I've just had a really SHITTY day...


Aug 13, 2006
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Today I started out my normal routine, putting the dog in it's crate downstairs, and then driving to school. Today, however, would turn out to be the shittiest day i ever had. While I was gone, I'm guessing an hour or so after I had left for my 2 hour session, the dog got sick and did the shits all over her crate. After school I decided to go over to my best friend Matt's house. I picked him up and we brought over his rock band stuff. We were ready to have some fun, and I was going to play drums. (Which I play in real life much better, tbh) So, when i got home, i went downstairs to let the dog out to shit bnefore it shit all over the crate... or so I thought. As I opened the door to the unfinished side, where the crate is, I was nearly pushed back by the most horrible smell I have ever fathomed.

If you want any idea how bad this smell was, go to a farm, find the cows, smush your face into a cow pie, then light it on fire. That is how bad it was. I could see, with blurry eyes from tears that the dog was laying in a pool of brown... Filth.

Now, as my friends know, me and this dog haven't had a great history over the month it's been here. it has never liked me, or given me a chance to be it's friend. Whenever i get within 10 feet of it, it tucks it's ears behind it's head and runs away, like I'm going to beat the holy shit out of it. Though I've never harmed the dog in any way, from the very moment we got her, she's been terrified of me. So, I look down at this evil dog covered in it's own filth... She stares up at me with thart "OHH HOLY SHIT!" face.

I slowly open the crate door, but as I do so, she makes a dart between my leg and the side of the crate, so, not knowing if she's going to smear me with shit, I dash to the side. I can already hear the dog running up the steps in the other room and I can only umagine the nasty trail it's left behind for me to clean up, as I can already see shitty paw prints running to the stairs, so, in pure rage and anger, I scream at the top of my lungs, in my deep booming voice, "****!" but much more than that. The volume it escaped my mouth at suprized even me. But, as I look up the steps i can see the dog at the top, only imagining what type of trail she's about to make through the house.

So, I run up the steps, trying to catch her before she can run away, and unbeknownst to me, Matt had left the garage door open because he was carrying the Xbox inside. So, the dog flies out the garage door, into the front yard, and runs away. At this point I'm not in a good enough mind set to care weather or not she gets run over, so I just tell Matt to go outside and keep an eye on her. I go back downstairs to access the damage. The tray in the crate is just horribly covered in diahrea, and I noticed a spot where the dog had thrown up because of the smell it had produced. Then I track behind me, to the stairs. As the dog rounded the corner to go up the steps, it had slipped. A large smear of feces went all the way around the corner.

So, naturally, I went upstairs and got the Spot Shot, an old towel, and a few cans of lysol, then began to scrub. After a few minutes of scrubbing, My friend yells at me down the steps. "Chad, me and the neighbor trapped her in the garage!" he said.

Not sure if I want to do anything with the filthy beast at the moment, I got up, and climbed the steps. As I step out the front door, I can see my neighbor trying to keep the dog in the garage. So, i get the idea to let Matt go and keep her comfortable while I close the garage from the outside panel. So, naturally, it worked, but now I have another challenge... how to get the dog to the backyard without letting her get into the living room. Well, luckily the backyard Door is right across from the Garage door, so I put chairs in the way of the living room (There's no door from the kitchen to the living room.) and opened the back door as wide as it would go. I told Matt from the other side of the door,

"Get ready, She might try to get past you." Knowing that she was covered in shit, I didn't want to risk him getting all dirty because of my animal. So, i open up the garage door, and the dog tucks it's ears behind it's head. She looks up at me, begging me not to hurt her. And I reply by putting my hands up, in a surrender position. I back away from the doorway and lure her in with the baby talk we usually use on out pets. She walk through the door and looks up at me again, and gives me the same look. I'm not in the mood for this. I point to the back door and snap, and she runs as fast as she can outside, slipping on the linoleum.

