JFK Assassination


Oct 3, 2003
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This is one of the most talked about, and accepted conspiracies, that I am aware of. What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you have any suspects? Any websites that have lots of reasonable material/ideas on the matter? Over time I'm still shocked by all the possibilities.
I'm in belief of the Single Bullet Theory! LOL
oooh the grassy knoll theories are back.
Well apparently you arent allowed in that book depository window aka the 'snipers nest', and a famous comedian (Bill Hicks) said the reason that is, is cos everyone would find out thats not the place he was killed from as Lee Harvey Oswald can't even see the road from there! Apparently JFK was too far away or blocked by something. If you want websites...google it, theres so many!

Watching the video of it happening though it disturbing, watching brain and skull fly like that, not exactly ideal...
Hmmmmm, I don't really know too much about the whole JFK thing... Yay! Time for a history lesson. :P
I won't say that everything's all wrapped up about it, but I have respect for the confusion and difficulties that arise when something like that happens.
As for not being able to see from the book depository, the History Channel has had a number of shows that detail the assination and the theories about it, and most of these include showing the view from the depository.
Datrix said:
Hmmmmm, I don't really know too much about the whole JFK thing... Yay! Time for a history lesson. :P
I'll teach you, he got shot in the back of the head by a sniper and 'Lee harvey oswald' was convincted of the crime. But he was shot by another guy who i cant remeber right now. Basically theres the main belief that Lee killed him from the window in the book depository looking down over the motorcade, or some other bullet from this sound clipit from a policemans motorbike which heard a sound from a grassy knoll on the other side of the street. Also it was believed that Oswald had connections with the russians and he was an assassin. Oh and the bullets don't match up exactly, theres a 'magic bullet' which did some zig zagging. uhm thats all i can think of now.
I'm gonna go waaaaay out there, but I don't think Oswald acted alone......
Hectic Glenn said:
I'll teach you, he got shot in the back of the head by a sniper and 'Lee harvey oswald' was convincted of the crime. But he was shot by another guy who i cant remeber right now. Basically theres the main belief that Lee killed him from the window in the book depository looking down over the motorcade, or some other bullet from this sound clipit from a policemans motorbike which heard a sound from a grassy knoll on the other side of the street. Also it was believed that Oswald had connections with the russians and he was an assassin. Oh and the bullets don't match up exactly, theres a 'magic bullet' which did some zig zagging. uhm thats all i can think of now.

It's all so obvious now...
Here's some weird connections between the Kennedy Assassination and the Lincoln Assassination :

Licoln -> Shot in the theatre (or opera house, I cant remember) called Ford
Kennedy -> Shot in his Ford car!

Now do you see teh connection? :D
CREMATOR666 said:
Here's some weird connections between the Kennedy Assassination and the Lincoln Assassination :

Licoln -> Shot in the theatre (or opera house, I cant remember) called Ford
Kennedy -> Shot in his Ford car!

Now do you see teh connection? :D
Henry Ford must've done both :O
Basically the official story is that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone to shoot the president of the United States from the book depository. The problems with that story is:

1) Video footage of the assassination shows JFK's head snapping up and backwards when he was supposedly shot from high above behind him. If you look at the possible locations infront of him, there is the grassy knoll and also a sewer culvert that would seem to make more sense.

2)Lee Harvey Oswald was then assassinated himself two days later by a local gangster. The man who killed Oswald said he did it out of national pride, yeah right.

3)It was well known that JFK wasn't liked by some of the high ups in the CIA. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, JFK tried to do some reorganizing of the top brass. Not good to piss of the kind of people who set up assassinations as their living.

4)The CIA released a photo of Lee Harvey Oswald holding the rifle used to kill JFK in his back yard. However, some examination was saying that the shadows on the face don't match the shadow's on the body. This suggests photo manipulation, something not so common before we had photoshop.

5) There's also some commotion about hearing different gunshots from different locations. I don't know all of that stuff though.

6) Other evidence such as the president's autopsy which would obviously proove where he was shot from has never been released.
joule said:
I'm in belief of the Single Bullet Theory! LOL

haha. i think i would have to agree. i watched that hour long special on the history channel one time and through all their researching, it was evident that only one shooter existed (or acted) in the assassination. Whenever a president as beloved as JFK was is assisinated, people tend to brew up these conspiracies to let Kennedy live on.

