Jack Thompson being investigated

I took the bar exam tonight, I have had drinks.

The firm, they had a bar exam in that. Like real life.
Article said:
Jack Thompson has already received a reprimand by the FBA for his antics in 1998, and according to a spokesperson, the letters and faxes have been received and forwarded to the disciplinary committee.

I will be eager to see how this turns out.
JT is going down!!!

We need to start preping the pics of him with an "Owned" stamped in red on his forehead...

EDIT: Ooo! ooo! Or something like JT saying "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it werent for you meddling gamers!"
Awww poor guy. Gonna lose his job. Doesn't anybody feel bad for him?

HELL NO. Go away, Jack!
We shouldn't jump to conclusions. I'm sure nothing will come out of the investigation and he'll just go back to his horrible ideas.
DeusExMachinia said:
We shouldn't jump to conclusions. I'm sure nothing will come out of the investigation and he'll just go back to his horrible ideas.

After pissing and moaning for months. Hes annoyed probably enough officials waiting for something like this to revoke his abilities. Any sane person would do this.
Holy Crap Bliink! Great find! But we all surely new it was comin to him :)
stay on topic! I just deleted a whole slew of OT posts.
Hopefully Thompson will get pwnt big time. He has been way out of line.
Does this guy have any kids?
It'd kinda suck for them if he got disbarred and couldn't support his family...
Ikerous said:
Does this guy have any kids?
It'd kinda suck for them if he got disbarred and couldn't support his family...

It probably sucks for them either way.

And plus, he might make some profit from his book.
I just hope this isn't an automatic thing where they say they are investigating whoever as soon as they recieve a request.

If they are actually going to investigate because of the content of what was sent then I am already quite happy.
The Mullinator said:
I just hope this isn't an automatic thing where they say they are investigating whoever as soon as they recieve a request to investigate from anybody.

If they are actually going to investigate because of the content of what was sent then I am already quite happy.

Did you read the thread on penny arcade? You should, it's obvious that they are investigating him for a reason.
sorry bliink :(

but yea I hopes he atleast gets a good slap across the face (so to speak), he's methods are disgusting and downright shallow. I don't know how he got to where he has or if he was at one point a decent lawyer but now well it's rather appearent he's a few shy here and there.
bliink said:
stay on topic! I just deleted a whole slew of OT posts.

Bah..I apologize bliink :(.

Anyway, Thompson is getting so weird everyday. He's basically killing himself everytime he makes a stupid statement. He's getting himself removed from law.
This guy is so ****ing nuts that it's insulting.
TheSomeone said:
*pray pray pray pray*
I feel very religious all of a sudden :angel: though I'll admit it's hard, when certain people don't get incinerated by lightning.
Hopefully this marks the beginning of his downward spiral of self-destruction.

Or arguably the end of it.
Que-Ever said:
I feel very religious all of a sudden :angel: though I'll admit it's hard, when certain people don't get incinerated by lightning.
You stole that line from Calvin and Hobbes :flame:
And don't you come back no more, no more, no more no more.
DiSTuRbEd said:
After pissing and moaning for months. Hes annoyed probably enough officials waiting for something like this to revoke his abilities. Any sane person would do this.
But they're not sane, they're lawyers.

Anyways, silly person. Even if he does get disbarred, I'd be far from surprised if he carries on his crusade as a concerned and virtuous citizen. Even fewer people will listen to him then, it'll be hilarious.

Also, I thought his "satire" on Swift's A Modest Proposal was nonsense. It seemed to me he missed the point of what Swift had written, his reinterpretation of it didn't follow the same format, nor was it as clever or biting. It was crass, poorly transposed so it could be twisted to the purposes of this little crusade of his. Its only real similarity was the title, and that just seemed like he was using it for window dressing, so to speak.
And then he had the arrogance to say that all gamers were mindless.
WhiteZero said:
We need to start preping the pics of him with an "Owned" stamped in red on his forehead...

How about....


Is it wrong that I find that incredibly funny?
@Idonotbelonghere - :laugh::laugh:

I doubt we'll see anything come of this investigation.
My go that made me crack up.

JT has too many high place friends, the investigation might not work that easy.
My god that's hilareous.

I haven't seen Jack say anything in response yet, so...
Heres the thread on Penny-Arcade talking about this. Here are some of the things said I think you guys will like:


I called the FBA, and I was on hold for 20 minutes, and once I got a rep, as soon as I said Jack Thompson, she sighed loudly and goes, "Dear Lord, what has this man done? That's all we've heard today all day long!" and I told her that I had faxed a 3 page letter detailing the exact complaint, and she said that it would help alot and she will go get the fax. I'm on hold again.



