Japan -Don't hate me becuase I'm american


Feb 3, 2005
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You know at one time everyone was a kid. Some of us still are. Everyone knows that children are innocent.

I was born in 1975. I was raised to respect all people equally and consider them by thier actions rather than the way they look or what country they are from.

The first 15 years of my life i grew up not knowing anything about japan besides what you learn in History about the war.

Anyway in the past 15 years or so, pretty much since the introduction of the Nintendo Entertainment System, I have learned so much about them from gaming magazines, movies, but mostly in more recent years from the internet.

Just like most Americans i love The Martial arts, Japanese cars, motorcycles, electronics, etc. My brother had a movie called Akira that was exceptionaly violent. That made a big impact on me.

Years ago I began searching the web for video game info and I learned that the Japan is filled with extremely artistic people and found countless drawings of cute, young cartoons for adults. (they have other names for it)

Anyway I couldn't belive how well drawn the art was in some cases. Much better than things i had seen in the american adult cartoon Heavy Metal. Thats pretty f n cool.

Ok get to the point ( i don't think there is one ) lol

They don't seem to like the United States very much. Do they buy things that are made in the US? what? Do they drive corvettes and mustangs? ya, i assume some of them do, but aren't those people quite rare? They don't seem to like anything we have to offer.

I know they love american girls though :LOL:

I have spoken to or played games with dozens of Japanese People online in games or forums and overheard them talking in and all of them pretty much act like they are too good for us. They think they are so much better than us? They don't want to play games with us, they don't want to speak to us, even though most of them seem to speak english now-a-days. I guess it has to boost your ego pretty high when they are living in japan all thier lives and they are communicating in perfect english. In most cases, better than us! D=

One of the best times i ever had in game history was playing Medal of Honor Rising Sun online on the PS2 with the japanese! I think there weren't any good English servers up, so i tried the japanese server.

I thought it would be pretty tight to play as allies and play against the axis.
and it was all in fun. you know?

We couldn't talk becuase we were on opposing teams but, I never had so much fun with a machine gun and some hand grenades. I know they were having fun too becuase they didnt quit when i joined the Japanese server like usuall and we played for hours. sometimes i would switch to thier team.
MOH rising sun plays a very fun Multiplayer online game.

And i've heard enough with the american bashing in the past couple years especially of late. I had never heard anything like this before. for nearly all of my life I was under this strange asumtion that all of the world were pretty much cool with each other, except for cuba or something? lol

why can't everyone let by-gones be by-gones?

We are all of the human race

So why does the world feel like America is not allowed to make mistakes? We are humans.

humans make so many errors its not funny. but American intentions are good.
I mean we were the only ones with a nuclear weapon for like what 50 years and nobody got hurt. give some nuclear bombs or missles to some other countries i dont think it would be "all good"

Only had to use it when we first got it. Holy shit who wouldn't have, we had every reason to. Im sorry.

What can I say? I love Japan, I am fascinated by their art, thier games, their legends of shoguns and ninja's and all, but we are shunned by them in every verbal interaction I have ever witnessed.

Anyway so why do they hate us? why don't they buy mustangs and corvettes and Xbox's? I'm offended. I've been offended for years by this. They don't like our shit. The only thing that i have heard that they like is our Cowboys. LOL cowboys! you belive that? :LOL: anyway.

When i was playing these games like Phantsy Star Online i saw so many Americans shouting racist things about Japanese, Blacks, & Jews to these people. I was ashamed to be American. I asume they are kids, since it was a game, but i was in my mid 20's and i was playing the game also, so I don't know. I think this racism that many Americans love to show to the world is humilating, childish, and irresponsible.

All I want to say is that YES. U.S.A. Is filled with arrogant, proud, cocky, rude people. And some of them are racist. But, its also filled with every other type of person.

Now, after typing this huge post, it has just dawned on me that maybe the Japanese are the racists!
Maybe. Well, I think the whole planet needs to grow the **** up and get real.

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes and styles, do you think they have racism? maybe thats a bad example, strange dogs don't seem to get along very well. hmmmm now that is something to think about.

Anyway, so is Japan basically adopting english as a 2nd main language or what? :D
I tell you whut, I think the human race needs to start the **** over, tell ya whut.

(by that I mean we all need to destroy everything we've created [but still keep it on paper, so we don't repeat history], then we all need to die, cept for a few people. Then, after a century or two, we can slowly start over and never let the population reach over a billion people. :D Earth will be so happy)

uh...what's this about Japan now?