I respect the man for his ideals and the way he ran the country but I think we should just let him rest in peace. Thats what id want if i was assassinated. Then again, who would want to assisinate me? :upstare:
johnmedz said:
I respect the man for his ideals and the way he ran the country but I think we should just let him rest in peace. Thats what id want if i was assassinated. Then again, who would want to assisinate me? :upstare:
"...and as the bullet fired by Steve tore through johnmedz's heart, Steve uttered the words, 'Never even saw it comin'...'"
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
"...and as the bullet fired by Steve tore through johnmedz's heart, Steve uttered the words, 'Never even saw it comin'...'"

u got me... damn u He_Who_Is_Steve... well, at least someone will probably assassinate you now... we can only hope :stare:
Yeah. Prolly Shens. He's had it out for me since day one.
Some peoples in government knows the TRUTH.
I prefer Lone Gunman theory.
If you've watched Red Dwarf, you'll know JFK shot himself. But not in a suicidal way. ;)
I also heard that JFK is on heavy medications to sustain himself (i.e. staying alive)
CREMATOR666 said:
I also heard that JFK is on heavy medications to sustain himself (i.e. staying alive)

You meant "was" not "is" right? Or do you think JFK is still alive...?
It was a JFK Clone who got shot! :O :laugh:
EDIT: The thought of Presidential clones, especially Bush, is frightening...
Were you watching Seinfeld when you made this thread? :p

JERRY: Hellooo Newman.

KRAMER: I hate KEITH HERNANDEZ - hate him.

NEWMAN: I despise him.


NEWMAN: Why? I'll tell you why...

KRAMER: Let me tell it ..

NEWMAN: No, you can't tell it ..

KRAMER: You always tell it ..

NEWMAN: All right, tell it.

KRAMER: Ja ja ja - just tell it

NEWMAN: June 14, 1987.... Mets Phillies. We're enjoying a beautiful afternoon
in the right field stands when a crucial Hernandez error to a five run Phillies
ninth. Cost the Mets the game.

KRAMER: Our day was ruined. There was a lot of people, you know, they were
waiting by the player's parking lot. Now we're coming down the ramp ... [cut
to film of the day - like the Zabruter film - with the Umbrella man and
everything - Oh so brilliant parody!!!] ... Newman was in front of me. Keith
was coming toward us, as he passes Newman turns and says, " Nice game pretty
boy.". Keith continued past us up the ramp.

NEWMAN: A second later, something happened that changed us in a deep and
profound way front that day forward.

ELAINE: What was it?

KRAMER: He spit on us.... and I screamed out, "I'm hit!"

NEWMAN: Then I turned and the spit ricochet of him and it hit me.

ELAINE: Wow! What a story.

JERRY: Unfortunately the immutable laws of physics contradict the whole premise
of your account. Allow me to reconstruct this if I may for Miss Benes as
I've heard this story a number of times.

JERRY: Newman, Kramer, if you'll indulge me. According to your story Keith
passes you and starts walking up the ramp then you say you were struck on
the right temple. The spit then proceeds to ricochet off the temple
striking Newman between the third and forth rib. The spit then cam off
the rib turned and hit Newman in the right wrist causing him to drop his
baseball cap. The spit then splashed off the wrist, Pauses In mid air
mind you- makes a left turn and lands on Newman's left thigh. That is one
magic luggie.


NEWMAN: Well that's the way it happened.

JERRY: What happened to your head when you got hit?

KRAMER: Well. uh, well my head went back and to the left

JERRY: Again

KRAMER: Back and to the left

JERRY: Back and to the left Back and to the left

ELAINE: So, what are you saying?

JERRY: I am saying that the spit could not have come from behind ... that there had to have been
a second spitter behind the bushes on the gravelly road. If the spitter was behind you as you claimed
that would have caused your head to pitch forward.

ELAINE: So the spit could have only come from the front and to the right.

JERRY: But that is not what they would have you believe.

