Jack Thompson buys shares of Take Two publishers of GTA


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
he really is an ass:

Jack Thompson Buys Shares in Take-Two
That way he invites himself to shareholder meetings

Thompson has announced that he has bought stock in Take-Two Interactive, the publisher behind the popular Rockstar games like The Warriors and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Sudden change of heart? No, not at all - he just wants in on the shareholder meetings. The fact that he's requested a "hand-held, cordless microphone" at the meetings should clue you in to what he'd like to do there.

[In a letter to Take-Two CEO Paul Eibeler] Thompson also included a dig at Microsoft's CEO Bill Gates:
What's next, Paul, a game in which players can practice flying commercial jetliners into the World Trade Towers? Oh, I forgot. Microsoft already did that. Thank Time's "Man of the Year," Bill Gates, whose Halo trained Lee Boyd Malvo to be the Beltway Sniper as well.

he's utterly insane
When will this guy give it a rest? Doesn't he know that everyone hates him?
I totally agree. He is completely insane.

Check out the members feedback on that site! :laugh:
Yeah saw this on Slashdot a couble of days ago.....

I'll find it amusing when he snaps and goes on a killing spree
You know, Stern, your heart is in the right place*, but by spreading this news, you're just adding fuel to his fire. If we ignored him, he would lose all his power.

I think it's time for a master thief* to go and take care of this fellow once and for all.

*also assassin• for hire.

•heh, I said ass*.

*twice, btw.
JNightshade said:
You know, Stern, your heart is in the right place, but by spreading this news, you're just adding fuel to his fire. If we ignored him, he would lose all his power.
No. No, he wouldn't. If no one showed resistence the people without any knowledge of video games, the significant drop in crime, how parents ignore the ratings, and other pertinent information would likely get emotionally worked up by his lunatic ravings. People, as a whole, are not smart and rational. Mob mentality repeatedly proves this on a near-daily basis. Watch the news.
my questiong is why this guy is still bashing videogames,bully is not going to be a super duper violent game (for waht I hav see) and this guy still come whit this like this? seriously why this guy hav not be send to a mental institution? oh yeah but if someone say something whit his name and the word "kill",oh yeh it must go to prision
I don't know... I still say this guy thrives on anger and "controversiality". But whatever- point is, he needs to go die in a hole.
Is there anyway that Tack Two {as a company} can get a restraining order on the man?

One that also counts as an electronic one?
Halo would more like train you to be a shitty game...
CyberPitz said:
Halo would more like train you to be a shitty game...
or walk in the moon

you know cuz the gravity looks low in the game
CyberPitz said:
Halo would more like train you to be a shitty game...

I know right? Sometimes I just feel like a shitty game after playing it. I'm all like full of bad graphics in my stomach, and I've got bugs and hackers coming out my ass.
DreadLord1337 said:
I know right? Sometimes I just feel like a shitty game after playing it. I'm all like full of bad graphics in my stomach, and I've got bugs and hackers coming out my ass.
I was about to make a witty comment on that post, but I never would have come up with that :laugh:
Dude, if Halo trains people for killing*, I know a lot of future mass-murderers...

*It doesn't•.

•At all.
I think that Thompson will create more murderers than the entire might of the games, military and brutal dictatorship industries combined.
Did he buy the shares with the money that he was supposed to give to a children's charity?
This is good. Maybe he'll finaly realise that they aren't evil :\
ríomhaire said:
This is good. Maybe he'll finaly realise that they aren't evil :\

It doesn't really matter what he realises, he's obsolete.
...Halo... Sniper training?...

What a ****ing uneducated douchebag!
This is great... The shareholders have to sign an NDA of some kind for the meetings right? So they don't announce private/sensitive information about the games/company/etc.? They just need to come up with something that Jack would want to announce, then when the psycho goes to the press about it, they can sue the hell out of him.

And the Psycho is still overlooking that Malvo's father was a military sharpshooter or something like that, and a guns enthusiast, and took his son on his killing spree? The kid wouldn't need Halo to train him, that was his dad's job. (if he went around killing people with a laser gun or something while bunny hopping and spawn killing people as soon as they walked outside of a building, then he'd be on to something...)
I think I'm going to write an ode to Jack Thompson and his senility.
Absinthe said:
I think I'm going to write an ode to Jack Thompson and his senility.
he will reply

"you are a kid so your opinion don matter in the universe and I rule the world blablabla and soon I will see you when your games trained you to kill everyone in your school cuz I ruelz blabla
kirovman said:
Did he buy the shares with the money that he was supposed to give to a children's charity?

excellent point ..I'd love for someone to throw that in his face
Sir Phoenixx said:
This is great... The shareholders have to sign an NDA of some kind for the meetings right? So they don't announce private/sensitive information about the games/company/etc.? They just need to come up with something that Jack would want to announce, then when the psycho goes to the press about it, they can sue the hell out of him.
Woah. You may have a point there.
I just looked up some Halo player statistics...
(In potential suicidal mass-murderers :p)
Halo 2: 334,364
(Couldn't find anything on Halo 1 :()

Oh, and wtf is it with Bungies site title :p
Satisfying your mom since 1991
Although it changes periodically

Fun Fact: Now you can watch the murderous psychos build their next murder simulator through DevilCams!
I love how the tactile action of pressing a button on a controller = i'm 1337 RL $N|P3R now! to good 'ol JT
well...if there ever was an excuse for murder...Jack Thompson has got to be it.
Dr. Freeman said:
well...if there ever was an excuse for murder...Jack Thompson has got to be it.

Maybe. I suppose if it came to it, I guess I could always claim that Jack Thompson made me kill my entire family.

Wait... That hasn't happened! Yet.
He's at moron.

I saw an interview with him the other day (in a PC Gaming Magazine, no less!) and he was surprisingly civil, despite the fact that what he was saying made no sense (not even if you interpreted it into english).
Q: Is Jack Thompson insane?

A: ghjasdjjjjgoaisjdjjjjoiiiijjijjiijjijjjjjijjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjiiiijjjjiijijijijijijijjjjjgjoob. D: