Ive just seen a screenie of the lost coast :eek: :eek: :eek:

MetalliMyers said:
The PC Gamer article said that all the textures will be bump mapped. Is that really necessary?

To be fair, that's not even gonna nearly justify the spec they're talking about
J_Tweedy said:
That's just stupid business sense. i WILL be able to run it on a amd 64 3200+ with a gig of ram and a 6800gt. If i can't, i will run naked down a ski slope

How does this have anything to do with business? They are giving it to us for FREE!

I fail to see the point of the level, if you guys want it to be optimized to run on low-end and mid-range machines! The whole purpose is for it to run _solely_ on the VERY best computers out there, so Source can really strut it's stuff.
Don't forget that those kinds of specs are required for running the game with full eye-candy... there's no way they wouldn't include options to tone graphical detail down. It's not like they're saying if you don't meet x specification you can't play the game at all.
Axyon said:
Don't forget that those kinds of specs are required for running the game with full eye-candy... there's no way they wouldn't include options to tone graphical detail down. It's not like they're saying if you don't meet x specification you can't play the game at all.
Yeah exactly. and especially since it'll be downloaded onto your computer automatically, it would be stupid if they didn't let you play it.
J_Tweedy said:
That's just stupid business sense. i WILL be able to run it on a amd 64 3200+ with a gig of ram and a 6800gt. If i can't, i will run naked down a ski slope
Who said you can't run it on those specs? You meet the minimum requirements...
I wonder how the athlon 64's will run this. I didn't think it was possible to push those processors.
If you look at the survey results anyone with a 3.2Ghz processor shouldn't have much to worry about (I hope so anyway!), iirc the processor results were bunched around 2.2-2.8Ghz mostly, and most with 9800Pro's

It'd be strange to release a level that's supposed to be for 'high-end users' when according to their very own survey results about 5 people meet those requirements posted here.
If the requirements are really enforced (ie, if you don't meet them, it's impossible to play the level at all), then at the very most, only ~12% of people will be able to play the level (3.0-3.3 ghz cpus).

It's even worse if you look at the graphics cards: the highest % of a next-gen card is the GeForce 6800 GT at 2.59% of players. Adding up all the %'s for capable cards (x600-800 for ATi, 6600-6800 for nVidia) it comes out to 9.16%. Although there is a significant Other and Unknown category in this result section.

So assuming the 3.2 ghz and "high-end graphics card" are solid requirements, it looks like only 10% of Valve's audience right now would be able to play it.

If we're more lenient and allow 2.7-3.0 ghz CPU and Radeon 9800 and Geforce 5950/5900 in, then it swells to a healthy 20-25% of the audience.

I suspect that the requirements won't be -that- absolute, allowing a significant proportion of people to play the level, if at lower resolution/details than the top 10% of people.
Axyon said:
Don't forget that those kinds of specs are required for running the game with full eye-candy... there's no way they wouldn't include options to tone graphical detail down. It's not like they're saying if you don't meet x specification you can't play the game at all.

I don't know. I thought that was exactly what Valve said. If you don't meet the specs it won't even download to your HD. That's the way I've always understood the distribution of Lost Coast to be. You know Steam is scanning your specs everytime you connect and by limiting who gets it Valve will eliminate a lot of bitching about how it won't run on everyone's machine. (Of course, they'll get tons of bitching from those who ca't DL it...). Personally, I think LC is a waste of Valve's time. I hope they have some interesting announcements this E3.
my point was that a A64 blahblah running at 2.2GHz is the same or better than a P4 running at 3.2GHz..so yeah I am assuming that any A64 from 2.2-whateverGHz should be just fine for this..maybe I am wrong,but then so are all the benchmarks I have seen :cheers:
Lanthanide said:
If the requirements are really enforced (ie, if you don't meet them, it's impossible to play the level at all), then at the very most, only ~12% of people will be able to play the level (3.0-3.3 ghz cpus).

It's even worse if you look at the graphics cards: the highest % of a next-gen card is the GeForce 6800 GT at 2.59% of players. Adding up all the %'s for capable cards (x600-800 for ATi, 6600-6800 for nVidia) it comes out to 9.16%. Although there is a significant Other and Unknown category in this result section.

So assuming the 3.2 ghz and "high-end graphics card" are solid requirements, it looks like only 10% of Valve's audience right now would be able to play it.

If we're more lenient and allow 2.7-3.0 ghz CPU and Radeon 9800 and Geforce 5950/5900 in, then it swells to a healthy 20-25% of the audience.

I suspect that the requirements won't be -that- absolute, allowing a significant proportion of people to play the level, if at lower resolution/details than the top 10% of people.


Links to CPU tests on HL2 and their framerates. At 800x600 resolution (so the speed is limited by CPU, not GPU) the AMD 64 3200+ actually comes out slightly ahead of the 3.8 ghz intel. That AMD is only running at 2 ghz.

So you can see that their "3.2 ghz" requirement is fairly misleading - an AMD 64 running at 2 ghz can beat an intel running at 3.8 ghz.

So what does this mean? Well, if you've got an AMD chip (particularly any kind of 64 bit one), unless Valve drastically change the CPU usage of HL2, you should be able to run the lost coast.

People sitting in the intel camp, like myself, however, may have a harder time of it.
yeah, but you're comparing a 64-bit processor to a 32-bit processor there...

