Jack Thompson writes angry letter about Bioshock


May 5, 2004
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whacko Jacko writes a letter to Take Two about the marketing campaign for Bioshock specifically an airing of the Bioshock commercial during a broadcast of WWE wrestling:

Hi I'm Jack Thompson said:
Take-Two? is aggressively marketing its newest Mature-rated video game to kids under 17 years of age? On this Friday?s night?s 8 pm Eastern time airing of WWE?s wrestling program ?Smackdown,? there were repeated ads for Take-Two/Rockstar Game?s Mature-rated, incredibly violent BioShock?

A check of the demographics of the audience of that program reveals that teens under 17 years of age watch that program in huge numbers?

Remarkably, the video game industry is running ads for games like BioShock on teen-intensive television programs while at the same time its industry-captured ?watchdog,? the ESRB, is running a self-congratulatory ad campaign to assure parents that the video game ratings system is working and that the industry can be trusted not to target their kids with these Mature-rated games. It is all a lie, as the BioShock ads prove.

This rampant fraudulent trade practice is precisely what ?Big Tobacco? did with its ?Joe Camel? and other teen-targeting ads, while at the same time lying to Congress that it was not marketing its adult product to kids.

i guess it escapes Thompsons notice that he's complaining about violent video games being promoted during a ....violent tv show ...yet somehow wrestling fans will be influenced by a 30 second commercial which showcases violence rather than a 2 hour show glorifying it?

you're an idiot Jack, why anyone listens to your idiocy I have no idea

rockstar games Bioshock?

wtf is he talking about?
oh god, this guy fails so much it hurts.
I just watched that ad. So... umm... wtf happened there? o__O

And Thompson is an idiot.
He thinks Rockstar made Bioshock?

He's ****ing obsessed.
Take Two publishes bioshock ...Irrational games is now part of Take Two which also owns Rockstar games ..however rockstar had nothing to do with the game ..so he's either confused or just stupid ..I think more the latter than the former
As Lisa Simpson puts it: Leading the fight against the evils of free expression.

Jack, give up. You fail.
Dear Rockstar:



- Jack Thompson
Rockstar? :LOL: What an ignorant fool!
I am shocked by this forum's incessant ridicule of Jack Thompson. He brings to light a serious offense and all you can do is mock him? Pathetic.

I too am appalled by Take-Two's condoning and teaching of violence against genetic freaks in oversized scuba suits.
Game companies really shouldn't advertise outside of the ESRB rating...
But there are always nice big holes in his argument. He watches WWE?

Anyway, I don't see him talking about the genetic aspect of the game from that link. Just that it's a rated M game, coming from Take Two. And he tries to link its commercial airing during WWE vs big tobacco advertising to under age (ESRB rated M, up to the parents vs law being illegal <18). Many people of different ages watch those shows. I know a number of 20+ year olds who watch wrestling. It's not like it was during Pokemon.

It was during primetime so they are going to get the most views. That would make sense to me.
isnt WWE a violent stuff since people punch other people? THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN!

kid1: I am hulk bunga and I will crush ya *jumps from table and fall over brother*
kid2: arrrg...whell..I mark power will...use...my stomp of death *picks chair and beat head of brother*
kid1:..well*spits blood* I will use the mexican hammertime*grabs hammer and hit head of brother,thick blood start to come out* timmy? stop fooling around,hey I am talking to you! yeah hulk bunga wins*start dancing and slip in the blood*
Counter-Sue for misadvertising, saying Rockstar was behind Bioshock!
What's Jack's beef with Take Two?

Did they rape and murder his family?
When I was a kid we used to get school massacres everyday, and I turned out fine.
That pulsating dick.

If Bioshock gets banned before I get the money and computer to play it, I am gunna be pissed.

How else do they expect game companies to advertise?

If parents can't read a f*cking label for themselves, it's THEIR fault.
Jack Thompson should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell....or just shut his mouth. Whichever works.
No worries, JT doesn't have any real leverage.

He's just a source of continuous amusement.
I'm quite surprised that he didn't write in about the Little Sister in the commercial.
If that even begins to happen I'm sure Microsoft will jump in and fix it all

Pretty much. They'll just throw money at it if something goes wrong, kinda like the Zune.
Wow...complaining at it being shown during WWE....riiiight!

Guess he has no problems with all the issues of drugs/steroids etc. in professional wrestling at the moment, but just wants to carry on fighting with Rockstar!
Pretty much. They'll just throw money at it if something goes wrong, kinda like the Zune.

But what about that Resistance game? I dunno if that is microsoft, but that was taken off shelves for a stupid reason.
I thought wacko Jacko signed some form of contract that prevented him from mentioning Take-Two interactive so that they didn't sue his ass. Guess he broke his end of the contract.
He's just an attention whore with no mates and nothing better to do.
Sending letters is the best he can do now I guess.
It just proves Jack doesn't know jack sh-t.
Seriously, he accused that korean dude for playing violent video games before the shooting in Virginia Tech and the dude haven't even played video games.