Now that the dog is in the backyard, and i am sure the gates are locked, I close the door. It's time to call my mom. So, me and my mom talk about this a little, and i can sense her getting more angry as I deliver more of the news, so I begin to act as if nothing has ever pissed me off more. This seems to work on my mother, so instead of getting mad at me, she'll see that I'm mad, and know that it's not my doing. So, now we are faced with one last task... how to get the crate outside without getting dog shit all over the house...

So, I came up with the idea that we'll slide the tray out and put garbage bags around either side of it, then carry that, then collapse the wire frame and carry that outside. Only problem is, the bags are too small to fit around the tray... So, we have to think of something else.

Matt, thank god he was around, because I would have killed myself trying to clean this up, (He was spraying Lysol while I was cleaning the spots so that neither of us would throw up from the horrid smell.) thought that we should throw paper towels on the wet and runny parts and poke them with a yardstick to make sure they soaked up... whatever needed to be soaked up... So, we did. We used the yardstick because the dog is obviously sick, and even if it wasn't, who wants to get that close to dog diarrhea?

So, the paper towels soak up the runny stuff. now to slide it out of the frame. As Matt pulled on the tray, I poked the paper towels to make sure they went through the small opening without sliding out. Then, still weary of being covered in shit, we each put a single garbage bag around both our hands (We can't waste.) and carried it up the steps. Then once we got that outside we carried the wire frame outside, and set them both in the grass. The dog, rolling in the grass trying toget shit out of it's fur, walked over to the tray to sniff it, and gagged. I personally thought it was funny, but Matt said he was about to be sick, so we went inside and washed off, even though we didn't really touch any of the excrement, we just wanted to be sure.

Now, tomorrow, I have to go outside and spray off that tray, and wash the dog, then mop the floor in the basement. That will be fun... And I also get to clean my room, so that is also cool. As I write this, my brother is downstairs, shampooing the carpet, and I can smell that same horrible smell, so I'm glad it's being released out of the carpet. I hope I never have to smell that again.

By the way, it's not as long as it seems. just read it, you lazy bastards.
I paused Eddie Izzard and read this entire thing, and it was not that long, and I hate shit, and I hope you appreciate it.
I lol'd at the "Now, tomorrow i have to wash the dog"

Poor things going to be caked in shit all night.

Also, this is why I dislike dogs.
oh, I JUST got the pun in the title.

Slow que is slow.
rofl i just got it also while scrolling down to see the replies.

To get your dog to be unafraid of something, you have to spend some time. do this. put a leash on the dog. it doesn't have to be tight - you ever see the dog whisperer? yeah. keep the dog with you and force it to face it's fears. it will take a little bit of time to realize nothing bad is going to happen, but it will get over it. you could spend about 20 minutes every few days doing that. It shouldn't take long for her to get over it

I mean, I'm no dog expert, but I saw something similar on the dog whisperer - a TV show with an Dog expert. The dog was terrified of the garden hose. by the time the episode was over, it no longer even flinched.

oh and, it's probable that the dog ate something it shouldn't be eating. you should probably look into that and/or find out what exactly you should be feeding her.
What do you mean by a 'crate'? Why are you keeping a dog in one anyway?

Not much sympathy tbh. If you're keeping an animal in whatever capacity you have to be prepared to do what it takes to look after it. If it's not your choice to be looking after the dog, blame whoever it is who chose to have the dog at your house. It's not the dog's fault that it got sick and had to spend hours lying in it's own shit and vomit. Out of you and her, who do you think had the worse day?

