Ive offically given up hope.


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
No, I have not given up hope for Half-Life 2, and for VALVe. I have given up on this community. I guess it all started with the delay threads, sure they were an annoyance, but you knew that they were going to be posted. What really got to me after that were thee "omg newb!3s st0p potsing teh dleay thradz!!11!". These were just pointless, and they drove me insane. Then there is the influx of idiots. It always happens with anything big, the nubs jump on the bandwagon whenever everyone else gets excited. So we end up with these guys on their first post posting threads E.G. "OMG HL2 IS GOING TO RULE!" in the title, and then "I LOVE HL2" on the inside, and then just people flaming to raise their level, so then they can say "LOLZ DUMB HEADCRAB!1!1". Now in the last few days, there have been the "omg t3h suorce code laeked!!" threads, but im glad to see that these have been heavily moderated, good work mods.

I'm sure a lot of the people who have been around here a while wish that things would go back to the way they were on the forums before, but sadly, this isnt possible. This is why, I have offically, stopped caring about the community at all.

(P.S. I realise the irony of me posting a thread such as this)
welll so what u are saying u dont give a ****kk about anyone.
Thanks for sharing that peice of uninteresting information
yea ur post bored me 2 soz. U actually just said that everyone that posts here apart from u is a d1ck---so u work it out
slammer...the new guinny...

I can see it now.
seriously what do you expect? some people spend all day on these forums precisely BECAUSE they have poor social skills
I found his post rather truthful. There's going to be a day soon where half the mods, myself included are just going to snap, find the first person to say something insulting and just ban him without warning.

The more idiotic comments posted the quicker we'll probably get to that stage.
Originally posted by phoenix
seriously what do you expect? some people spend all day on these forums precisely BECAUSE they have poor social skills

either that or their "special class" teachers let them come to the site during computer time.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
No, I have not given up hope for Half-Life 2, and for VALVe. I have given up on this community. I guess it all started with the delay threads, sure they were an annoyance, but you knew that they were going to be posted. What really got to me after that were thee "omg newb!3s st0p potsing teh dleay thradz!!11!". These were just pointless, and they drove me insane. Then there is the influx of idiots. It always happens with anything big, the nubs jump on the bandwagon whenever everyone else gets excited. So we end up with these guys on their first post posting threads E.G. "OMG HL2 IS GOING TO RULE!" in the title, and then "I LOVE HL2" on the inside, and then just people flaming to raise their level, so then they can say "LOLZ DUMB HEADCRAB!1!1". Now in the last few days, there have been the "omg t3h suorce code laeked!!" threads, but im glad to see that these have been heavily moderated, good work mods.

I'm sure a lot of the people who have been around here a while wish that things would go back to the way they were on the forums before, but sadly, this isnt possible. This is why, I have offically, stopped caring about the community at all.

(P.S. I realise the irony of me posting a thread such as this)

good for u hudson.... i think i'll jon u, since Sept.30th.... these boards have been flodded w/ n00bs and just flat out morons.
BTW, did guinny get banned or sumthin, haven't seen him lately
Mister negativity up here, who cares what people post. If it's boring, don't read it, and don't get all pissed off.
Originally posted by D33
I found his post rather truthful. There's going to be a day soon where half the mods, myself included are just going to snap, find the first person to say something insulting and just ban him without warning.

The more idiotic comments posted the quicker we'll probably get to that stage.

I wouldn't be surprised. I really wouldnt. I would of broken by now, easily. I tip my hat you you guys.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
this is what im talking about.

I skim the front page for topic creators, 3 topics, all useless, moronic topics, posted by slammer. Not to mention how many useless posts he's made today alone.

Today a Headcrab.....tommorow....a Combine.
personally, i think the ban button should be used a little more around these forums, worked on that guy gorgon...even though it had to be done quite a few times....
I'll side with Hudson on this 1
And i do more reading than posting !!!!
HLCCL went the same way
Not taking anything away from the nice peeps on both forums...
heh.. I read about this trick done on some gaming forum where the Administrator created a thread and stated that anyone who posts in it will be banned without warning.

