I've just crashed....

Untill they get run over by an uninsured driver and don't see a penny in compensation...
People around the world are idiots. My buddy was just T-boned in his classic Mustang he just finished restoring last night...he was pretty beat up, went into the windshield, and his girlfriend ended up with a broken nose from going into the dash.

When people get too close to me (usually tailgaters) i swerve side to side just a little bit....they think Im loosing it, and back off...
A good trick for tailgaters is to slowly bring up the accelerator, so you slow down, but don't break. Shed 10-20 mph, changing down as you do. Then, just floor it. They will still be in a high gear and you will leave them for dust. Repeat untill they get the message.

Or just slam on the breaks, claim you saw a cat run out and destroy thier no claims bonus.
A good trick for tailgaters is to slowly bring up the accelerator, so you slow down, but don't break. Shed 10-20 mph, changing down as you do. Then, just floor it. They will still be in a high gear and you will leave them for dust. Repeat untill they get the message.

Or just slam on the breaks, claim you saw a cat run out and destroy thier no claims bonus.

Or pull over and let them by.
That would teach them that tailgating will make people let them by. My method teaches them they are arseholes that should crash into a tree.
Your method increases frustration on the road and makes an accident involving yourself more likely. I think you need to re-examine your driving standards, they seem lacking.

Are you also one of these people who speeds up to prevent somebody from overtaking you?
My method decreases overall speed and increases the braking distance between myself and the tailgater. So it actually reduces the likleyhood of an accident, and as for their fustration, they are fustrating me by tailgating, so they can **** themselves.

I will choose to ignore your flame bait about my driving standards. I will say however that I put down more miles in the last 18 months than many poeple do in a decade, and have never had an accident, nor caused someone else to have one.

No, only idiots accelarate to block overtakers. It happens to me a lot, I drive a smart car, and people seem to hate being overtaken by them.
No, only idiots accelarate to block overtakers. It happens to me a lot, I drive a smart car, and people seem to hate being overtaken by them.

Depends on the situation. I block people if they just want to get in front of me, which happens all the time.
I also do what you do, which is slow down a little, and they usually try to switch lanes and pass me then I floor it.

If they beat me they deserve to be in front. The fastest cars should always be at the front of the line.

So, you people in your smart cars and lumbering trucks and hoopdies should stick in the slow lane, and stop switching over just to be at the front of a red light.

FTR in my 10 years of driving I have never been in a moving accident.
Someone once slammed into me as I was sitting at a red light, though.
Mate. You've had an insurance incident. You are statistically a higher risk than somebody who hasn't.

Regardless of fault.

Regardless of blame.

Regardless of who pays.
Insurance companies are the biggest rip-offs of them all.
Depends on the situation. I block people if they just want to get in front of me, which happens all the time.
I also do what you do, which is slow down a little, and they usually try to switch lanes and pass me then I floor it.

If they beat me they deserve to be in front. The fastest cars should always be at the front of the line.

So, you people in your smart cars and lumbering trucks and hoopdies should stick in the slow lane, and stop switching over just to be at the front of a red light.

FTR in my 10 years of driving I have never been in a moving accident.
Someone once slammed into me as I was sitting at a red light, though.

Don't lump smart cars in with trucks, they are a lot faster than you think. And for overtaking, I meant when there is only one lane road. People can try and accelerate to stop me over taking as much as they like with 2 lanes or more, because they are in the slower lane, and will be forced to slow when we catch up to the car ahead in thier lane.
Don't lump smart cars in with trucks, they are a lot faster than you think. And for overtaking, I meant when there is only one lane road. People can try and accelerate to stop me over taking as much as they like with 2 lanes or more, because they are in the slower lane, and will be forced to slow when we catch up to the car ahead in thier lane.
Kinda depends on what you mean by "smart" and "one lane".

One lane per side or one lane, one direction? If it's one lane per two-way, yeah I think you should just let people pass. If it's one lane one-way, I don't think people should be going onto the shoulder to pass. That's illegal. But it's also illegal to hold up a certain amount of traffic so the offending slow person is obligated to pull over.

BTW, some trucks are faster than my GT.
I meant, and have meant from the moment I said overtake blockers are idiots, blocking overtaking on a road with one lane in each direction.
My method decreases overall speed and increases the braking distance between myself and the tailgater. So it actually reduces the likleyhood of an accident, and as for their fustration, they are fustrating me by tailgating, so they can **** themselves.

I will choose to ignore your flame bait about my driving standards. I will say however that I put down more miles in the last 18 months than many poeple do in a decade, and have never had an accident, nor caused someone else to have one.

No, only idiots accelarate to block overtakers. It happens to me a lot, I drive a smart car, and people seem to hate being overtaken by them.

Your method has one eventual outcome - it increases frustration for both parties, and therefore increases the likelihood of an accident.

Just so we can get the driving penis thing out of the way :) I am also a high mileage driver, and am qualified to IAM standards.
Incorrect, it increases their fustration, not mine. I find it relaxing to have a tailgater back off, and as I say, they don't care about my fustration levels, I don't care about theirs.

I resisted taking out my driving penis, (mostly cos its so damn heavy ;)) but you did attack my driving standards. Now, in my experience, my method will cause the tailgater to back off. Your method will cause him to ride the next guy even harder, as you have affirmed that tailgating will make people move. So, there are arguments that either method decreases or increases risk. I happen to think mine has the most benefit to myself and other road users. The tailgaters wishes/saftey are not a consideration in my opinion, they have annoyed me, and put my life at risk for their benefit.
If their behaviour had no effect on your 'frustration', then you wouldn't speed up would you?

Presuming you're already travelling at a speed which you find safe and comfortable, how can increasing your speed to such an extent that you are able to put a gap between yourself and the car behind, possibly be safe?

It is not for you to decide how another person should drive. That is a job for the police and the courts.

If you think that you're driving safely by allowing the behaviour of others to have an adverse effect on your driving, then I think you need to reconsider your belief in your ability to drive safely and considerately. You clearly do not understand the relationship between frustration and driving safety.

Just to re-iterate - if another driver is being an idiot, or putting your life at risk - the safest thing to do is let them continue their journey. The alternative is having that person become a part of the rest of your life.
so do teens and recent graduates

stay off the goddam roads

Recent grauduates are scared when they drive, i was also like that when my dad let me back out of the house and on to the neighbourhood... i did that in a foreign country though:farmer:

You do feel scared
My method is to slow down 10 or 20 mph, let a large gap build up in front, then accelerate hard back up to my original speed. The objective is not to outrun my tailgater, simply to open a gap in such a way as to demonstrate to him that I require a gap between us.

I never said it was, although if they are endangering me, I consider it is up to me. However, tailgating is still ilegal, so the courts have already decided that one.

As I pointed out, I slow down, then speed back up to my original speed. The other driver may have caused me to do that, but I would hardly say its an adverse effect.

How is that any business of your? Its my risk to take. As far as I am concerned, the other driver has waived any right to his saftey when he encroched on my rear saftey zone. You think I have a duty to protect this clown? **** em, people like that can crash and die as far as I am concerned.

Finally, I have had enough of your "You think your a safe driver, you are wrong" lines. I am a very safe driver, born out by the fact that I have never had an accident. Your doing it deliberatly, I assume to try and make me get angry and post a flame that will make me loose credibility. Stop it, its childish.

End of the day? Slowing down and accelarating again is not dangerous. 9/10 the other guy gets the message and leave more braking distance, and the rest just keep tailgating. Given that the only people at risk from not pulling over and letting them past is myself and the vehicle behind, that desision is up to the individual, and is one I consider acceptable.
Link I pretty much agree with you, but I don't think drivers in our respective areas act the same.
The moment you slow down over here the tailgater will swap lanes without thinking, but I guess it acheives the same objective.
My method is to slow down 10 or 20 mph, let a large gap build up in front, then accelerate hard back up to my original speed. The objective is not to outrun my tailgater, simply to open a gap in such a way as to demonstrate to him that I require a gap between us.

And what you actually end up doing is pissing the tailgater off, thus making him/her angrier, and increasing the likelihood that that person will do something even more stupid.

link said:
I never said it was, although if they are endangering me, I consider it is up to me. However, tailgating is still ilegal, so the courts have already decided that one.

It is not up to you at all, and I think if a police officer witnessed you performing such actions, you'd be the one getting into trouble. Please note also that there is no specific legislation which defines 'tailgating' as an offence - in fact, tailgating is an important part of an overtaking maneuvere.

link said:
As I pointed out, I slow down, then speed back up to my original speed. The other driver may have caused me to do that, but I would hardly say its an adverse effect.

Of course its an adverse effect. You're allowing the actions of this other driver to effect a negative change on your driving. You're paying more attention to your rear view mirrors, and less attention to the hazards ahead. It matters not if you're being tailgated, if something happened in front of you that you didn't notice because you were too concerned with what was happening behind you, thats not the fault of the tailgater - its your fault. What you're doing increases the chances of that happening.

link said:
How is that any business of your? Its my risk to take. As far as I am concerned, the other driver has waived any right to his saftey when he encroched on my rear saftey zone.

Its my business because this is a public forum and you made the choice to tell everybody what you do to people tailgating you. If you don't want people to correct you, then don't say anything. Also, there is no such thing as a 'rear safety zone'. Its not something you have any real control over, other than when effecting a lane change or turning into a side road and watching for cyclists.

link said:
You think I have a duty to protect this clown? **** em, people like that can crash and die as far as I am concerned.

What you're doing is increasing the likelihood that they'll crash into you, or perhaps follow you home and inflict a bit of road rage. How are either of those 2 outcomes preferable to simply allowing a tailgater to pass you?

link said:
Finally, I have had enough of your "You think your a safe driver, you are wrong" lines. I am a very safe driver, born out by the fact that I have never had an accident. Your doing it deliberatly, I assume to try and make me get angry and post a flame that will make me loose credibility. Stop it, its childish.

