Ive offically given up hope.

Thank you Weedums, what your saying is very true, but i resent the fact that you say the forums have gotten younger. you are implying that younger=immaturity. This may surprise you but I am 14, and I conduct myself with much more poise then most of the 20+ members on the forums.
I haven't been a member of the Hl2.net forums for long, only a day infact, but I've frequented them since they started. I've been on multiple Hl2 forums since over a year before HL was released. Back when PlanetHL was virtually the only fan base. And lots of other forums, they are no different in the fact of frequent idiocy and immaturity, but this is a new low. Things have gotten rediculous with what's going on here. Being an American Patriot I have strong faith in free speech, but
keep in mind this is privately owned forum, what you say can be edited and taken down. I think you should value the right (Wherever you are.) to freely say what you can on these forums, enough to not spout rude gestures, and text sucker punches at fellow forum members.
Hudson shouldn't feel one bit of guilt for his post, and slammer's reaction to that was very rude. I very much think he sohuld be banned, if he hasn't by the time I'm finished typing this. Hudson never said he didn't care about the lives of Community Members, or their misfortunes. He simply stated that he didn't care for the general community. IT'S A GAMING COMMUNITY!!! This is all about a game. This game doesn't determine my income, doesn't determine my true happiness, or even dictate my emotions. It's simply a game. These forums were designed for people to come together and enjoy chatting about it.
Hudson, I fully understand your reasons for why you feel this way.
Though I'm sure your attack didn't really effect Hudson, Slammer, I think you should be ashamed.
O god D33 can you just do us a favor and hand out one last ban for the night.
yea he will ban me cause i disagree with u - thats fair aint it
Slammer, you are exactly the type of person this forum has become infected with, your a freakin plague. Your also exactly the type of person this thread is all about.
Originally posted by Weedums
On the other hand it IS imposible to monitor all the content posted on these forums, plus it wouldnt be right to anyway.. I wouldnt say things have gotten out of hand.... just much younger.....

Why would it not be "right" to monitor all the content? I come from a Law Enforcement background and that would be like saying just "police" the problem areas. Yes you would pay attention to the higher crime areas but you would not neglect the other areas either. Like I said earlier I think it got big quick. They need to start laying the law down and clean up a little. Then when thats done keep it up. Just like keeping the house clean if you let the dishes pile up thats more work in the long run. Put the dishes in the dishwasher as you are done with them is much easier.
It's not about disagreement, so don't pull that liberal, "I'm being silenced crap."
It's about being a f*cking jerk.
Slammer: I WILL NOT BE SILE------Banned by D33
feck me either ur a paranoid mother fecker or I am sorry for typing my opinion --- u dont like it fine other peeps dont like it fine so how bout this.
I dont talk in ur threads and u dont talk in mine cause tell u the truth this thread bores me 2 tears anyway K.
Originally posted by Aknot
Why would it not be "right" to monitor all the content?

Aknot knows exactly what I'm talking about, as well as the very person who started this thread. This isn't the streets of America, I'd fight on your side if it was, even though you're a jerk, this is a forum. You can be silenced, and I'm stunned you haven't.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
No, I have not given up hope for Half-Life 2, and for VALVe. I have given up on this community. I guess it all started with the delay threads, sure they were an annoyance, but you knew that they were going to be posted. What really got to me after that were thee "omg newb!3s st0p potsing teh dleay thradz!!11!". These were just pointless, and they drove me insane. Then there is the influx of idiots. It always happens with anything big, the nubs jump on the bandwagon whenever everyone else gets excited. So we end up with these guys on their first post posting threads E.G. "OMG HL2 IS GOING TO RULE!" in the title, and then "I LOVE HL2" on the inside, and then just people flaming to raise their level, so then they can say "LOLZ DUMB HEADCRAB!1!1". Now in the last few days, there have been the "omg t3h suorce code laeked!!" threads, but im glad to see that these have been heavily moderated, good work mods.

I'm sure a lot of the people who have been around here a while wish that things would go back to the way they were on the forums before, but sadly, this isnt possible. This is why, I have offically, stopped caring about the community at all.

(P.S. I realise the irony of me posting a thread such as this)

2/3 of the ppl here are like that...i have given up hope too...i now find it fun making headcrabs mad, since there is nothing better to do in these forums anymore.
I'm fed up with it too :/

'either that or their "special class" teachers let them come to the site during computer time.' - a good example of the crap that gets posted here.
Originally posted by slammer
feck me either ur a paranoid mother fecker or I am sorry for typing my opinion --- u dont like it fine other peeps dont like it fine so how bout this.
I dont talk in ur threads and u dont talk in mine cause tell u the truth this thread bores me 2 tears anyway K.

No, I won't find a middle ground on this. I'll read, and post where I please. You're not the only one acting this way, that's why Hudson's quit caring. I won't be a jerk, but I will go to any thread I damn well please, because it is my freedom. I didn't tell you that you had to stop saying what you were saying, I didn't tell you that you should leave, I didn't tell you that you don't deserve the right to post what you like. I told you that you were being a jerk, and you were...and you are still being one. And I said you should be banned if you continue to act this way.
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
No, I have not given up hope for Half-Life 2, and for VALVe. I have given up on this community. I guess it all started with the delay threads, sure they were an annoyance, but you knew that they were going to be posted. What really got to me after that were thee "omg newb!3s st0p potsing teh dleay thradz!!11!". These were just pointless, and they drove me insane. Then there is the influx of idiots. It always happens with anything big, the nubs jump on the bandwagon whenever everyone else gets excited. So we end up with these guys on their first post posting threads E.G. "OMG HL2 IS GOING TO RULE!" in the title, and then "I LOVE HL2" on the inside, and then just people flaming to raise their level, so then they can say "LOLZ DUMB HEADCRAB!1!1". Now in the last few days, there have been the "omg t3h suorce code laeked!!" threads, but im glad to see that these have been heavily moderated, good work mods.

I'm sure a lot of the people who have been around here a while wish that things would go back to the way they were on the forums before, but sadly, this isnt possible. This is why, I have offically, stopped caring about the community at all.

(P.S. I realise the irony of me posting a thread such as this)

hudson, what u say it true, and it is a large problem with the flaming, its annoying always having to be thinking about whether if u post something its gonna cause u to get flamed, theres to many tempermental teeny boppers just hitting puberty in here who feel the need to express hostility. It irritates me, and i wouldn't say i've lost hope for the community as i dont really hold it in a high level of value, it was never that important to me, i just enjoy sharing comments with others that share my interest (hl2), but yes, i've seen too many flames lately over people just starting a thread that may have been brought up before but they didn't know about it, and were merely being friendly and starting what they thought was a fresh topic. Unfortunately i dont think anything can really be done about it.
Originally posted by slammer
this thread is a waste of HL2 bandwidth. No wonder the site is so slow :afro:

That's called irony, I think.

Anyway, I only just joined the forums a few days ago, and since the HL2 source was released I've already seen things start to decline. This always happens when a forum becomes more popular. You just have to live with it... :rolleyes:
I'm on Hudson's side, Slammer. It shouldn't be your line, my line. It should be NO LINE. Things should have never have gotten this way.
Re: Re: Ive offically given up hope.

Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
theres to many tempermental teeny boppers just hitting puberty in here who feel the need to express hostility.

Yeah but when you make comments like this "attacking" a group of people that may or may not have anything to do with the problem you invite flames. Whats wrong with just saying immature people? I know some "teeny boppers" that are a lot more mature then some "adults".

No need to stereotype. Everyone on the internet is a supermodel and makes 20 million a year.
Slammers not broken any rules.
I don't ban personal opinions :)
yur right, and i apologize for singling out a certain group, just my way of letting out aggression, i've just been annoyed by some recently lol
:cheese: :cheers: --im sorry for havin opinion ya all --ILL post no more here -- thx for not banning me and lettin me speak man -- free speach and all
ok hudson i can see where youre coming from so dont take this as a a flame.

the way i see it, you have 2 chocies:

1) deal with it and choose wisely what threads you read and ignore posts by LOOKING AT THE NAME before you read a reply if youre already into a long thread.


2) continue to wish it was like the 'good old days'(as so many ppl say anymore) and post things like this that arent going to do any good other than make you feel better. tbh slammer *was* right, this thread is a waste of bandwidth and ill tell you why:

- the cs.net forums used to have 'good old days' also, before people like the ones youre complaining about showed up(particualarly after cs went retail). people used to make posts 'i miss the good old days' and go on to basically say what you did. did it do any good? i really dont think you should need to go look just to find out.

- people whine about wanting 'cs to be like 1.3' or whatever version they liked best. how did that one turn out?

