Kid commits suicide with OD live on webcam

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I'm with Shift on this one. I do feel infinite sympathy for the guy if it is true, as depression is not something worthy of scorn and is often something that cannot be helped. But I know that if I were to kill myself, it would be done alone and deeply personal, to Radiohead. Probably Pyramid Song. This all seems staged to me.
I would definitely kill myself to some bad ass music. Or Radiohead, yeah.
The video showed him not breathing for three hours, and it wasn't a still since the lightning changed. After a couple of hours people realized it probably wasn't fake and called the cops.

Either this is real or the guy is a genius in setting it up.

I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight because of this.

This is a separate story, but I guess this first quote is not entirely accurate anymore.

Kevin Neil Whitrick or shyboy_17_1(August 17, 1964 - March 21, 2007) was a British citizen and an electrical engineer.[1] He is believed to be the only person to have committed a cyber suicide live via a webcam on an internet chat site.[2]


On the day of his death, Kevin Whitrick was in a chatroom on Paltalk and was joined by about 50 other users in a special "insult" chatroom where people "have a go at each other".[3] He punched a hole in his ceiling and placed a rope around a joist and around his neck, then stepped off a chair. Some people thought this was a prank, until his face started turning blue. Some people in the chat room egged him on while others tried desperately to find his address. A member in the room contacted the police, who arrived at the scene within minutes. Kevin Whitrick was pronounced dead at 11:15 p.m. GMT.[1]
Wow. I honestly used to think that people would have more smarts than to do something like that on a whim.

So perhaps suicide was a prolonged ideology held by him?

Intently committing suicide is usually an impulse decision. Doing large amount of dangerous drugs is just stupidity.
Intently committing suicide is usually an impulse decision.
If you're really serious you have a day. You set a planned date for killing yourself and it's entirely premeditated. The "I just downed a whole bottle of pills" spur-of-the-moment type suicides are usually just people who haven't completely contemplated the finality of the act and are acting out of sudden desperation.
That IS the point, though: you're against suicide but you have absolutely no idea how the person is feeling. Life is not automatically magnificent. It's rarely magnificent. People see life as a gift because they can't imagine it being any other way; to people who feel that suicide is an option, life is a burden to them. They are blinded to any silver lining or rainbow road ahead.

You're saying, "their experience might be shitty...but they can fix it...and lead a normal life." This is not a blanket statement that can be applied to everyone. You have to realize that a lot of people have a really low mental constitution for problems. Helplessness and hopelessness can be so damn overwhelming that the idea of having a normal life is completely shut out. And you can't say whether that's wrong or right, or that they should just man up and fix their problems. You can't say whether they haven't TRIED fixing their problems. You're simply speaking from a position of, "I can suck it up, why can't they? I don't understand it, so I don't condone it, and I think they're disgusting."

Anyone who thinks suicide is "disgusting," or "the loser's/coward's way out," you're fully welcome to having your opinion. It simply isn't an opinion that allows room for any empathy. Instead of attempting to question why this person would hate himself so much that he'd be driven to kill himself, why he'd be filled with such self-loathing and inner turmoil that he'd write a letter to his parents absolving them of any blame, instead putting his death all on himself, you'd call him as a selfish and weak individual.
This is what I have an issue with.
^But also somewhat this.
read some of the post, saw the video where the police bust in.... its a sad depressing story if the kid's dead. lad was only 19 aswell but like a lot of the people on the forum were saying, he could've just been in some sort of drug induced coma and still alive now

we'll see when the news media get hold of the story
I can understand suicidal thoughts, even the act itself. However, the mode of departure in this case is such an unnecessary extra burden to put on your family, quite apart from the horrible torment of simple bereavement... Instead of being just a suicide, he'll be a talking point along the lines of 'that kid who killed himself live on webcam', and his family will know this. They'll be torturing themselves wondering what it looked like (that's if their curiosity to watch the footage doesn't get the better of them), what might have happened if someone had called the police earlier, whether it might have been prevented 'if only' someone who knew him had happened to have been watching, how people online could have been so hateful towards him, etc etc...

It's not like I haven't been in some fairly dark places myself, and it stirs my compassion to think about the level of suffering anyone must be going through in order to make them contemplate suicide, but to do it like this... I can't conceive of someone doing it on webcam unless they wanted to actively punish the people they were leaving behind.
I pretty much think it is the cowards' way out and some of the stuff Shift said. But from a more logical standpoint I find it obvious that not everyone may have the same optimistic thought process as me on the subject and that the only way their minds are able to think it through from their experiences is that self-termination is the best way. So I guess for myself to consider suicide I would think I'm a coward and that I need to 'man up' but if its someone else I'd think that they must've been pessimistic hardcore. Though I have some assholish impulse still making me think of them as cowards. Assholish impulse is annoying.
Hey guys guess what.

~114 people died today in car accidents.

Just thought you should know.
I'm gonna stay out of the ethical and moral arguments of suicide you guys are having, but just show some proof that this legitimately happened. <-- From another forum. Shows cop after busting down the door to the kid's room. Mother****er shouldn't of put it on webcam.. jesus.
Looks fake, tbh.
Also, f*ck off with this /b/ shit. :|

edit: If he did really kill himself, what a f*cking coward.
He's only f*cking 19, he has his WHOLE F*CKING LIFE TO FIX EVERYTHING.

Bullshit excuse to off yourself, he should've sought help from a shrink or something.

edit: He's a piece of shit who has just ruined his parents lives too, I hope he burns in hell. etc.

Wow, ignorance. You really have no ****ing idea about this kid, or about suicide in general do you? Just like so many others "hur hur he r emo coward hur".

I think the whole thing is fake anyway, if you were that depressed that you were going to kill yourself, you would not be in the frame of mind to be going on forums and publicly stating how you are going to kill yourself and coming up with crap like what film you are going to watch as you die. AND THEN set up a webcam just to prove it, prove it to who? A bunch of random people on the internet? You are killing yourself, whats the point. Not to mention I'm sure I saw him breathing on that short clip when the cops came into the room.

Ive seen it done so many times in the past, just this guy has taken it to new levels, the internet is of full of people just looking for attention. Seems like a hoax to me.

Until you suffer from severe depression, you will never understand why people kill themselves. People who say people who commit suicide are selfish or cowardly need to learn something called compassion.

Look it up. Perhaps one day you will learn that not everything is black and white.
This thread is only going to bad places.
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