They say morons couldn't resist and it ended cleaning the community up.

Think I'll try it :E
For the love of all that is good in this community....do it. And Im 100% serious, not just trying to be cute.
yah the community here has gotten pretty annoying...maybe i should have stuck to just lurking here :/
Well, lets see. You give people enough rope and they will hang themselves. The problem here is the mods have let it get this far. A mod (on a high profile forum imho) needs to be fair, just, swift and consistent. So if one person gets in "trouble" for something you need to make sure everyone that does it gets in trouble. All the mods need to be on the same page as to what is "allowed" and what is not. Mod1 cant think its funny while Mod2 bans/locks because of it. So maybe the mods need to get together (if you dont already) and start making a list of how far you will let the straw bend before it breaks. Jusr remember fair, just, swift and consistent.

Course this is just my opinion.
Trouble is, I have guilt.

Hold me, aknot ;(
First victim has just been banned.
hehe delete the post, so they cannot be warned :D

(the post of the guy you got)
Why don't you just sticky some forum rules? Just title the thread "Follow forum rules or be banned". That should get people's attention. Look at the www.cgtalk.com forums, those are pretty strict and equally specific.
During the popularity it was mentioned that there were some where around 5000 guests viewing this page at a time... You gotta give a good percentage of those registering to register and post something stupid. There just isnt the time to monitor all of this. Youre not going to find a 24/7/365 mod(s) and you can't blame all of this on them. Have a little gratitude, they're doing their best.
Originally posted by Zero Signal
Why don't you just sticky some forum rules? Just title the thread "Follow forum rules or be banned". That should get people's attention. Look at the www.cgtalk.com forums, those are pretty strict and equally specific.

Heh. I was just about to say we had one but it looks like someone un-sticky'd it. I'll find it and put it back.
I hate banning people, I really really hate it.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
hehe delete the post, so they cannot be warned :D

(the post of the guy you got)

lol, I think the two lost soul's prove testament to its validity. :bounce:
exactly, but if we remove those 2 posts that are there, the nubs will think its a joke, just like those guys did
totally agree with hudson (and everyone else who hates how bad it's getting around here

imo, this thread is another vote for the "headcrabs can't post new threads" petition :p

and D33...i think you should wait until the thread gets big before you ban people...don't ban em immediately...let the thread get large, then ban em all at once....it'll be funnier and more effective at the same time :D
Originally posted by dyeinbreed
During the popularity it was mentioned that there were some where around 5000 guests viewing this page at a time... You gotta give a good percentage of those registering to register and post something stupid. There just isnt the time to monitor all of this. Youre not going to find a 24/7/365 mod(s) and you can't blame all of this on them. Have a little gratitude, they're doing their best.

Just in case you were speaking to me.

I was "kinda" blaming them and yes it is on their shoulders to bear the burden. NO it can not be monitored 24/7 and I never stated that. I just stated what it should be is fair, just, swift and consistent. If swift is once every 24hrs because of other stuff so be it. As long as it is done. I think the forum grew at an alarming rate and caught some people off guard.

**when I say blame I dont mean point a finger blame it is their "boards" and they have the responsibility to police it**

Not meaning to sound harsh or anything. Just stating my opinion.

Need any help? ;)
That wouldnt be fair Maskirovka....if anything it would lead to more spam.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
That wouldnt be fair Maskirovka....if anything it would lead to more spam.

what wouldn't be fair and would lead to more spam?
this thread is a waste of HL2 bandwidth. No wonder the site is so slow :afro:
Originally posted by Maskirovka
what wouldn't be fair and would lead to more spam?

not giving headcrabs the right to post new threads, wouldnt be fair, and it would lead to headcrabs spamming to raise their rank so they could post threads
I have been readin these forums a LONG time beofre i actually started posting and i must say hudson has been here alot longer then ne of u "1337 hax0rz my b0x0rz" and he raises a valid point in the changed maturity of the community and slammer learn to post in one reply instead of two all the time u illeterate ****. On the other hand it IS imposible to monitor all the content posted on these forums, plus it wouldnt be right to anyway.. I wouldnt say things have gotten out of hand.... just much younger.....