined the forums in the first place?
Meh, probably my fault. But my God, all I was saying was let's go post some stupid crap in this folder. I didn't make any racist remarks or anything like that, they never even tell you the stuff you can get banned for. The website is oriented towards adults, but moderated like it's for 6 year olds.
I think I hear Pi sharpening the banhammer.

Wait, is it possible to sharpen a hammer?
You should get banned for posting hateful and inflammatory stuff, not for just messing around.
So I can get banned from this site for telling people that I've been banned from another site. I hope you're kidding.
Can I, seriously? Don't be messing with me, I had a crappy day as it is.:angry:
You guys will care when you see me on here a lot more because I got no other place to post my drivel on.
So I thought maybe, just maybe, a mod had retitled the thread and you were actually banned.


Ban it like it's hot.
It can be sharpened, what do you know?
That would classify it as a Banmace.
We tenderise our steaks by morning and thrash it violently to print infraction points on forumites we go. We don't even clean it when we use for the next mornings culinary adventure.
so let's hear what got you banned for...if it's nothing "suggestive" in nature then it should be fine here. and if it's not funny you're in trouble.
We tenderise our steaks by morning and thrash it violently to print infraction points on forumites we go. We don't even clean it when we use for the next mornings culinary adventure.

That could result in poisoning. You better watch your arse the next health inspection rounds.
All I did was go into this one thread and say "HAHA this thread blows, this other one is better!" I didn't swear or curse or call anybody names or make derogatory remarks. But there is one guy on Adult swim.com who calls Catholics like myself "fans of child rape" and he has said that I belong to a "cult of rape". He said that to my face. I wasn't attacking him or anything, he has never been banned for saying those hateful things, ever. The mods on that forum are absolute idiots.
I don't know what's funnier, the fact that you expected something out of the Adult Swim forum, or that you're mad you're banned from it.
All I did was go into this one thread and say "HAHA this thread blows, this other one is better!" I didn't swear or curse or call anybody names or make derogatory remarks. But there is one guy on Adult swim.com who calls Catholics like myself "fans of child rape" and he has said that I belong to a "cult of rape". He said that to my face. I wasn't attacking him or anything, he has never been banned for saying those hateful things, ever. The mods on that forum are absolute idiots.

Maybe they banned you because they don't like rapists.
I don't know what's funnier, the fact that you expected something out of the Adult Swim forum, or that you're mad you're banned from it.
HAHA, very true. But it was still a stupid thing to get banned for.
All I did was go into this one thread and say "HAHA this thread blows, this other one is better!" I didn't swear or curse or call anybody names or make derogatory remarks. But there is one guy on Adult swim.com who calls Catholics like myself "fans of child rape" and he has said that I belong to a "cult of rape". He said that to my face. I wasn't attacking him or anything, he has never been banned for saying those hateful things, ever. The mods on that forum are absolute idiots.

I'm going to tell this to you simply and early: You're not going to enjoy your stay here.
Ah, I see... well if that's your game, I'll be needing the Troll Toll.
You got banned from a message board? Jesus christ, why you still here? You should have killed yourself already. No point in continuing life.
I hate you guys, you're so mean, you have no idea what I'm going through!!! :bonce: I'm never gonna speak to you again!!! *cries violently*
Can we be rid of him please uncle pi?