As for 'yeah, dogs are filthy...' type comments: after having extensive experience with both dog- and catshit, I have to say I'd take dogshit aaaany day. On average it's more solid, less wet and less pukesomely offensive to the nose and lungs. There was a period where I had to pay visits to my aunt's cat, feeding it and cleaning up it's shit since that cat had severe... behavioral problems. It would leave some of the foulest messes ever (but that still doesn't mean it was the cat's fault).
Well, normal cats dont do that. Normal cats shit in a box that has sand in it which is easy to clean up. You have to hand-pickup the shit dogs leave behind. Outdoor cats are even better, because they go shit in hidden places all over the neighborhood and you dont ever have to deal with it.
Well, normal cats dont do that. Normal cats shit in a box that has sand in it which is easy to clean up. You have to hand-pickup the shit dogs leave behind.
This cat did that. It also shat outside the box. But even cleaning the litter tray was an ordeal because catshit flipping reeks and would make me heave. Given the choice between cleaning a cat's litter and putting a little dog turd in a plastic bag I know what I'd pick.
This cat did that. It also shat outside the box. But even cleaning the litter tray was an ordeal because catshit flipping reeks and would make me heave. Given the choice between cleaning a cat's litter and putting a little dog turd in a plastic bag I know what I'd pick.

little dog turd? Maybe you just have wimpy dogs. All the dogs my friends and family members leave human sized shits everywhere.
All the better for freezing and having lightsaber battles with. Can you do that with cat's turds?? The best you could make is a shuriken.

To get your dog to be unafraid of something, you have to spend some time. do this. put a leash on the dog. it doesn't have to be tight - you ever see the dog whisperer? yeah. keep the dog with you and force it to face it's fears. it will take a little bit of time to realize nothing bad is going to happen, but it will get over it. you could spend about 20 minutes every few days doing that. It shouldn't take long for her to get over it

I mean, I'm no dog expert, but I saw something similar on the dog whisperer - a TV show with an Dog expert. The dog was terrified of the garden hose. by the time the episode was over, it no longer even flinched.

oh and, it's probable that the dog ate something it shouldn't be eating. you should probably look into that and/or find out what exactly you should be feeding her.

I've dine this for weeks, tbh, and I even give her 3 treats every morning. I just give her a treat, and sit back, and don't let her think I expect anything from her, but she's still terrified of me. I think this time, however, she was most afraid of me because I screamed, and she could tell I was pissed off.

And Laivasse, we keep the dog in the crate so that while I'm gone for my 2 hour school session each day, she doesn't decide to shit in a hidden place somewhere in the house. I can only imagine that if the dog wasn't in the crate, there would be shit all over my brother's bed, and his room. (That's where she stays, because she likes him, and won't give anyone else a chance.)

And yeah, it was because of some food she ate. My brother got some special dog food that is supposed to taste REALLY ****ing good to the dog, and he let me give it to her and have me stand by the bowl, since she hadn't eaten all day, so eventually she came up to me to eat anyway, cause she was starved. And i just stood there while she ate. But this food was that mushy stuff you have to mix in with the hard dog food, so I guess they frogot to put a warning lable on there that says "WARNING! MAY CAUSE YOUR DOG TO TRACK DIARRHEA, SHIT, AND VOMIT ALL OVER YOUR HOUSE! AND THE FOOD SMELLS BAD, BUT THE SHIT YOUR DOG DOES IN YOUR HOUSE WHILE YOU'RE GONE WILL SMELL 400 TIMES WORSE THAN ANYTHING YOU'VE EVER SMELLED BEFORE!"


I'm suing. :D

The dog is in the crate for 2 hours (At most) a day. Don't make me feel like such a prick. :(
Van_Halen said:
And Laivasse, we keep the dog in the crate so that while I'm gone for my 2 hour school session each day, she doesn't decide to shit in a hidden place somewhere in the house. I can only imagine that if the dog wasn't in the crate, there would be shit all over my brother's bed, and his room. (That's where she stays, because she likes him, and won't give anyone else a chance.)

my dog never shits/pees in the house and is often alone for extended periods of time, he's not in a crate and never has been. A crate should only be used for transport or training, never as a cage to keep him from shitting in the house, that's your problem not his.

and never ever feed a puppy soft food unless it's ordered by a vet. it goes right through them, get dry puppy food perferably not a brand like Purina
my dog never shits/pees in the house and is often alone for extended periods of time, he's not in a crate and never has been. A crate should only be used for transport or training, never as a cage to keep him from shitting in the house, that's your problem not his.

