I've found the Devil ...

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Rambler, shut the **** up.

bugger off you little prick, don't be so rude, look at my last three posts, i've tried to get it back on topic and i've been answering peoples questions.

how is your insulting me contributing to the thread? glass houses.

on the other hand... i take your point. i'll shut up.
vanilla is very good.

also, please everyone stop being so rude, it's really immature.
no. how on earth did you deduce that? pretty? girl? bottom?

although I do like some junk in the trunk, big bottoms and big thighs ftw. but not fat.

now back on topic! ice cream!

when you said you like food in very large quantities and you like it served on girls bottoms :P

and yeah, more ice cream talk or this threads getting a lock
God damnit, last post on it

-you said you liked food in large quantities
-you then said you liked all this food to be served on girls bottoms
-therefore the girls must have very big bottoms to accomodate a large amount of food
-the girls that have very big bottoms are usually pretty fat
-thus, you like eating off fat girls :E

presumably they get the leftovers too :laugh:
ah i get it now, ok cool. anyway, yeah big bums but not fat ones.
I like turkey bacon.

Just kidding, Glenn. : p

Ahh... from a simple ice cream discussion to a raging arguement about eating off of fat girls. I love these forums.
i like peppermint stick :) and vanilla ice cream with the shell stuff on top. I ruined a botle of shell once by putting it in the fridge =/
no razieer obviously it's fat, but some people are more curvy than others. it doesn't mean they're 'fat'.
I don't like chocolate ice cream either. It's bleh. Just chocolate is ok, though. Or, if it's mixed with caramel and others, like a twix. Actually, I don't like *just* chocolate. It's gotta be with something. And I don't like any kind of chocolate-flavored things. And hot chocolate sucks.

I say we make a Rambler bashing thread where all rambler bashings go so then other threads wont get derailed.

*Derails thread/train after hijacking*.
I agree with the watermelon, although it shall not be this thread.

This shall be the thread in which I say, I hate cheesecake! Although the base is quite nice by itself... >.>
I clicked on this thread expecting to read more about the evil roomate
well stop talking about it and do it then, i'll time how long it takes to get locked. aaaaaaand go!

i acctually i never had a grudge against rambler, hes pretty nice.
thank you. also i realize i can be a bit of an idiot at times, but i like to think i'm never hostile towards anyone. at least not unprovoked.
It's true. I like chocolate, I like ice cream, but I can't stand chocolate ice cream. I have no explanation for why, I just don't like it.

Not even triple chocolate ice cream with that chocolate sauce and the chocolate bits and .. Wow I want ice cream.
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