She recieved the fax, and personally told me that atleast 2/3 of that letter is news to her! I shit you not!

Shes forwarding my letter to her supervisors, and possibly the attorney disciplinary committee!


I contacted the FBA requesting an update, and was told that they have been so overwhelmingly innundated with complaints, that they are having an emergency meeting to decide what kind of action to take.

Therefore, it is clearly having some effect... Spread the word! Keep making call, sending faxes and e-mails and letters, because the more the volume continues to rise the more seriously they will take us!

A letter that was sent, I don't think it was one of the Penny-Arcade ones though:
To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is regarding the current status of the license to practice law currently granted to Jack Thompson through the Florida Bar Association.

Jack Thompson is a very controversial lawyer, more often than not resorting to political matters to solve his own personal disputes rather than through the legal system. However, in recent months, it has become clear to me that Thompson is not merely a controversial individual but is also a very corrupt, callous, and often rude individual who, in my own estimation, does not exemplify the ethical and moral principles for which a lawyer should hold. I believe that the Florida Bar Association, in holding with the claim that “One of the primary purposes of The Florida Bar is to assure the highest standards of professionalism in the practice of law for the benefit of members and the public.”, must organize a referendum to determine if Jack Thompson should be able to continue practicing law as a licensed attorney. Evidence for this need is widespread and incriminating. Examples of this unprofessional and unethical behavior are detailed below and I urge those whom this concerns to properly review these actions by this callous individual carefully.

Recently he has engaged in a very callous, unprovoked and irresponsible tirade with the creator of the popular VGCats online web comic (http://www.vgcats.com) and evidence of this encounter is available here: http://www.vgcats.com/jack.php. During this exchange Jack Thompson made a number of references questions Scott Ramsoomairs sexuality, intelligence, and his use of psychotropic drugs,(are you saying Scott uses drugs here? Maybe you should say "alleges psyhotropic drug use"?), all of which are unsubstantiated and irrelevant to the discourse (which Mr. Thompson initiated) and then proceeded to threaten legal action in an irresponsible manner.

During this discourse, after initiating contact with Mr. Ramsoomair and proceeding to insult him, he then claimed that he had not initiated contact despite the fact that it is verifiable that Mr. Thompson did initiate contact.

This kind of conversational process is not uncommon with Mr. Thompson and a simple search can uncover literally dozens of people and organizations who have had incredibly negative and often dishonest discourse with Mr. Thompson, commonly initiated by Mr. Thompson himself.

“(c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation;”

[source: http://www.floridabar.org/divexe/rrtfb.nsf/FV/DE51D6D9608C634A85256BBC00558300]

Furthermore, Mr. Thompson has made claims that the creators of the extremely popular online webcomic Penny Arcade (http://www.penny-arcade.com), Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, were "criminally harassing" him. However, this harassment allegation was made in response to a single e-mail sent to Mr. Thompson which responded to a proposal made by Mr. Thompson (where he requested that someone make an extraordinarily violent video game directed at a specific individual in exchange for $10,000 donated to a charity [source: http://gc.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=5883]). In this response, it was explained that his proposal had been carried out by a programmer
[source: http://hellfish.gtajunkies.com/Story.html]. Mr. Thompson responded to this civil e-mail by calling the creators of Penny Arcade, spouting vulgarities at them and rudely explaining that the proposal was entirely in jest and that no money would be donated to a charity. Therefore, the owners of Penny Arcade donated the $10,000 in his stead to a charity, since he clearly wasn't going to. That very evening Mr. Thompson went on national television and quickly retracted his statement, saying that Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins had lied and that he would donate the money to charity as soon as someone from “the industry” completed his ridiculous task. However, his proposal never initially mentioned any specific industry further indicating the foolish actions of a man who currently is making a living from nothing more than his title as a lawyer and a constant stream of lies, misdirection and misrepresentations.

Furthermore, Mr. Thompson responded to this selfless act by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins (giving $10,000 to a charity) by asking the Seattle police to arrest them for supposed criminal harassment.

However, as I understand it, criminal harassment is defined as follows:

“The Criminal Code was amended in 1993 to include the new offence of ‘criminal harassment.’ This crime is more commonly known as stalking, although the two are not identical. Section 264 of the Code sets out precisely what types of stalking behaviour are illegal. This includes:

● repeatedly following someone from place to place
● repeatedly communicating with someone
● spending time outside someone's home or workplace
● making threats against a person

where these actions will cause that other person to be fearful for her safety.”