35 years.....
On the contrary, I've always thought Japan tries so hard to be like America.
Well, when Americans go to Japan they don't often make a stunning first impression because they don't understand the cultural differences... so, that could be part of a bad image Americans might have in the eyes of the Japanese. Then, if you combine that with, potentially, some remaining hostility from World War II and the current perception of the USA around the world... it doesn't paint a pretty picture of us. Still, I think (from my experience) you'll find that most of them either like the people (if not the government) or just don't care either way. You would probably be treated worse in Europe than in Japan.
I always thought the Japanese were quite heavily inspired by American culture. compare pre-war Japan to how it is now, and you'll see what I mean.

Personally, I really respect Japanese culture and find it one of the more interesting societies today. I 'm an Anime fan, I love Japanese console games and I find their ancient culture incredibly interesting... but in referance to Maddox, I don't walk around with Hello Kitty T-shirts, or call myself one of those "Okato" people or whatever. The point is, it's easy to find other cultures intriguing, but that doesn't make you some sort of uber-nerd-reject person.
I don't know, what kind of stupid statement is that?
VirusType2 said:
I know they love american girls though :LOL:
Actually, it's not specifically -American-, I have a few Swedish friends(female) that're in Japan as exchange students, and I think it's the "aryan race" overall that they find attractive, not the specific nationality.

Anyway, the only ting I like that's coming outa Japan is games and anime.:)

Akira is a cult-classic btw, great movie, albeit very grotesque.:)

There's alot of Japanese tourists everywhere now a days too, I can barely go out without meeting'em atleast once or twice a week.:p

It's pretty funny trying to give'em direction only to have'em not understand you at all.:p
It's not the aryan race people, it's our girls big boobs. Japanese are obsessed with big boobs, and a lot of japanese girls have small boobs. Japanese act the same around japanese girls with big boobs as they do around western chicks.
Gargantou said:
Actually, it's not specifically -American-, I have a few Swedish friends(female) that're in Japan as exchange students, and I think it's the "aryan race" overall that they find attractive, not the specific nationality.

Aryans are indians and iranians. No not, native american indians but Ghandi "you've been outsourced bitch" indians.

And Japanese people are by nature xenophobic, they hate everybody equally. Did you ever wonder why there are so little foreigners living there? And by foreigners I don't mean just mean westerners but even asians, they hate koreans and treat them like sub-humans.
Gunner said:
Aryans are indians and iranians. No not, native american indians but Ghandi "you've been outsourced bitch" indians.

And Japanese people are by nature xenophobic, they hate everybody equally. Did you ever wonder why there are so little foreigners living there? And by foreigners I don't mean just mean westerners but even asians, they hate koreans and treat them like sub-humans.

Yes. They are evil. They should all be nuked.

Sub-humans... Who asked them to invade, those bastards.

(Please note, if a mod sees this, my comments are exaggerated. to others, please ignore this note :p)
Gunner said:
Aryans are indians and iranians. No not, native american indians but Ghandi "you've been outsourced bitch" indians.
I used " " because I was talking about the nazi-term for aryan.:rolleyes:

Thanks for the racial lesson tho.:D

Oh btw, 15357, I love North Korea but make no mistake, I'm not a "commie pig" but man they got to use those sexxeh MiG-15s during the Korean War!!*Drools*
Boogymanx said:
What kind of a stupid statement is that?
One that comes from experience, both first-hand and from just about everyone I know that has traveled to one of those two regions. The people that have traveled to various countries in Europe had experiences ranging from typical to very bad (ie: being spat upon, insulted, groped, etc) to the point that they had to pretend to be from Canada... whereas the people that had traveled to Japan were unanimously met with polite, if not kind, behavior and unprecedented civility (if you leave a camera or a purse somewhere you can usually come back hours or even days later and find it in the same place... untouched). Even if there are some people with anti-American sentiments in Japan they have a more reserved and respectful culture... so, they're not as likely to act on it. They might look at you funny, but that tends to be the extent of it. Either I know a lot of lucky travelers in Japan and a lot of unlucky travelers in Europe... or there's a pattern.
I've seen foreign people in Brussels, Gent, and other big cities. Now I haven't been in many big cities in whole Europe, but I haven't seen anything of what you described here in Belgium.
Where you happen to be going in Europe will obviously effect the outcome. For example, my sister had a wonderful time in England but when she went to France they were, well, French... in other words, rude... and I say that being of half-French descent (other half is chiefly British). A former English teacher of mine was spat upon somewhere in southern Spain after she answered that she was from the USA. Then, there was another incident in France where a blonde girl was sexually harassed (I can't remember) until the guy she was with happened to return from whatever he was doing at the moment. Also, in Scotland, someone was trying to start a fight with a friend in the Marines by shouting insults about him, the USA, etc. The rest of the complaints were relatively minor. On the other hand, I tend to hear nice things about Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and a couple of other countries I can't recall. In short, Europe is quite a mixed bag.

