Ive just seen a screenie of the lost coast :eek: :eek: :eek:

thethingexe said:
I noe i can run it ^-^

3.8 ghz
Msi GeForce 6800 Ultra
2 gigs RAM

WOW I WIN!!! :D :D :D
thats what happens when u have parents that are rich... :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:

Did they buy you the lovely attitude you have as well?
2.4 GHZ
Geforce 6800 GT 256mb
768mb DDR Ram

Should be just about right. Hopefully
thethingexe said:
what is that suppose to mean??? :flame: :flame: :flame:
...you brag a lot...

There is no way that my computer will run "The Lost Coast" ;(
... what a shame.
thethingexe said:
what is that suppose to mean??? :flame: :flame: :flame:

Ask you parents to buy you someone who understands what I said to tell you.

Datrix said:
...you brag a lot...

There is no way that my computer will run "The Lost Coast" ;(
... what a shame.

Murray_H said:
Ask you parents to buy you someone who understands what I said to tell you.

...So negative... :( :( :(
thethingexe said:
...So negative... :( :( :(

Sorry, but what you said hurt my feelings... It's not my fault that I don't have the funds to support the purchase of a new PC.
ok lets stop guessing what will work and what won't and look at the facts. the first hdr demos for hl2 where played on a gforce4 ti ???? with 512 pc2700 and a cpu around the 3 ghz mark.they are giveing the recomended system specs and you can play with a weaker system. these levels are called the ati levels so they won't be using nvidia's hdr method so you don't need a video card that directly supports hdr. all we have right now is speculation and very little iformation. don't trust any thing they say, remeber the original ship date for hl2 and then the real ship date.
I think its funny how the magazines always talk about this $3000 and up PC to run such and such game at full settings...

but if you know how to build the PC yourself and you shop around you can get the same performance for roughly half the price..crazy ass world...
Hrm... Do I dare torture my FX 5900 when this comes out? Or should I go for a laugh and drag out my Voodoo3? :p
I'm sure that by the time it comes out, assuming they stick to Winter 05, most everyone here will be able to at *least* have minimum specs. I'm fairly sure I don't meet it right now. I have XP 2000+, FX 5900, 1.0GB of 2100 (slow) DDR memory.
I'd upgrade something right now, but I'm in desperate need of a car, college is just around the corner, and I need a job. :/
Yes well I destroy you all I have an athlon 1800 xp. Booyah!
Lost coast should run smooth as sandpaper!
Your less than 3Ghz PCs are going to that little scrapyard in the sky, folks.
mime genocide said:
these levels are called the ati levels so they won't be using nvidia's hdr method so you don't need a video card that directly supports hdr. all we have right now is speculation and very little iformation. don't trust any thing they say, remeber the original ship date for hl2 and then the real ship date.
Actually no, they said there is no specific brand of card that will run better on HDR, and this they said recently too. Also i'm sure they've definately learnt their lesson about the release dates, so i'll doubt they'll be as wrong as they were back then plus they havent given a specific date, only Winter or summer or whatever they said.
oldagerocker said:
I bet they've almost finished it and are working everyone on Aftermath, they cant release this level with the much improved graphics before Aftermath which looks worse, because people will go mad :)

There's so much wrong with that statement!

Clockspeed is not all. My 2 ghz amd64 3200+ trounces my bro's 3 ghz Pentium 4.

My old system was rated at about the same speed as an p4 2.4-2.6 ghz processor but it was an athlon xp2500 running at 1.83ghz.

When are you people gonna realise that this is very well known! AMD processor's are named to coincide with their pentium equivelants. An AMD 3200 isn't a 3.2Ghz clock speed, it's supposed to run at the equivelant of an Intel 3.2Ghz.

AMD couldn't market these processors at a slower clock speed and just claim they were as fast cause no one would buy them. I'm not trying to claim you won't be able to run this on these '2.2Ghz' processors, but it seems like there's a bunch of people trying to claim that they're exaggerating the specs for this because your 2.2Ghz processor is running as fast as an Intel going at 3.2Ghz.
Look, this is how the whole situation stands:

Either the system requirements will be ABSOLUTE, as in, you have a worse computer/gpu/whatever than is recommended, it will simply not work AT ALL.

Or (and more likely), if you are a little below the requirements, it will still work, but you will need to sacrifice something: Details, resolution, or frame rate.

Doom 3 can be run on a Voodoo 5 for example, and I'm sure most people wouldn't think that that meets the recommened (or even minimum) requirements, yet, it still works, albeit with a sacrifice on details, resolution and frame rate.