[source: http://www.owjn.org/info/glossar2.htm]

None of these actions have taken place. Mr Thompson has made these allegations in a vain attempt to regain the credibility (did he have any credibility?) he was building which was slashed by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins calling Mr. Thompson’s bluff on his “modest proposal” (see reference link above). Mr. Thompsons request for arrest is extremely irresponsible and unprofessional. The creators of Penny Arcade made one unsolicited e-mail to Mr. Thompson and it was Mr. Thompson who followed up on that e-mail multiple times in a very rude and unprofessional manner which bordered on harassment.

This is not a new position for Mr. Thompson.

Mr. Thompson is now infamous for publicly questioning the sexual orientation of Janet Reno while competing with her for the GOP district attorney position in 1988.

“Back in 1988 Thompson was the GOP challenger to Reno for the district attorney's job in Dade County. Thompson's unique campaign message was that Reno was unfit for the job because, as a closeted lesbian with a drinking problem, she was a great candidate for blackmail by the criminal element. Jack never explained why this remained a threat even after he exposed her "secret." Reno cruised at the polls.”

[source: http://conwebwatch.***********/outthere/otthompson.html]

Despite the fact that her sexuality has absolutely no bearing on her ability to perform her duties as a district attorney, these claims were made 17 years ago and the Florida Bar Association, where Mr. Thompson attained his license to practice law, did nothing to reprimand Mr. Thompson or even question his obviously immoral, unethical and incredibly irresponsible actions during this campaign. In fact, what Mr. Thompson did during this campaign is specifically against the Rules of Conduct that the Florida Bar Association claims to hold it’s licensed attorney’s to.

“(d) engage in conduct in connection with the practice of law that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, including to knowingly, or through callous indifference, disparage, humiliate, or discriminate against litigants, jurors, witnesses, court personnel, or other lawyers on any basis, including, but not limited to, on account of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, employment, or physical characteristic;”

[source: http://www.floridabar.org/divexe/rrtfb.nsf/FV/DE51D6D9608C634A85256BBC00558300]

Mr. Thompson is also infamous for making wild and outrageous comments, for example:

“Islam promotes the killing of innocent people,” Thompson said. “The Quran requires the infidel, whether Jew or Christian, to be killed. … That’s a core essence of the religion. … Muhammad was a pirate who killed infidels and who advocated the killing of infidels. Not a nice guy. Osama bin Laden is in keeping with his fine tradition,”

[source: http://news.neilrogers.com/news/articles/2004042112.html]

I cannot see how an institution such as the Florida Bar Association or the American Bar Assocations, which are designed to "assure the highest standards of professionalism in the practice of law for the benefit of members and the public" can stand idly by and allow such a horrendously callous, unethical, unprofessional and irresponsible individual as Jack Thompson to maintain a license to practice law.

I am calling upon the fine people at the Florida Bar Association and the American Bar Association to determine whether or not they feel the actions of Mr. Thompson are, in fact, consistent with the ethical and professional guidelines for which the FBA and ABA have determined all lawyers must follow to maintain their privilege to practice law. I request that you organize a referendum to formally determine whether or not he should continue to hold his license as an attorney.

Thank you for your time.


Bryan Healey
[email protected]
Damn this is sweet. :D
Goodbye Yack!

There are also a few other lengthy, well written letters that people are sending to the FBA.
"If you keep playing with fire, you're going to get burned."

It's about time Jack is held responsible for his personal attacks. :)
Heres Yack responce to the FBA:
John B. Thompson, Attorney at Law
1172 South Dixie Hwy., Suite 111
Coral Gables, Florida 33146

October 20, 2005

Alan B. Bookman
The Florida Bar
Tallahassee, Florida Via e-mail

Entire Board of Governors
The Florida Bar
C/o John Harkness and to Governors Directly
The Florida Bar
Tallahassee, Florida Via e-mails

Re: Targeting of Jack Thompson for Criminal Harassment by “Gamers”

Dear Mr. Bookman and All Governors of The Florida Bar:

As you know, eighteen years ago I commenced efforts against the entertainment industry’s illegal distribution of adult entertainment to minors. That fledgling effort resulted in the first decency fines ever levied by the FCC.

The broadcasters struck back with Bar complaints. One happy result of that is that The Bar’s insurance carrier had to pay me money damages for The Bar’s having taken the bait offered by the SLAPP bar complainants. SLAPP is the acronym for ”strategic litigation against public participation.” Filing such a complaint violates certain federal civil rights statutes and state laws as well.

As you also know, the Philadelphia law firm of Blank Rome, which is lead lawyer and chief lobbyist registered in the US House of Representatives and in the US Senate for Take-Two Interactive, has chosen to use the SLAPP approach in our wrongful death case in Alabama by asking the Alabama state judge to kick me off that case because 1) I have been so effective in telling the American people about the reckless activity of their clients, Take-Two and Sony, through 60 Minutes and Reader’s Digest that they can’t now get a “fair trial,” and 2) I have a “colorful history” of pornographers filing SLAPP bar complaints against me, which indicates I am unfit to practice law.

Interesting logic, but remember: this is Blank Rome talking. Blank Rome has a very long history of “opposition research” through partners such as “Barbara Comstock,” who was called by the Washington Post a “one-woman wrecking crew” for her brilliance in character assassination on behalf of her clients.

Blank Rome’s Comstock is the US Congressman Dan Burton staffer who was doing his “work” for him when he was clandestinely keeping a mistress on his federal payroll staff in violation of federal law.

Blank Rome also has been recently caught up in the scandal of securing Department of Homeland Security contracts for its clients allegedly because of its massive campaign contributions to former DHS Secretary Tom Ridge, Bush-Cheney, and the RNC. This has been covered in the mainstream media. Blank Rome is clearly the most powerful law firm, right now, in America, because of its tight personal and financial relationships with Jeb and George Bush. Blank Rome likes to make stuff up to run over people who are in the way of their clients. Pretty standard stuff, really. But don’t you love the fact that a bunch of “family values” Republican loyalists to George Bush are representing Take-Two/Rockstar and fraudulently smearing a conservative Christian Republican who has got Rockstar on the run? But this is wha the GOP has become: the lap dog for corporate America, the parents who provide the party’s base be damned.

I hear today, then, from the Internet-based “enthusiast video game press” that “gamers” are going to file or have filed new SLAPP Bar complaints against me. Here’s why:

An outfit in Seattle called “Think Geek” is marketing a t-shirt emblazoned across the front of which are the words “I Hate Jack Thompson.” That kind of tells us where they are on the subject of me.

The parent company is an outfit called Penny Arcade. In the last several days, the folks at Think Geek provided, improperly, Penny Arcade with my email address, which had not been widely circulated (I had to get rid of the last one because of death threats and the like). Some idiot at Penny Arcade foolishly emailed me and told me, in effect, of the amusement that comes from going after me, and then he foolishly explained on the Penny Arcade site how they were going to do it.

Penny Arcade put out a “news story” that was wholly false, and the purpose of it, of course, was to generate the sort of Internet-based gamers harassment of me that has caused me to coin the useful phrase “pixelante.” Blank Rome is just a highly-paid pixelante. I was not getting this harassment at my new e-mail address until Penny Arcade did this.

The result of Penny Arcade’s intentional targeting of me is that I almost immediately started receiving emailed and phoned death threats, many of them referencing Penny Arcade. Penny Arcade has every right to express their warped bizarre opinions, but they don’t have the right to use the Internet to orchestrate criminal harassment of me, which is precisely what they did.

I asked to speak with their attorney, which I did yesterday, and this guy is a perfect fit with Penny Arcade, because his position is that this is all my fault.

I have written the Police Chief in Seattle and asked that their department investigate this matter, as I believe this constitutes a criminal act by Penny Arcade. Penny Arcade has thus ramped up the harassment, and now there is a campaign among gamers to go to The Florida Bar to “discipline” me for trying to protect myself and my family, as well as my right, under the First Amendment to try to get the video game industry to start acting like something other than a bunch of sociopaths.

I was on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 two nights ago because there is now a new game out in which pro footballers send prostitutes to the other team’s players’ hotel rooms. Quaint stuff. I think I have a right to complain about that, which CNN wanted me to do when they contacted me. Anderson Cooper was more negative about it than I was. I am making progress.

But I especially appreciated the computer-generated call last night that said “We are coming to get you, Mr. Thompson.” This is from the Penny Arcade faithful. That is precisely what Penny Arcade wanted, and I have received similar computer-generated calls threatening me.

I am quite certain that lawyer Daniel Horowitz would advise me to take such threats seriously, aren’t you?

Several weeks ago some gamer idiot (sorry to be redundant) managed to email me thousands of death threats from a blast e-mail service based in Ireland using the following e-mail address: [email protected]. The Secret Service shut that pixelante right down. It’s probably too much to expect the Secret Service to shut Blank Rome down. That’s a joke, by the way.

Now, let me be clear. Any Bar complaint coming from these morons arising out of the above incident is baseless and itself constitutes a violation of a specific federal civil rights statute.

If The Bar proceeds with any of these, it does so at its own peril. The Bar paid me once. I am certainly willing it pay me again, along with others.

Regards, Jack Thompson

"gamer idiot" and "pixelante" hu?

Truly pathetic, Yack... truly...

Nice work, idiots who sent him death threats.