Japanese Whalers Ram Activist Ship.


Oct 21, 2009
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New Zealand and Australia have said they will investigate a Japanese whaling ship's alleged ramming of a protest boat in Antarctic waters.


I have little sympathy for those activists who decided to use a powerboat to challenge a Japanese whaling ship, But the Japanese need to chill out too, and stop exploiting resources in our neck of the wood too.
what products are made from whale?

I don't exactly keep up with whaling news but it seems like they're the only country doing it...if everybody else can live without whales (or do we?) can't they?
what products are made from whale?

I don't exactly keep up with whaling news but it seems like they're the only country doing it...if everybody else can live without whales (or do we?) can't they?

Norway does it to. But they are not part of the treaty. Japan is bound to the treaty but claims they kill whales for scientific research. 1000 whales this year ? I don't think so. It usually ends as whale burger or something in Japan. I think you can make a lot of stuff from Whale blubber.
Kevin rudd is a liar, and a spineless twat. His key election promise was to stop illegal whaling in our waters, now he says "he may take the matter to court" MAY take it.

He should send the Royal Australian Navy and arrest them all for breaking numerous Australian laws, which now includes attempted murder, willful destruction of property and willful cause of injury.

I don't really care about the whales tbh, all i care about is the fact that the government is letting another government of a country do whatever they want in our waters. We are a bloody sovereign country.

My grandfather fought in World War 2 to make sure the Japanese did not intrude on our sovereignty, but now that's being pissed away. They are allowed to enter our waters and do whatever they want.

It's only this year the Japanese admitted that the whaling is not for scientific research, but instead for food. But we already knew.
I find it odd that Japan is even continuing to hunt whales for food, given the massive amount of mercury found in their meat that makes them almost toxic to eat.
I find it odd that Japan is even continuing to hunt whales for food, given the massive amount of mercury found in their meat that makes them almost toxic to eat.

maybe that's why they are so silly?!
Sea-borne activists are crazy. Once, our navy had to sink one of their boats near the Northern Limit Line.

Anyway, Japan is bad. Buy Samsung(R) Instead. Because Samsung Is Awesome. (TM)

Also, I thought petroleum killed off the whaling industry. No need for whale blubber since we have WD-40, etc. We don't even make whalebone corsets anymore, right?
Sea-borne activists are crazy. Once, our navy had to sink one of their boats near the Northern Limit Line.

Anyway, Japan is bad. Buy Samsung(R) Instead. Because Samsung Is Awesome. (TM)

Also, I thought petroleum killed off the whaling industry. No need for whale blubber since we have WD-40, etc. We don't even make whalebone corsets anymore, right?

Well what else can be done? The activists harassing them saves alot of whales believe it or not.
Well what else can be done? The activists harassing them saves alot of whales believe it or not.

whales are ****ing huge, let them fight their own battles...
Saw this. Really awful stuff. Japan's slaughter of whales and dolphins is deplorable and disgusting and not too well-publicized. Thank goodness for groups like the Sea Shepherds and movies like The Cove that expose and take direct action to stop these heinous acts of cruelty and violence.
I donate to Sea Shepherd, so basically those damn Nips broke my ****ing Batboat. Maybe next year Watson could get an old Type VIIC and take revenge. I'd support that.
I one hundred percent support those activists on the boat. However, as I recall, the greenpeace one is full of pussies.
Personally I think everyone here that supports the Sea Shepard is insensitive to Japanese culture. How long have the Japanese used whale meat as a staple in their diet? Whose right is it to criticize an entire cultures dieting practices and traditions? The last time I looked into the matter minke whales aren't exactly endangered. So what is the problem?

It seems more humane than so called "factory farming".
Thank goodness for groups like the Sea Shepherds and movies like The Cove that expose and take direct action to stop these heinous acts of cruelty and violence.

their direct action involves being ****ing idiots, i'd say they do little to nothing in the direct action department
Personally I think everyone here that supports the Sea Shepard is insensitive to Japanese culture. How long have the Japanese used whale meat as a staple in their diet? Whose right is it to criticize an entire cultures dieting practices and traditions? The last time I looked into the matter minke whales aren't exactly endangered. So what is the problem?

It seems more humane than so called "factory farming".

Sea Shepherd isn't racist. Check their history. The reasons Japan is targeted at the moment, are that it is a member of the IWC and thus bound to the moratorium on whaling, and it is whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, a stretch of ocean that is supposed to be -like the name states- a sanctuary.
Personally I think everyone here that supports the Sea Shepard is insensitive to Japanese culture. How long have the Japanese used whale meat as a staple in their diet? Whose right is it to criticize an entire cultures dieting practices and traditions? The last time I looked into the matter minke whales aren't exactly endangered. So what is the problem?

It seems more humane than so called "factory farming".


