I've just crashed....

I've got witnesses to the incident

What if she bribes the witnesses? Or the chief of police? Or...:X... gets a new identity? oO

Sorry, I've been playing Hitman: BM lately :p

On a serious note, I hope you get a full refund for the damage (+bonus for mental wounds).
What if she bribes the witnesses?

Once a woman driver drove right into the back of my mates car i was with him as well she said that she didn't see us despited we were right infront of her stoped at a red light. well she drove off i don't know how with the damage her car took.When the police questioned her she managed to get a few fake witnesses claiming they were with her and that it was his fault this got my mate really pissed off we saw she was alone and now she wants him to pay for the damages. She could very well get some fake witnesses.
I remember reading this a while back...


and when i saw the thread title i instantly thought of you for some reason :(
Heh, I totally forgot about that thread. Well, my first smash is now over and done with, and it didn't even total the car. It scared the s**t out of me though :D In the space of a milisecond you have to make a thousand decisions on how to end the crash without hurting anyone or totally writing your car off. A genuinely frightening experience, and I hope to god I never crash again.
Women complain so much about being equal.

"I'm getting paid 50 cents less than him because I'm a woman?! I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT!"

"What, I'll get cheaper insurance because I'm a woman? OK! SIGN ME UP!"

They don't make sense.
Well I've just been on the dog'n bone to the insurance company. My car's being towed to a vauxhall accident repair garage to be fixed up, and i'm getting a courtesy car for a few days. The police came round this morning to get my statement and give me the silly womans insurance details. The police then went round to her house to "deal" with her lawbreaking stupidity.

So all in all, i'm happy.
What if she bribes the witnesses?

Once a woman driver drove right into the back of my mates car i was with him as well she said that she didn't see us despited we were right infront of her stoped at a red light. well she drove off i don't know how with the damage her car took.When the police questioned her she managed to get a few fake witnesses claiming they were with her and that it was his fault this got my mate really pissed off we saw she was alone and now she wants him to pay for the damages. She could very well get some fake witnesses.

You are a witness, and generally you have to back the car that was rear ended
as generally cars don't go backwards.

Gotta say Women and very old men really feck me off when they're behind the wheel. Seen an old codger nearly take me out cause he decided that he didn't have to stop at red light (pellican crossing). Just as well I have road sense and looked both ways before stepping onto the road. Wasn't like the light had just changed either, it was about halfway through its cycle.

The last time I got really pissed off at a road user was a woman. I was coming up a steep road, to a junction to find that some dick had parked right on the verge. I had no visiblity to the right at all, so I very slowly start to pull out, so that I didn't do a 'lePobz killer' move and give plenty of room for any car I can't see to pass me. As I pull out my view improves till eventually I see a car to my right, by this time I am about halfway across the road, still moving slowly. The car is a fair distance, away from me but still travelling at 40 mph (give or take). Well I just pushed ahead now I could see, but the driver of said car (Chavtactual woman) continued at me hammering the horn.

Now in a situation like this I understand that I'm causing the car to slow down (to say the 30mph speed limit), but I am blind, I'm traveling very slowly giving a lot of warning to my intentions, and I have to turn at the junction, nothing I can do bout the illegally parked car obstructing my view.

Actually more I think about it the more I think all people should be banned from the road. Too many morons.
I'm getting very scared of driving now. >>
Take her down!
Well my insurance company is fighting it out with her insurance company. I've got witnesses to back me up - she has nothing.

I've decided to leave the repairs to my car till after the liability has been sorted out. I'm not going to pay for the repairs myself, and nor am i going to pay excess for an accident that wasn't my fault - so if they can't come to the conclusion that she was in the wrong, then i'm going to leave my car as it is, and set her house on fire.
Good going, it's great that you managed to get her license plate, with the witnesses etc there's no chance in hell she's winning this.
so do teens and recent graduates

stay off the goddam roads
So do the elderly. They can't see properly. Their licenses should be revoked, or they should be put through strenuous tests to prove their reactions/eyesight. We are in grave danger.
yes I agree ..no old geezers on the roads! /me shakes fist at geezers ...oh wait you were insinutating that I'm old ..you'd better run young whipper-snapper cuz when I get up I'm going to lay a caning on you!
God I hate those idiot old drivers, always doing stupid things when they have a car wheel in their hands. I swear it's like NONE of them can drive! I was working at my job and I saw this 90 year old guy back up out of his parking spot without looking and there was a truck right behind him waiting at a stop line. Old guy didnt even look and hit the truck backing out
Best assumption when driving... everyone else is an idiot. Drive defensively as if everyone is out to get you!
hehe i work for an insurance company! i have to set up and talk about claims daily. im so used to hearing stories like this.

sorry to hear youve had a crash tho man, :(.


lepobz its a good thing you got her number plate, or youde be fvcked. your insurance company will do a MID search the the reg plate and get the insurance details. if she isnt insured then try the Motor insurance Bureau (MID). with a witness tho, you should be fine... if independant of course ;)

Best assumption when driving... everyone else is an idiot. Drive defensively as if everyone is out to get you!

i totally agreee there kirov :thumbs:
Best assumption when driving... everyone else is an idiot. Drive defensively as if everyone is out to get you!