Oh... and I haven't heard a single person say anything about Belgium... sorry. :p
Yeah, there's racial tension but if you're just an individual on a vacation you're generally not treated poorly and they're polite enough not to bother you. The majority of the tension seems to be aimed more at people from other Asian countries (namely, China and Korea), which tends to be reciprocated, than just foreigners in general. There's still a sense that they want to keep their culture isolated from the rest of the world and keep foreigners from moving to their country... but most of the anti-foreigner sentiments tend to come from the older people (as it is in this country). If you look at the young people, they're much less concerned about issues like that. They listen to foreign music, they watch foreign movies, they speak foreign languages, they wear clothing with English on it, they eat at McDonalds (albeit with a different selection of foods), etc. Remember, some people that fought in and lived through World War II are still alive. It takes a while before tension subsides from levels that extreme... usually a few generations while the survivors and/or their immediate family are still around. Anyway, there are still plenty of xenophobic people in the USA (though, a bit moreso in the South, from my experience)... so, we're not innocent either.
Trust me, you get better service in Japan if you fake an American accent.
even though most of them seem to speak english now-a-days.
I think thinking like that may have somthing to do with people hating Americans.
a few things:

- unlike the overwhelming majority of americans, most people around the globe are familiar with american imperialism ..it tends to breed resentment, bitterness and even hate. You cant just steamroll a country into oblivion because of no other excuse except "we felt like it" and expect people to take it lightly ...this isnt exactly the first time you've destroyed a nation or propped up a murdering tyrant, dont play the victem here because it reveals your own ignorance of an issue that every american should know about. But dont mistake hate for foreign policy for hate for it's citizens

- they dont buy mustangs because gas is easily twice the price not too mention that roads are narrower, traffic is heavier and the lifestyle is completely different ...they dont buy xbox because it doesnt appeal to what THEY like

- you need to find a better way of understanding japanese culture than simply interacting with them in a video game or watching a few anime movies

- japanese animation seems far more intricate and detailed because for the most part they use a lot of static cells (cells are what the drawing is "painted on") ..often the cells are only partially animated ..just watch any anime at random and you'll soon notice that they use a lot of close ups, speed lines, and panning from a single image. Now there's nothing wrong with that; it just allows for far more detailed drawings than traditional animation. Pick any disney movie at random and while they are far less detailed (because drawing a lot of detail [ie: shading, folds in clothing etc] is difficult to animate because there's more to draw) than anime but they are far better animated ...there's no real dispute here ..in terms of animation the US is at the top of the heap

- finally, there's bigots, racists, assholes, jerks in every country/culture ..you cant make blanket statements that encompass an entire population that's in the millions ...but ..when a government promotes things like intolerance, torture, disregard for international law/human rights etc ..people in other countries tend to formulate an opinion on the country as a whole based on a few criteria.

"americans carry guns" - that's a universal truth but does that mean ALL americans carry guns?
Granted, but the original points are really just a misinterpretation of Japanese xenophobia. It's part of their national character, and has been for centuries. It doesn't work to deny that it exists, but it's hard for a lot of westerners to grasp.
Direwolf said:
Granted, but the original points are really just a misinterpretation of Japanese xenophobia. It's part of their national character, and has been for centuries. It doesn't work to deny that it exists, but it's hard for a lot of westerners to grasp.

I agree ...we're all gaijin to them
Virus, alot of your points are void.

1. Youre angry that they won't talk to you, even though they speak English. Why the hell should they? You expect them to talk to you in English, and are angry when they don't. Yet you obviously are too arrogant to learn Japanese instead.

2.The Nuke. Don't even try to minimalise it, or make it seem insignificant. It killed a monstrous number of people, and the radiation damaged the lives of Millions.
Solaris said:
Virus, alot of your points are void.

1. Youre angry that they won't talk to you, even though they speak English. Why the hell should they? You expect them to talk to you in English, and are angry when they don't. Yet you obviously are too arrogant to learn Japanese instead.

2.The Nuke. Don't even try to minimalise it, or make it seem insignificant. It killed a monstrous number of people, and the radiation damaged the lives of Millions.

nationalism...hmm...first it was the britsh then the french, the germans and now the americans! every superpower tends to behave as though they are better! and we all hate the bully in the school dont we?!

can anyone tell me exactly who defined the races we use today? as far as i'm conserned we are all the same race!
Funny how every superpower/empire ever has been really, really mean.
I think i said it best when i said to myself "Get to the point ( I don't think there is one )" I was just rambling on
Solaris said:
Virus, alot of your points are void.