As agreed Japan withdrew its objection to the moratorium and ceased commercial whaling by 1988

Japanese whaling is currently restricted to hunts conducted by the Institute of Cetacean Research.

However, at the start of the 20th century local traditions conflicted with modern whaling practices. In 1911 the conflict turned violent in Same Village, Aomori Prefecture. Ocean pollution from the whaling stations, including large quantities of oil and blood runoff, angered the local fishermen and threatened their own fishing grounds. In protest the fishermen burned a Toyo Hogei facility down. The people of the Same region also did not consume whales and considered them sacred

insensitive to japense culture, riiiiiiight

funny how you side on lawbreaking whalers over "hippies"
One of the reasons why I hate japan (moderately of course!). They use scientific whaling as a transparent excuse to continue whaling, and laughable arguments to provide reasoning for this "scientific whaling".

This is from a wikipedia article of whaling and a perfect example of begging the question. read it and weep... out of laughter:
Deputy whaling commissioner, Joji Morishita, told BBC News that "The reason for the moratorium [on commercial whaling] was scientific uncertainty about the number of whales. ... It was a moratorium for the sake of collecting data and that is why we started scientific whaling. We were asked to collect more data."

what a festering pile of cowplop.
insensitive to japense culture, riiiiiiight

I am not referring to any agreement. In fact I don't care. Lots of countries are pressured into a lot of things. What I am arguing with is the idea that they are in the wrong for whaling because somehow it is morally wrong to hunt whales. The sentiment here is in fact insenstive to a nations tradition and culture.

You don't think those hippies are breaking any laws???
I am not referring to any agreement. In fact I don't care. Lots of countries are pressured into a lot of things. What I am arguing with is the idea that they are in the wrong for whaling because somehow it is morally wrong to hunt whales. The sentiment here is in fact insenstive to a nations tradition and culture.

no it's not:

"In protest the fishermen burned a Toyo Hogei facility down. The people of the Same region also did not consume whales and considered them sacred"


Despite government-funded campaigns to persuade Japanese citizens that eating whales is a patriotic duty, most Japanese have never eaten whale meat.

Concerned about the effects of high mercury levels on human health, public safety groups in Japan have threatened lawsuits against several ultranationalist politicians who deliberately endangered the health of young children by forcing school districts to put whale meat on school lunch menus to reinforce government propaganda that whaling is an integral part of Japan's culture.

In fact, whaling has only a tiny constituency in Japan where most people associate it with the ruinous poverty Japan suffered during the aftermath of World War Two.

Earlier this year, some 1,000 Japanese citizens who set sail aboard the Peace Boat to promote human rights and environmental issues demanded that Japan end whaling.


ya lets all respect the japanese by calling for a ban on all whaling. that's what you want us to do, right? respect the wishes of the japanese people?

also ending slavery was being "insensitive" to the culture of the south. should we re-instate slavery?

You don't think those hippies are breaking any laws???

throwing stink bombs on whaling boatr decks is preferable to the illegal slaughter of an inteligent species. for a dentist you sure dont have much sensitivity. did you forget your hippopotamus oath? Orin Scrivello?
their direct action involves being ****ing idiots, i'd say they do little to nothing in the direct action department
Why would you say they are idiots? Do a little research and see that they are doing more than virtually any other group out there to enforce laws that other groups should be enforcing but aren't. Japan has lied and lied and lied about their purposes with both their whale killing and their dolphin killing. They bribe other poor nations, like tiny troubled eastern Caribbean nations who have no interest whatever in whaling, to join the IWC and vote the way that Japan wants them to so they can continue the slaughter. Blood money. One has only to look at Minimata to see how much the Japanese government cares about animals, the environment, or its own citizens. They value murder and money and they make it very clear with every "research" boat they take out to sea or fisherman they entice into trapping and inhumanely slaughtering dolphins for the lucrative dolphin entertainment industry.
While I sympathise with the anti-whaling group they clearly brought a knife to a gunfight. Playing chicken with a whaling ship in a styrofoam dinghy was always going to end like this. I wonder if they intended for this to happen, for publicity etc?
I don't know if it is my burning hatred for stinky hippies or the fact that I think whaling for minke whales is a total non issue Whatever it is I must admit I watched every single episode just hoping to see the hippies seriously injure themselves and or sink their rusty boat. The hippies are so dramatic and stupid it's like watching a train wreck. The episode where what's his face staged himself getting shot is a perfect example.
We should give them rights! Pensions!! Health Care!!! and Insurance!!!!
I don't know if it is my burning hatred for stinky hippies or the fact that I think whaling for minke whales is a total non issue Whatever it is I must admit I watched every single episode just hoping to see the hippies seriously injure themselves and or sink their rusty boat. The hippies are so dramatic and stupid it's like watching a train wreck. The episode where what's his face staged himself getting shot is a perfect example.

