James has come... and has gone.

...for a moment there i thought he was dead!!

I also have a friend like that...havent seen him for quite a time now!
JNightshade said:
And yet, most of all, I feel... privileged. In my school, I'm friends with almost everyone, but good friends with almost none. For some reason, nobody is quite right, and I don't feel comfortable among many. But man... I'd forgotten how it is with James. As stupid as it sounds, yesterday/last night/today was probably the best time I can remember.

Having a handful of good, loyal friends is, in my opinion, much more better than having one thousand acquaintances that you don't know well.
Sulkdodds said:
It's all relative anyway.

true to a point, but im willing to bet that your perspective changes when shit happens. re-read glirk dient's post.
Everybody Hurts so it seems, some of these posts are really quite sad.
Jnightshade, that must really suck, I can really sympathise with whats happened, I hope you still manage to stay in contact with your freind, but if he is going back to the states for college, hopefully in the not to distant future you'll be able to see your best freind every day, and I sincecearlly hope you do.

Glirk, you've revealed bits about your situation, but it appears theres been some new developments, and you've told us some more, and to be honest, it must be awful. Your working to prevent your familly from being evicted becuase your dads a deadbeat, that must suck, I hope things get better, but I think you working like you are is really kind, I know we've had our differences but I think your a great person for what your doing.

Theres so many sad storys these days, often from people you wouldn't expect, makes me glad for what I've got.

Peace Guys.
Angry Lawyer said:
The majority of you are see-you-next-tuesdays and it disgusts me to post on the same forum as you.
Christ's sake, somebody opens their heart and all you say is "Olololol ghey".

No wonder most of you will never get laid.

-Angry Lawyer
My thought's exactly.
Is this a my-penis-is-smaller-than-yours-thread? I'm lost.
Ok, wow... I just woke up, and this thread kinda took off. First off:

When I say that there's shit going on in my life, I'm not saying that yours is all peachy. I mean, come on. Glirk, that's awful, and I really feel for you man, but I wasn't writing this thread to be emo and bitch about how "bad" I have it. I was writing it to say how sad I am to see my friend go, yet how thankful I am to have a friend like that. So please, don't misinterpret me.

Second of all, as anyone with a brain can tell, I'm not gay. If I were gay, you'd know, because I wouldn't have a problem posting it here. But I'm just not. This is a far different thing entirely.

Finally, thank you SO MUCH for all the support, guys.

And Qonfused: hahahaha.

EDIT: Oh, by the way. I moved from Wisconsin to Boston when I was in third grade. I was new, weird, and awkward. I had pretty much no friends until 6th grade, which is where I met him. That's part of the reason we're such good friends.
this is the way real friends should be. real brothers.
my friends are both my friends and my rivals.. i love them though, we stick up for eachother.. but i couldn't call them brothers. people are generally pretty cold and distant to eachother here in sweden, guess it's because of the climate..

you have my respect nightshade.

also, what angry lawyer said..
Angry Lawyer said:
The majority of you are see-you-next-tuesdays and it disgusts me to post on the same forum as you.
Christ's sake, somebody opens their heart and all you say is "Olololol ghey".

No wonder most of you will never get laid.

-Angry Lawyer
Relax, it was just a joke. What Nightshade's going through everyone goes through in their lives. He should be glad his friend didn't die. Going through this same shit with someone whom you can't catch up with because they killed themselves makes shit a whole lot harder.

Why don't you just try to call up James or something? email him maybe? There's gotta be someone else whose kept in contact with him