If anyone actually say the video on G4tv with Valve but I'm pretty sure they confirmed it was available to everyone, seeing as everyone was bitching about it all the time. It's a damn sight more hassle for valve to stop people receiving it based on their requirements than it is to have everyone receive it. The surveys are there so they can tell what kind of spec their community is using, not so they can alienate half of it.
You are right..I forgot about that difference there...

either way,hopefully this helped somebody save some cash on upgrading..

before I found out about the speed/performance of the two brands of CPU,

I was bitching about having to upgrade my CPU,MoBo,etc...just for the Lost Coast!!

now I know I don't have to...unless I REALLY want to(which I do,of course!) :thumbs:
Those specs seem a bit crazy... im sure it will run alright on specs below that, though one of the newer cards should tear through it.


First engine i've seen that looks as if it can smite the next Unreal Engine's sexyness.
will my comp run it?
hewat packard
2.53 ghz P4
760 mb RAM
256 mb 5700 geforce (i didnt no they were crap till i bought it :( )
Thanks :)
Gets Some Friggen Picks Of This Coast Level Or I'll Refuse To Believe It Even Exists!!
Another useless spamming of the hl2world forum pic lol
Honestly people post a pic! And don't say its copywrighted material mods! :dozey:
wolvesrdogs said:
will my comp run it?
hewat packard
2.53 ghz P4
760 mb RAM
256 mb 5700 geforce (i didnt no they were crap till i bought it :( )
Thanks :)

we don't know for sure, if we did this thread would've died a while ago...

But i seriously doubt it...It's not that 'high-end' now is it?
there is no lost coast.. but who the hell cares i'll never play it anyway.. just fun to look at I guess.
With such a long wait, it better be quite abit longer than the typical Halflife 2 chapter, otherwise it'll be completed in 5 minutes, however good it looks.
I bet they've almost finished it and are working everyone on Aftermath, they cant release this level with the much improved graphics before Aftermath which looks worse, because people will go mad :)
3.6ghz is alot...so i guess i'll really hafta overclock this 286 processor if im ever gona have a chance.
but really, i'll be content getting 3-7 fps with my current setup...w/e
socK said:
Those specs seem a bit crazy... im sure it will run alright on specs below that, though one of the newer cards should tear through it.


First engine i've seen that looks as if it can smite the next Unreal Engine's sexyness.

Can you download any of these tech demos? not videos, realtime .exe....Ive got some ATI ones that came with my GFXcard but I want more more more :sniper:
I have 512 mb of ram and p4 2.4ghz, if I upgrade to radeon 9800 pro will hl2 run flawless in most relosutions?
GonzoBabbleshit said:
yeah, but you're comparing a 64-bit processor to a 32-bit processor there...

The athlon64 chips are not faster because they are 64bits. they are just better processors with an on chip memory controller which means easy access to system ram...

I don't think there is a 64bit version of HL2 out yet and most people with athlon64 processors are not running 64 bit windows so that's not why they are faster.

AMD processors have almost always been faster than intel processors at the same frequency.

My old system was rated at about the same speed as an p4 2.4-2.6 ghz processor but it was an athlon xp2500 running at 1.83ghz. Now I've got an A64 3000+ running at 2.2ghz under 32bit windows xp and it's still faster than a pentium 4 3.0ghz
Clockspeed is not all. My 2 ghz amd64 3200+ trounces my bro's 3 ghz Pentium 4.
I don't even care about this 'lost coast' nonsense anymore. Ooh, HDR, big deal. The expansion that's supposed to come out in the summer sounds a lot more interesting.
special-ed said:
I have 512 mb of ram and p4 2.4ghz, if I upgrade to radeon 9800 pro will hl2 run flawless in most relosutions?
With full settings? Hell no.
What about 100% flawless with 1024x768 resolution and medium/high settings??
Yea, at high settings at 1024 by 768. Should run easily.

Not Lost Coast though.

Definately not Lost Coast.
dude u can play most games with a pentium 3... its all about the video card and ram
Flyingdebris said:
3.6 gigs, minimum!? sheeiiiit....
I assume they will take AMDs into account, however. 3.6G P4, or AMD of equivalant power.
Lanthanide said:
If the requirements are really enforced (ie, if you don't meet them, it's impossible to play the level at all), then at the very most, only ~12% of people will be able to play the level (3.0-3.3 ghz cpus).

It's even worse if you look at the graphics cards: the highest % of a next-gen card is the GeForce 6800 GT at 2.59% of players. Adding up all the %'s for capable cards (x600-800 for ATi, 6600-6800 for nVidia) it comes out to 9.16%. Although there is a significant Other and Unknown category in this result section.

So assuming the 3.2 ghz and "high-end graphics card" are solid requirements, it looks like only 10% of Valve's audience right now would be able to play it.

If we're more lenient and allow 2.7-3.0 ghz CPU and Radeon 9800 and Geforce 5950/5900 in, then it swells to a healthy 20-25% of the audience.

I suspect that the requirements won't be -that- absolute, allowing a significant proportion of people to play the level, if at lower resolution/details than the top 10% of people.

You guys still aren't getting the point! The point is _not_ to allow as many users to play it as possible, but rather to put out the maximum graphics capabilities of the Source engine, and have no hardware limits... 10% of all people right now sounds reasonable...

BTW, GeForce FX's aren't the best DX9 cards.

If VALVe optimized the level, and made it playable to the mid-range (the 2.X ghz and 9800's) then it wouldn't do much good, because everything would be toned down a _lot_ defying the whole point of the level. They gotta keep it high-end, I'm sure there will be some flexibility, but don't expect a lot (for example, I highly doubt a 9800 or a FX 5950 could run it, those are mid-range cards)
I Win!!!

I noe i can run it ^-^

3.8 ghz
Msi GeForce 6800 Ultra
2 gigs RAM

WOW I WIN!!! :D :D :D
thats what happens when u have parents that are rich... :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: