Jail guard gets owned, committs suicide.


Jun 20, 2004
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It's pretty sad that the inmates got free and the guard committed suicide. But I thought the story and pic was worth making it into this section:

The inmates left behind a thank-you note, signed with a smiley face, that named Zurick, thanking him for the tools they used -- a thick piece of wire and a 10-pound steel water shut-off wheel.

"You're a real pal! Happy Holidays," said the note, which also included a drawing of a hand with an upraised middle finger
How did they get that stuff anyways? :laugh:
The two used photos of bikini-clad women to hide holes they dug through the cinderblock walls of their adjoining cells in a high-security unit, authorities said. They jumped onto a lower roof, then made it over a 25-foot-high fence topped with razor wire.
http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/01/02/guard.suicide.ap/index.html Security must really suck over there. *
Authorities are reviewing security measures and have barred inmates from putting pictures cut from magazines on their cell walls.
Ah, a good, old-fashioned prison breakout. And using such an old technique to hide the stuff, too. Really, you'd think the guards would've watched Shawshank.

Goddamned criminals.
Haha oh wow.

Pretty harsh for the guard though.
Ah, a good, old-fashioned prison breakout. And using such an old technique to hide the stuff, too. Really, you'd think the guards would've watched Shawshank.

Yeah that was my first thought too. Cheers to the outbreakers, sorry to the outbreakee.
Ah, a good, old-fashioned prison breakout. And using such an old technique to hide the stuff, too. Really, you'd think the guards would've watched Shawshank.

i bet they didnt have to go over a mile in a shit filled pipe
Oh, I was watching this story break on television weeks ago.

It's funny that everyone keeps claiming they were "bikini clad" women, but in the video I saw, they were obviously nude. I guess citizens would think the inmates had it too good if they were completely naked?

Anyway, I did hear about the note, but I hadn't heard that the officer killed himself. Crazy. Why did he help them I wonder. A promise of a large sum of money perhaps? So, if they expose him, they won't have to pay him shit.

Anyway, did they catch the escaped convicts yet?
Someone should teach those convicts what a lower-case 'A' looks like.
well they ARE inmates after all :\

Poor guard.
I'm sorry, but why exactly did the guard commit suicide? Did he think they would come after him? Or was he ashamed for his "mistake?"
agreed the story makes little sense

if that were me I certainly wouldnt commit suicide ..I might make a mental note to check under posters of hot babes but I wouldnt feel responsible
Hey! It IS america. Nothing makes sense over there.
Hey! It IS america. Nothing makes sense over there.

That's right, it is America, not China.

I could see someone doing it in China, because they seem to believe in the whole "disgraced for life thing," while America is, in addition to being the land of opportunity, the land of second, third, fourth and fifth chances - except Texas
Aggravated manslaughter? Robbery? Breaking out of jail? Glad they caught him.
Someone should teach those convicts what a lower-case 'A' looks like.
I'm sure when the other guards found out, they wanted to capture those criminals and capitalize their, "eyes" (I's) Haha...get it?:p