Well, you're right, but my Mother hates having animals in the house if no one's home. Even when we had a cat, when we would leave we would put him outside (Though he had a litter box, and was fine on food and water) or lock him in the unfinished side of the basement, just because my mom's paranoid. But I don't dare disobey, so I just do it. If she was outside, it would have been a horrible mess to mow around, but nothing this big. I kind of wish I had put her outside. In fact, we should have got her a dog house so she could stay outside since it's summer, and I'm not sure what we would do when school started, because it will get cold, and I'd feel bad leaving her outside...

But I am glad she was in the crate instead of running around the house. Though, she should be outside running around and shitting at trees instead of in the house shitting at walls.

Yeah, that soft food is a mistake we won't make again. We'll just stick to giving her treats. :p
Does seem cruel to leave your dog in a crate. What if somebody hits it with a crowbar?
Well, you're right, but my Mother hates having animals in the house if no one's home.

that's not the dog's fault. She should have thought of that before getting a dog

Even when we had a cat, when we would leave we would put him outside (Though he had a litter box, and was fine on food and water) or lock him in the unfinished side of the basement, just because my mom's paranoid.

at least the cat wasnt in a small confined space

But I don't dare disobey, so I just do it. If she was outside, it would have been a horrible mess to mow around, but nothing this big. I kind of wish I had put her outside. In fact, we should have got her a dog house so she could stay outside since it's summer, and I'm not sure what we would do when school started, because it will get cold, and I'd feel bad leaving her outside...

so the dog suffering is better than being inconvenienced? I know it's not your decision but it just seems that more thought should have been put in to what the dogs living conditions will be like before it was adopted/purchased. It's your family's responsibility to teach it not to shit in the house so that it wont have to spend a part of it's day stuck in a cage

it would be better off outside
The moral of the story,

dont get a dog.
that's not the dog's fault. She should have thought of that before getting a dog

at least the cat wasnt in a small confined space

so the dog suffering is better than being inconvenienced? I know it's not your decision but it just seems that more thought should have been put in to what the dogs living conditions will be like before it was adopted/purchased. It's your family's responsibility to teach it not to shit in the house so that it wont have to spend a part of it's day stuck in a cage

it would be better off outside

... I never said it was the dog's fault... it's a dog, and that's what dogs do. My brother was the one that wanted the dog, and he got one, but it would be nice since he's always gone if the dog would have anything to do with me. Anyway, I'm not going to discuss it here, being that it's our dog, and we're doing what WE think is best for it. You're welcome to question weather or not you think it's right, but I'm not going to argue about it. (Any more, that is.)

The moral of the story,

dont get a dog.

No shit.

Ohh hell, another pun...

Man, it's been several hours, and many many hand washings, and I still smell that shitty smell on my fingers. ><
... I never said it was the dog's fault...

I wasnt referring to you, I was saying it to your mom

it's a dog, and that's what dogs do. My brother was the one that wanted the dog, and he got one, but it would be nice since he's always gone if the dog would have anything to do with me. Anyway, I'm not going to discuss it here, being that it's our dog, and we're doing what WE think is best for it. You're welcome to question weather or not you think it's right, but I'm not going to argue about it. (Any more, that is.)

it's your brother's/family's responsibility to train it so that you dont have to have a crate ..there's no reason why you couldnt crate train it but leave the door open ...dogs like enclosed spaces for sleeping but not much else ..trust me if the dg shit in the cage it's because it was his last resort; dogs dont like their own shit (except dogs who are caged for long periods or abused; they develop a taste for their own shit because they have no other means of disposing of it)
Man, it's been several hours, and many many hand washings, and I still smell that shitty smell on my fingers. ><

You could try finding something else with a more pungent smell and fondle that until the smell of shite is suitably masked.
You could try finding something else with a more pungent smell and fondle that until the smell of shite is suitably masked.

People do much worse to animals, and animals can do worse to other animals than put them in a crate for a couple of hours a day. Shit happens :D (Has that one been done already?)