QFT .***nning people off the road as a preventative measure is also encouraged :)
Best assumption when driving... everyone else is an idiot. Drive defensively as if everyone is out to get you!
This is how I do drive usually - but this instance I had no chance - She just pulled straight out of a junction literally metres infront of my car. Me and my witnesses were amazed I missed her car. I was going less than 30mph but it was raining, and like I say, she pulled out just infront of me. The only way to have avoid accidents like this is to approach every crossroads at 10mph or less, even when you have right of way - and doing that is stupid and dangerous in itself, someone will probably pile into the back of you.

KoreBolteR said:
lepobz its a good thing you got her number plate, or youde be fvcked. your insurance company will do a MID search the the reg plate and get the insurance details. if she isnt insured then try the Motor insurance Bureau (MID). with a witness tho, you should be fine... if independant of course
Yeah I've sorted this out. The police gave me her insurance details anyway. Then they went round and spoke to my witnesses, and then went round to deal with the STUPID ASS woman. I don't know what happened to her, that's police business and not mine (apparently). It's just a case of my witnesses describing the incident to silly womans insurance company now.

My witnesses are ace, they both think the woman is a blithering idiot. One of them even called her a stupid bitch :LOL: I agree wholeheartedly.
This is how I do drive usually - but this instance I had no chance - She just pulled straight out of a junction literally metres infront of my car. Me and my witnesses were amazed I missed her car. I was going less than 30mph but it was raining, and like I say, she pulled out just infront of me. The only way to have avoid accidents like this is to approach every crossroads at 10mph or less, even when you have right of way - and doing that is stupid and dangerous in itself, someone will probably pile into the back of you.

That's why we just need teleporters! D:

Finally, the silly woman has admitted all liability - which means I don't pay excess or anything, and I keep my no claims bonus etc. etc.

All repairs and hire car expenses come out of her insurance. Guess she's lost her no claims bonus, although the way she drives, I doubt she had one in the first place. My car's booked in at the garage tomorrow, and i'm getting a hire car tomorrow too - for a week.

Guess that concludes this week of unfair aggrovation. lePobz signing off.
In a side note:
Passed my test yesterday! :D

Now the search for a car begins :E

Can currently use my mum's Vauxhall Astra when it is free
In a side note:
Passed my test yesterday! :D

Now the search for a car begins :E

Can currently use my mum's Vauxhall Astra when it is free

Congrats man, this deserves its own thread! :D
congratz for passing evo.

and congratz to Lepobz for not letting the idiot woman get away with it! woohoo!
Your insurance premium will still rise, regardless. She's going to cost you money, no matter what happens.
Stick the knife in. Go tell the guy whose wall it is who to bill for "Bits of bumper removal"

Interesting fact. Women do not pay lower insurance because they have less accidents, because they don't. They actually have more than men, but they tend to cost less than repair. This is because mens accidents are caused by those stupid boy racers who have tuned their engine but not thier brakes or tyres. So next time a woman tells you she is a statisticly better driver than you, if you arn't a boy racer, point out that in fact, statisticly, you are better than her.

Speaking of stupid drivers, I need all women/old people to do me a quick favour. Go out to your car and point to every knob/switch/object that controls something you can find. Go ahead and do that now, I'll wait...
Done that? Right. That switch that you don't know what it does? Its for dimming your lights. No, not your main beam switch, the one that sets how high or low your normal lights point. You will notice that it is at its highest setting. If you are behind me on the motorway, which is likley because you are doing 65 in the middle lane, then use said switch and go from "Light up the world" to "not a moron, honest" (setting 1).

If you are not able to understand this simple concept, I am going to follow you home, break into your car and unscrew your light stalk. And possibly your steering wheel.
I always thought the best way to keep the unsafe elderly off the roads was to make resitting your drivers test mandatory every 10 years.

Nice stat, Link. I always assumed it was because women had less accidents.
Your insurance premium will still rise, regardless. She's going to cost you money, no matter what happens.
I've got it in writing, my insurance company has nothing to do with this incident, it goes on no record of mine. They just charge the bill to her insurance. My premium has not increased, as far as they're concerned, I haven't had an accident. That's what no claims bonuses are for. If you cost money, you lose it. I haven't.

Link - Funny post, true too. I think there are certain things old people do just for the fun of being a pain in the arse. It's all they've got left, at that age.
Mate. You've had an insurance incident. You are statistically a higher risk than somebody who hasn't.

Regardless of fault.

Regardless of blame.

Regardless of who pays.

Your next premium will rise accordingly. I guarantee it. If you don't believe me, ask the same question at www.pistonheads.com they'll all tell you the same (50,000 members)
Thats what I meant :) £75 on mine, but you have to remember that insurance companies will use absolutely any excuse whatsoever to increase their profits.

Personally I'm all for including a basic 3rd party level of insurance into everybody's driving licence - paid for from general taxation. That way, everyone is insured. If someone wants fully comp, they pay a bit more to the same old insurance companies.

Much better that way, frees up police time as well.
Sounds like a good idea, but the non-drivers would probably complain.