1. Youre angry that they won't talk to you, even though they speak English. Why the hell should they? You expect them to talk to you in English, and are angry when they don't. Yet you obviously are too arrogant to learn Japanese instead.

2.The Nuke. Don't even try to minimalise it, or make it seem insignificant. It killed a monstrous number of people, and the radiation damaged the lives of Millions.

Well if i knew japanese, i would be dying to show off that i can speak it to someone who could understand it.

I was so proud that I learned how to say "yes" in japanese, and that is only 1 word. If i could speak japanese, i would be in a japanese forum right now, trying to find out why they don't like me :LOL:

The nuke didnt really have anything to do with my post i just put that in as my mind wandered, looking for reasons why I felt that the japanese think that americans are idiots and dislike us and our products at this point in time. And I wouldn't minimalize pearl harbour either. I wasn't trying to make small of WWII.

Anyway, I woke up this morning and the first thought i had was that, I'm a sports car guy i should know; why would they buy american sports cars? They are limited to ~240 HP and they don't sell new car's with more than that much Horsepower in japan. That is why engine tuning is so popular there. They are alowed to increase the HP. So who would buy a Mustang with a 4 cylinder engine lol. for looks alone? It's expensive to tune a non-turbo engine and the results are minimal unless you add a turbo.

Anyway alot of them ride bikes, and really, its a small country.

I guess I was just wrong. I thought they didn't like american things but after clicking some of the links you guys provided and reading up, i realized it was the contrary. They love american culture. Oh, and CapStern, please realize that when I group all of japan together and say "they love american culture" of course I don't think that every single japanese person likes american culture. You are a smart man, you know thats not what I mean. I mean Many of them.
that's so not true, they used their powers for good
"Superpower" might be pushing it though. As Cartoon Network has been so kind as to point out, he could be defeated by a sponge. It wouldn't even have to be an evil sponge.
VirusType2 said:
The nuke didnt really have anything to do with my post i just put that in as my mind wandered, looking for reasons why I felt that the japanese think that americans are idiots.

no, just the one

VirusType2 said:
Oh, and CapStern, please realize that when I group all of japan together and say "they love american culture" of course I don't think that every single japanese person likes american culture. You are a smart man, you know thats not what I mean. I mean Many of them.

yes but many can mean as few as 20 or 2 million. My point is that dont judge an entire nation based on the opinions of a few
Solaris said:
Virus, alot of your points are void.

1. Youre angry that they won't talk to you, even though they speak English. Why the hell should they? You expect them to talk to you in English, and are angry when they don't. Yet you obviously are too arrogant to learn Japanese instead.

2.The Nuke. Don't even try to minimalise it, or make it seem insignificant. It killed a monstrous number of people, and the radiation damaged the lives of Millions.

Not to mention that english is the hardest language to learn (atleast, besides russian, i mean seriously wtf russian?): With all of its contradictions, slang that has become so well known its been added to the dictionary (like ain't), and very loose form.

Almost every other language (besides wtf russian) is so basic that its basically a remembering game. A hard remembering game at that. But everything from french to yugoslavian all use simple male/female word origins, and the word with a variant or two.

I'm suprised there are so many that have even taken the time out of the english speaking nations to learn it.
MrWhite said:
But everything from french to yugoslavian all use simple male/female word origins, and the word with a variant or two.

MrWhite said:
Not to mention that english is the hardest language to learn (atleast, besides russian, i mean seriously wtf russian?): With all of its contradictions, slang that has become so well known its been added to the dictionary (like ain't), and very loose form.

Almost every other language (besides wtf russian) is so basic that its basically a remembering game. A hard remembering game at that. But everything from french to yugoslavian all use simple male/female word origins, and the word with a variant or two.

I'm suprised there are so many that have even taken the time out of the english speaking nations to learn it.
And the fact there are sooooooo many iregular verbs. And much more tenses than your standard language.
And so many ridiculous sayings. ie, Half-Life 2 is the apple of my eye.
Sulkdodds said:
And so many ridiculous sayings. ie, Half-Life 2 is the apple of my eye.
Ever single rule has an exception.
I before E except after C. Who ever made up the language, thEIr crazy.
And then there's all the nonsense with apostrafies(sp?)
ríomhaire said:
Ever single rule has an exception.
I before E except after C. Who ever made up the language, thEIr crazy.
And then there's all the nonsense with apostrafies(sp?)
appostraphe i think

Actually that would be They're but i get your point :p

can't remember who it is but somones signature has something like "They're on their way there" you could chime in now please
MrWhite said:
atleast, besides russian, i mean seriously wtf russian?.
Russian rules you capitalist-pig! EAT ME!!!
*Just kidding*:p