A lack of accidents is no indication whatsoever of safe driving. In fact one might say that its an indication that the drivers around you are more observant, and managing to avoid hitting you.

If you don't like it when somebody such as myself pokes holes in your flawed reasoning, I suggest you're the one who is being childish, and I worry that such behaviour is evident in your driving style.

link said:
End of the day? Slowing down and accelarating again is not dangerous. 9/10 the other guy gets the message and leave more braking distance, and the rest just keep tailgating. Given that the only people at risk from not pulling over and letting them past is myself and the vehicle behind, that desision is up to the individual, and is one I consider acceptable.

You are completely wrong. Slowing down unnecessarily increases frustration, leading to unsafe overtaking maneuveres and road rage. The risk is then also placed onto oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

It is not for ordinary road users to become vigilantes. That is a job for Traffic Police, units which seem to be scarce these days because they're being replaced by speed cameras, but thats another argument.

In short, you're completely wrong, and I hope you or anybody else around you never finds out the hard way.
Individually quoted points

1/. I retract my statment about being annoyed by you saying I'm a bad driver. Your clearly unaware of how to perform this manouver safely (And yes, its perfectly safe), as such, you are clearly not somone in full control when driving, so your attacks are invalid.

2/. I don't need to look in the rear view to perform the manouver. I slow down, I accelerate, neither of which requires additional rear view observation. I already know whats behind me, thats the problem.

3/. I do not care if I increase thier fustration. Yes, it increases risk, but still stays within acceptable risk (imo). As for road rage, funnily enough, if someone follows me home, I'm not going to stop there untill they bugger off.

4/. Read your highway code. There is a large section regarding breaking distances you must observe. If you disregard the highway code, you can be prosecuted for driving without due care and attention. Not leaving breaking distance is essentially a criminal offence.
1/. I retract my statment about being annoyed by you saying I'm a bad driver. Your clearly unaware of how to perform this manouver safely (And yes, its perfectly safe), as such, you are clearly not somone in full control when driving, so your attacks are invalid.

There isn't a way to perform such a maneuvre safely, your point is invalid.

link said:
2/. I don't need to look in the rear view to perform the manouver. I slow down, I accelerate, neither of which requires additional rear view observation. I already know whats behind me, thats the problem.

If you don't look in your mirror, how do you know that your actions have been successful? By definition you must be concentrating more on events taking place behind you, and therefore must be concentrating less on events ahead of you.

link said:
3/. I do not care if I increase thier fustration. Yes, it increases risk, but still stays within acceptable risk (imo). As for road rage, funnily enough, if someone follows me home, I'm not going to stop there untill they bugger off.

I'm glad you recognise you're increasing the risk for all. Logically, that makes you a more dangerous driver than you otherwise would be. What you need to do is correct that behaviour, however I get the impression that you're one of those drivers who feels that they have nothing left to learn.

link said:
4/. Read your highway code. There is a large section regarding breaking distances you must observe. If you disregard the highway code, you can be prosecuted for driving without due care and attention. Not leaving breaking distance is essentially a criminal offence.

The section of the Highway Code that deals with stopping distances (not braking distances, as they're not the same thing) is not law. Not leaving 'braking distance' is not a criminal offence although it may be construed as careless driving.
Someone lock this thread, it's a troll infestation.

Trolls like banana muncha-crunchers.
Thus, this thread shall be dismissed.

I'm to lazy to read through the whole thread. Was the car fixed?
Car's currently in the garage being repaired. Got this as a temporary replacement. Meh.
Damn, I really feel for you. Corsas are horrendous :hmph:
Well WTF were you doing driving on the left side of the road anyways you crazy?

Pfft, just been to see my poor baby... They've not fixed her yet! Not even started. Looks like i'm going to have this POS corsa for a while. :(
Relax... You dont have a BMW

thats if anyone know what BMW stands for...
Pobz, what is wrong with a Corsa?

Well apart from it being a Vauxhall of course :p
Pobz, what is wrong with a Corsa?

Well apart from it being a Vauxhall of course :p
Oi don't knock vauxhall ... the VXRs are mint, and I love my vectra to bits. I just hate corsa's because they're chav fodder, and they're too damn small.
Oi don't knock vauxhall ... the VXRs are mint, and I love my vectra to bits. I just hate corsa's because they're chav fodder, and they're too damn small.

Haha, nah i'm just a bit bored of Vauxhall's, learned in a Corsa and had a Astra or othe Vauxhall on the drive for the past few years!

Yeah Corsa's are chav fodda and small, ah well

i just cruise down motor ways the wrong way at full speed, no kidding, i really do. but i never get fined cos i'm such a good actor, lol.
I was banned when this thread was first made, so I'll repost what Tr0n said

die chav, die
lol, my ex just txt'ed me saying shes just had an accident and it was her fault ... poor lass!

In other news, I get my car back tomorrow :D I've just taken the crapola corsa back to the hire car place. Yay!

There appears to be something horribly wrong with your car...

...oh yeah, its a Vectra :D