I see. so what you're saying is that this entire issue rests on the fact that the opponents to whaling (at least the ones who actually do something about it) are hippies. not whether hunting an intelligent species into extinction for monetary reasons is questionable or not. hey who cares if they circumvent international law! so long as they opposed those stinking hippies they're ok in your book! I'm sure HITLER would have an intense hate for hippies as he did try to exterminate gypsys which are kinda like hippies but folksy and prone to robbing people. and then there was that VIETNAM and the flowers on the rifles on the brave boys in the service what with their crisp uniforms, crew cuts, with a glint in their steely blue eyes. like bronze gods out of some antediluvian fantasy of manliness and sweaty erotic conquest.....
I see. so what you're saying is that this entire issue rests on the fact that the opponents to whaling (at least the ones who actually do something about it) are hippies. not whether hunting an intelligent species into extinction for monetary reasons is questionable or not. hey who cares if they circumvent international law! so long as they opposed those stinking hippies they're ok in your book! I'm sure HITLER would have an intense hate for hippies as he did try to exterminate gypsys which are kinda like hippies but folksy and prone to robbing people. and then there was that VIETNAM and the flowers on the rifles on the brave boys in the service what with their crisp uniforms, crew cuts, with a glint in their steely blue eyes. like bronze gods out of some antediluvian fantasy of manliness and sweaty erotic conquest.....

That's quite a slippery slope. I expect nothing less from you though.

Are minke whales about to go extinct? I'm pretty sure their populations are thriving.

The whole hippy thing just makes it that much more interesting. It really doesn't affect my views one way or another. It just makes the group that much more deplorable.
That's quite a slippery slope. I expect nothing less from you though.

Are minke whales about to go extinct? I'm pretty sure there populations are thriving.

oh sure since the banning of the whale hunt, yes the numbers have gone back up. this is what happens when you stop kilingl them in vast numbers. but why do you think the Japanese are still whaling and calling it "research" ..so they can "research" whether or not a lifting of the ban is feasible ...or as an excuse to do business as usual under a thin cloak of legality

The whole hippy thing just makes it that much more interesting. It really doesn't affect my views one way or another. It just makes the group that much more deplorable.

right right. so far that's the only objection to the whaling issue you've brought to the table. oh there was the "respecting the culture of the japanese people" thingy but you dropped that like a dirty shirt once you were proven wrong
oh sure since the banning of the whale hunt, yes the numbers have gone back up. this is what happens when you stop kilingl them in vast numbers. but why do you think the Japanese are still whaling and calling it "research" ..so they can "research" whether or not a lifting of the ban is feasible ...or as an excuse to do business as usual under a thin cloak of legality

right right. so far that's the only objection to the whaling issue you've brought to the table. oh there was the "respecting the culture of the japanese people" thingy but you dropped that like a dirty shirt once you were proven wrong

No I still think there is a total disrespect of their culture.

They don't currently take "vast" numbers of whales which is why it is a non-issue. The #'s they currently take is sustainable.

I just wanted to weigh in on my opinion. I need to go extract #16 on a patient and then I am off. So no more responses from me for ahwhile:thumbs:.
I have the perfect pro-whaling argument.

Alright, so, whales are fat and stuff, right?
So, they're probably displacing a lot of water.
If we kill a bunch of whales, the sea level will lower, and this even solves the melting ice caps and sea level rising!

I am so silly.
Sea-borne activists are crazy. Once, our navy had to sink one of their boats near the Northern Limit Line.

Anyway, Japan is bad. Buy Samsung(R) Instead. Because Samsung Is Awesome. (TM)

Also, I thought petroleum killed off the whaling industry. No need for whale blubber since we have WD-40, etc. We don't even make whalebone corsets anymore, right?

Numbers, do you honestly believe your own bullshit about the Japanese being all bad? I mean, you're a nice guy and all, but ****ing hell, you have to start questioning what you've been told.
I was very happy when I saw that boat getting smashed...they had it comin'
totally, i support the cause but the way in which they conduct themselves is deplorable.

read the wiki on the crew members
Numbers, do you honestly believe your own bullshit about the Japanese being all bad? I mean, you're a nice guy and all, but ****ing hell, you have to start questioning what you've been told.

I'm joking.

I guess it is hard to convey a facetious attitude over the Internet. :p

Edit: My opinion and attitude on Japan is WAY more complicated than simple hate.
No I still think there is a total disrespect of their culture.

They don't currently take "vast" numbers of whales which is why it is a non-issue. The #'s they currently take is sustainable.

I just wanted to weigh in on my opinion. I need to go extract #16 on a patient and then I am off. So no more responses from me:thumbs:.

Wrong. They take hundreds.

I'm guessing you're Japanese?