I've been fired...

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Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Just as the title says, I've been fired.

It was because I didn't notify Munro before I got deals(i.e. Free stuff) for the site and staff.

Icarus: you are firing me for doing my job?
Munro: you have helped me very much and I'm thankful for that but I don't think it's going to work out how I want to run this site
Icarus: Oh my god
Icarus: you are firing me
Munro: Yes..
Icarus: Munro, you are basicly saying that you don't want good things for the site if you can't know about them before they happen
Munro: that's right
Icarus: if I'm gone, you won't know about them cause they'll never happen :(
Munro: I guess that's right..
Icarus: This sucks ;- (
Munro: aye :/
Icarus: :'- (
Icarus: I've done so much for you mate...and you are firing me for it
Munro: it's not working out

That pretty much sums it up. :(
Poor guy :(

What was it you did, exactly?
Baal said:
Poor guy :(

What was it you did, exactly?

I didn't notify him before getting things for the site.

Thats it. I was fired for getting him free stuff, but not telling him about it until afterword.
Thanks for all your hard work Icarus, i'm sorry things didn't work out. I doubt we'd find anyone with your legal experience willing to work here for free, you'll be missed. Take care :)
Hey, HL2.net...Seriously, **** you.

The site and it's Junta-style government at its prime. :|
He could have just said "Ok, I'll let you off this time, but next time NOTIFY me first.."

ah well.
THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!!!! That is a half ass reason for firing ... But I probably dont know the whole story ... Sorry Icarus : ( ... You were my favorite moderator ..
Sorry to hear it, Icarus. But dont take it too hard. Munro really is not the most competent admin. Thats not your fault.

Sometimes HL2.net makes my stomache churn. This is one of those times.
CrazyHarij said:
Hey, HL2.net...Seriously, **** you.

The site and it's Junta-style government at its prime. :|
Gotta hate totalitarianism.
Ugh, I got very upset in the last post and I'm sorry for that, but I really don't see why that was a reason for firing him.. Icarus is such a great person, ever since I first got to know him he's been so helpful and reliable, truly one of the best friends I have on the internet, if you didn't like the way he did that, you could've just told him and he'd change in an instant.. :(
well munro's decision makes sense.

you want less good, capable mods for the tuesday release, right?
Awww man, that sucks Icarus. I feel for ya. Really do!
No one really knows the full story...

But sorry to see that happen to ya, mate, you were one of the better mods. It won't mean that you are leaving though, right? You'll still post about here, eh? ;( Please?
I have a feeling this isn't the whole story, and I am sure munro won't post it all.
So the site would rather be a second rate news site just reporting what the other sites say?

CyberSh33p said:
you want less good, capable mods for the tuesday release, right?
Yes, and more incapable ones. I think his plan is to mod DoctorGordon3 and Vodka HLC,. and let the chaos ensue!
Well, this is unfortunate. I guess we'll have to get used to being half assed. Demoting Spud, firing Icarus, what next?
I love you Icarus ... You're a good guy ... Such a reliable, friendly source for everything. I'll miss you controlling these forums ;(
"Strong reasons make strong actions."

We haven't heard the full story yet....

;( You were a good mod too.
DiSTuRbEd said:
I have a feeling this isn't the whole story, and I am sure munro won't post it all.
It does come across as very one sided in this thread, I'll say that much :(
CyberSh33p said:
will we ever get the other side?
Of course not. Munro hardly even posts at all. He's barely a member of the community he founded.
You know, I did leave something out, the begging for my job back, but you know what? I was a little to proud to post that.

As for other things...no

I was fired becuase I wouldn't notify him before getting things, cause he said he didn't want me representing the site without him knowing and consenting first.
Maybe its a sign you should leave and join a fansite that gives you PROMOTIONS for being a cool mod.
CyberSh33p said:
will we ever get the other side?
Probably not, for obvious reasons. But there is more to it and the quoted PM (which I don't think Munro is gonna be happy about either when he see's it) doesn't tell the whole story.

This thread wasnt a good idea :(
obvious reasons.. what reasons?!

it would be nice to know when relatively big things happen in this community. just tell us what happened so we can form our own opinions, because right now we are anyway and they could be misinformed.

you guys suck at PR sometimes, honestly.
CyberSh33p said:
obvious reasons.. what reasons?!

it would be nice to know when relatively big things happen in this community. just tell us what happened so we can form our own opinions, because right now we are anyway and they could be misinformed.

you guys suck at PR sometimes, honestly.
Hey don't blame me, isn't my fault, ask munro, im not his keeper
The way i see it: moderators exist to operate autonomously from admins and other moderators. The point is to have more heads working toward improvng the community, not just delegates to pass on the direct orders of their superiors. Whats the point of having moderators and other forum officials if they're not allowed to act independently (although toward the same interests) of the site owner?
jesus, wtf did you do? seriously.. :|
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