I certainly expect 2.8ghzs and equivalent AMD systems to run it, provided they've got 512 or more ram. My question is whether 5950/9800's will be able to handle it, and I'm leaning towards 'just', probably at medium details on 800x600 resolution. Time will tell.
Surely there won't be much point playing it if you want eye candy though- if you're running a Pentium 2 with 512 and a 9200.
The idea of this level is to showcase graphical technology at it's peak, and while you can probably still play it at all settings low, that kinda defeats the purpose. This is more a level you would see at a show or on video, only difference is thats you can potentially play it yourself.
That's a good point...this is gonna contain some important part of the HL2 story, I'm sure it'll have some sort of story to it, but it's made for people with really high specs to really enjoy it!
Anyone with Half Life 2 will be able to download the Lost Coast Levels - I mentioned this a while back, Valve aren't going to restrict who can and can't download it by their PC's specs.

Like I said before, whether you'll be able to play it or not is a different matter. This level has been designed specifically for higher end machines, to show what Source is capable of NOW and to give an idea of what it will be capable of in the future as CPUs and GPUs get better still.

That being the case, what would really be the point of downloading it to an AMD 1200 with a Radeon 9200 graphics card and 128MB RAM? Err, none?

I reckon it's going to be like a short demo level, that lasts maybe 15 minutes at most. Although set in the Half Life 2 'world' it's not an aside to the plot of Half Life 2 and therefore, it's really a non-essential level if you've not played (or even completed) Half Life 2 itself. I guess this is on a par with Far Cry's add-on - although that was a rolling demo, whereas this will be interactive.
Just saw the pics and :eek:

I'm not supprised by these minimum specs after seeing the pictures.

*goes off to buy an Athlon 64 and 6800U :smoking: *
Stop! Stop! The hardware speculation in this thread is tearing us apart!

And I second Gonzo's post. It's almost becoming another biozeminade thread, and I'm gonna stop paying attention unless someone gets those screenshots into this thread already!
Since always. I have a funny feeling that they're "ok" if they don't have any text in them, but I'm not positive.
they're not allowed if they're from copyrighted source..i.e. a magazine.

If they're the scans that I've just seen you're not missing much to be honest. It looks good but it's hard to see how good
Well I guess we have some time anyway, if this "winter 2005" bs is accurate.
I use shitty nvidia fx 5200, if I upgraded to the fx 5500 256 mb will hl2 run flawless on most relosutions?
Can anyone think of what they would need to include to reach a 3.2 GHz processor? Unless they are unloading HDR partly on the CPU it would take 1000's of physics objects 50+ combine soldiers with full AI in some combination. I mean SP:CT and Far cry both feature HDR and Dynamic shadowing/self shadowing and dynamic lights and still run fine on my system at max settings. From this I would think they would push GPU power not CPU! With these requirements I will expect huge towers crumbeling brick by brick on a horde of combine solders who think up plans on the fly to flank you! Oh well no matter what happens this must be sweet although I will need another 200Mhz - 400Mhz or so to play it ok.
DrDevin said:
Can anyone think of what they would need to include to reach a 3.6 GHz processor? Unless they are unloading HDR partly on the CPU it would take 1000's of physics objects 50+ combine soldiers with full AI in some combination. I mean SP:CT and Far cry both feature HDR and Dynamic shadowing/self shadowing and dynamic lights and still run fine on my system at max settings. From this I would think they would push GPU power not CPU! With these requirements I will expect huge towers crumbeling brick by brick on a horde of combine solders who think up plans on the fly to flank you! Oh well no matter what happens this must be sweet although I will need another 200Mhz - 400Mhz or so to play it ok.

First of all, in the magazine it says 3.2 ;)

Not sure what it would include... I'm fairly sure Far Cry did feature true HDR, not just bloom, and it runs fine on my comp. But yup, I expect physics will also play a huge part :)

BTW, I do hope that they will optimize HDR heavily, because they said they will release it for mods, and if only a few people could have that HDR, it wouldn't be cool :(

Still can't wait for these.. I don't want to see lots of screens or especially don't want to see videos :bounce: Want it all savored for the first time I go through it!!
special-ed said:
I have 512 mb of ram and p4 2.4ghz, if I upgrade to radeon 9800 pro will hl2 run flawless in most relosutions?

I have your same setup...don't even think about it.
I can't play with all settings on high with res at or over 1280x1024 (this is without HDR). With HDR, well who cares, it's not like i'm actually gonna be able to use it.
thethingexe said:
I noe i can run it ^-^

3.8 ghz
Msi GeForce 6800 Ultra
2 gigs RAM

WOW I WIN!!! :D :D :D
thats what happens when u have parents that are rich... :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:

Im gonna LMAO when you try to open your case and you drop something heavy on that perty lil 6800.
thethingexe said:
I noe i can run it ^-^

3.8 ghz
Msi GeForce 6800 Ultra
2 gigs RAM

WOW I WIN!!! :D :D :D
thats what happens when u have parents that are rich... :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:
OMFG :eek:
I think PCG is full of shit... as far as the ETA goes. Valve said it'd be out in a few weeks and also I find it odd that their expansion pack would come out before a tiny episode.

I'll be pissed too if I'm not aloud to at least try and play it on my AMD 2800XP.