- people bitch constantly about not wanting new guns in cs, wanting the old way of jumping back, wanting the old netcode, wanting unzoomed awp xhair back. how did any of those turn out?

- go to the main forum list on this site and look how many REGISTERED people are online right now. who was it that said how many GUESTS there are? and how many of those are the guests youre complaining about registering to post more things that you dont like?

basically, now that i think about it, youre just gonna have to get over it like the rest of us or stop coming here. oh wait you already gave up on everyone.
I know you're not serious Slammer, but I'm sorry for some of the things I may have said. I quite possibly was a jerk myself, my most prone character flaw, I just don't want aggression when it's not needed.
I just see this as a place for people to talk about a game, nothing more. I really nothing that validates rude comments, even swearing.(Though I admit I have a bad habit of doing this.)
Post where you like, just don't be rude to other people. Even if they post something posted a million times don't, we all make mistakes. It's when those mistakes turn into continuos nature that we begin to seriusly damage things. Even something such as a gaming forum.
That's what you get with mainstream game communities. 8 million people, 60% are nuisances.
I completely agree that the state of these forums has deteriorated. Yes, it's true that we don't have to read everything that's posted, but that doesn't mean we don't have the right to complain about the crap that's spread all over the forums. I am one of those who wish it were like the "good old days", as futile as that may seem. Why? Because forums aren't just about talking about a game. There is a sense of community that comes with them. People gradually get to know one another, and many people, no matter what their background, have something in common that brings them together. Yeah, this probably sounds like some soppy peace\love speech or something, but it's dissapointing when this sense of community is just starting to emerge, when suddenly, WHAM. The forum overflows with new members, insults, morons, spam and complaints, repeated and re-stated over and over and over as more people join.

It's a problem that exists on just about any forum related to something that gains public interest and attracts new members, but that doesn't mean we should just accept it and let people post crap because of their "freedom of speech".

A huge part of the problem is the ranking system, and post counts. Sure, some of the more mature people don't care about their post counts or rankings (I'm one of them), but most of the troublesome members post more and more to increase their rank, and then throw derogatory remarks at anyone with a lower rank who disagrees with them.

The solution? Keep a ranking system, but don't base it on post counts. Have a sort of neutral rank that everyone starts off at. Then have higher ranks that are more positive, and lower ranks that are more negative. Trouble makers who post spam or insults etc will have their rank lowered. People who contribute in some way to the community may, rarely, have their rank changed to a higher one. Of course, this would mean that a lot of people deserving of higher ranks would be overlooked and remain on the neutral rank, but that shouldn't matter. Staying on the same rank is a small price to pay for a better forum. If post counts didn't determine rank, there would be much less spam, and people who cause trouble would have a whole lot less credibility in the community and would be deterred from causing more trouble.

Just a thought.

Sorry for the long post, but I really think that something needs to be done if we can continue to even call this a "community". At the moment, it's chaotic.
The solution? Keep a ranking system, but don't base it on post counts. Have a sort of neutral rank that everyone starts off at. Then have higher ranks that are more positive, and lower ranks that are more negative. Trouble makers who post spam or insults etc will have their rank lowered. People who contribute in some way to the community may, rarely, have their rank changed to a higher one.

How would that work though? An automated process or, ranked by people (i.e. moderators or other members)? If it was setup right, that would work pretty well. I was thinking of possibly making a some forums for members who are wiling to make some kind of sacrifice or show true interest in getting into it.
With great Forums comes great big n00bs, spammers, flamers, idiots, l337 d00dz!!1!2. I don't know how you admin and mod guru's keep this site's head above water when happy hour commences (which it has done many times)

And D33, I don't know how you can say you feel bad when you ban someone. I would take great pleasure in baning annoyances from this community. Laughing manicaly while pressing the ban button.
Originally posted by Zero Signal
How would that work though? An automated process or, ranked by people (i.e. moderators or other members)? If it was setup right, that would work pretty well. I was thinking of possibly making a some forums for members who are wiling to make some kind of sacrifice or show true interest in getting into it.
The rank changes would have to be made by moderators, I think.

Hmm.. I kinda like the idea of a restricted access part of the forum that only people who have shown that they can communicate in such a way that shows respect to the rest of the community can read and post in. I know it's boarderline a bit like discrimination, but who can say they wouldn't like a nice little private forum utopia? :)