LOL Nope, that one hasn't been used. :p

And stern, the dog is potty trained, but I'm guessing that she shat about an hour after I left, which was while I was still in school, so she had no other choice... so you're right... again... bastard...

Like I said though, my mom is paranoid and thinks the dog will try to dig under the fence if she's in the back yard, and if she had been inside, I'd still be scrubbing shit out of the carpet. ><

So, really, the dog should be outside, and that's where she's staying. :)
if she's potty trained (does it go on a potty? :O ) then it shouldnt need to be in a cage

you should point out to your mom that it's suffering so that she's not inconvenienced
if she's potty trained (does it go on a potty? :O ) then it shouldnt need to be in a cage

you should point out to your mom that it's suffering so that she's not inconvenienced

I've tried that... She's so paranoid that she thinks someone might come by and open up the back gate and let her out... By what percentage of people that walk by my house would any of them open up some stanger's gate? I said aloud to her.

"I don't care Chad," she says "I just want her to be safe, and not shitting all over my house."
"So... lock her in a tiny crate then." I say.
"I'm not doing this today, Chad" she replies, antagonized. "I've just got home from work, I've got a bunch of bills to pay, and I'm tired."
"So I'm right?" I ask, cocky.
She says nothing, only glares.

I've just tried to find a good reason why she needs to be in the crate... Can't find one, and now my Mom gets it too. She stays outside from now on. :D
I've tried that... She's so paranoid that she thinks someone might come by and open up the back gate and let her out... By what percentage of people that walk by my house would any of them open up some stanger's gate? I said aloud to her.

"I don't care Chad," she says "I just want her to be safe, and not shitting all over my house."
"So... lock her in a tiny crate then." I say.
"I'm not doing this today, Chad" she replies, antagonized. "I've just got home from work, I've got a bunch of bills to pay, and I'm tired."
"So I'm right?" I ask, cocky.
She says nothing, only glares.

I've just tried to find a good reason why she needs to be in the crate... Can't find one, and now my Mom gets it too. She stays outside from now on. :D


Perhaps one of these could help...

Although perhaps one with a less fierce-looking dog?
The crate is grounds to have you done fo animal cruelty and negligence, don't get me wrong, I have no sympathy for badly behaved dogs, but locking a dog in a crate just doesn't fly, you could got a stair gate they use for toddlers and kept the dog in a single room or basement.

Anyway, shit day indeed, I hate dogs to, they bark, bite, growl, shit, barf, pee, bark, get YOU in trouble for their own misbehaviour and messes, BARK, BARK, BARK, BARK, BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARK.

Likewise, the sheer difference in size means that the maximum volume of nasty that can come out of a sick cat is a sight less then the evil stenching toxic waste a dog can expel.

I hate dogs, love cats, and unless a dog is utterly trained and submissive its intolerable, but even then its all needy.

A bad cat is at best a slight annoyance, but overall much more manageable, and a good cat is just the perfect pet ever.

Cats FTW, dogs can go burn in dog hell.
My dog has it's own lockable corner in the house where he is kept whenever he comes back from outside and has his paws dirty/wet or generally needs to stay locked for w/e reason (he can open the lock with his paw anyway, but he gets the point better when we tell him to go to his place and then lock it).


He doesn't seem unhappy. He often even goes there to sleep for the night, even if we don't tell him to go there and the place is open. So its not like he dislikes that spot.

Maybe you can do something similar for your dog? It's some wood screwed to the wall, covering the corner, with a gate in it, so it can be opened.
If I could have a well behaved clean German Shepperd I'de be in heaven, my first was a GS cross called Bonnie...*sniffle* bestest dog ever, she was all big, or at least seemed huge when I was little, she never barked or ever once snapped at me, even though I was a little annoying kid....oh god....BOOOONNNNNNNNIIIIEEEE!!!!!!. ;(

But I cant so **** dogs. :LOL:

Nice cat though, least you had the awesomeness to have one.

Edit: dammit take that photo down, those puppy eyes wont work on me!. > . <

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