NEWMAN: I'm leavin'. Jerry's a nut. [Exits]

[Kramer enters, sees Keith and does a double take]

KRAMER: Hello.
KEITH: Hello.
KRAMER: Oh, you don't remember me.
KEITH: No should I [continuity error: in fact he SHOULD from the basketball game]
KRAMER: Yeah, you should. I certainly remember you. Let me refresh your memory.

[Newman enters]

NEWMAN: June 14th, 1987. Mets Phillies. You made a big error. Cost the Mets the
game. Then you're coming up the parking lot ramp.
KEITH: YOU said, "Nice game, pretty boy."
KRAMER: Ah, you remember.
NEWMAN: And then you spit on us.
KEITH: Hey, I didn't spit at you.
NEWMAN: Oh, yeah, right.
KRAMER: No no no, well, then who was it?
KEITH: Well lookit, the way I remember it [back to the grainy 8mm film parody] I was
walking up the ramp. I was upset about the game. That's when you called me pretty
boy. It ticked me off. I started to turn around to say something and as I turned
around I saw Roger McDowell behind the bushes over by that gravely road. …
Anyway he was talking to someone and they were talking to you. I tried to scream
out but it was too late. It was already on its way.
JERRY: I told you!
NEWMAN: Wow, it was McDowell.
JERRY: But why? Why McDowell?
KRAMER: Well, maybe because we were sitting in the right field stands cursing at him
in the bullpen all game.
NEWMAN: He must have caught a glimpse of us when I poured that beer on his head.
Hectic Glenn said:
I'll teach you, he got shot in the back of the head by a sniper and 'Lee harvey oswald' was convincted of the crime. But he was shot by another guy who i cant remeber right now. Basically theres the main belief that Lee killed him from the window in the book depository looking down over the motorcade, or some other bullet from this sound clipit from a policemans motorbike which heard a sound from a grassy knoll on the other side of the street. Also it was believed that Oswald had connections with the russians and he was an assassin. Oh and the bullets don't match up exactly, theres a 'magic bullet' which did some zig zagging. uhm thats all i can think of now.

I did not think that they knew who the other guy or guy's were. I've seen a number of documentaries and read a number of books about it. There are some huge inconsistencies and major government action which makes it all look like a coverup. Who or what wanted Kennedy dead and why is a mystery, and may always be. The professionalism of the hit makes it a look like a government operation, and a US inhouse one. If it was a foreign operation, America would have thundered all over the globe to find the culprits. But they did not.

In short there are a number of problems with Lee Harvey Oswald being the sole gunman, or even one of the gunmen. He had a bolt action mannlicher carcano rifle, which for those of you who know your guns is rubbish. Trained marksmen have not been able to replicate his supposed shot, even to fire the number of bullets he fired within that period of time. This either means someone was using a semi-auto rifle or there was more than one gunman.

And he was supposedly a long way away. A policeman who ran to the book depository straight away initially reported finding a different brand of rifle in the book depository, but left it there to try and chase the gunman. When he came back, the pulled out the Mannlicher Carcono, the FBI did, and he was on record as saying, that this was not the gun he saw in the book depository. He made a mistake? Trained police officers don't usually make mistakes about weapons identifiication.

A civilian down near the tunnel/overpass was nicked by shrapnel from a bullet that hit the road and bounced up. This seemed to suggest more shots were fired and not just from the book depository. There was a bullet imbedded in the curb on the side of the road. When a fuss was made about this, the piece of the curb was removed for analsysis and then 'lost'.

A man near the fenceline - the picket fence, felt the 'woosh' of a bullet pass by his ear, and turned to see smoke rising from behind him. He was filming at the time, and a person appeared with secret service credentials and made him hand over his camera. There were no secret service at the time in the area. The man was in the military, so knew what a round passing by was like. He said nothing however as he was shipping out to be stationed in the military the next day. Another lady took a bad quality photo, which seems to show 'badge man' as he is known, with smoke wafting up as if he has just fired a rifle, next to the soldier who heard the shot and felt the round go past his ear.

A deaf mute man, stopped on the overpass above, saw a man in a policemans uniform fire a rifle from this area, then calmly pack it up and put it into a signal box at the railway yard nearby. No one much listened to what the deaf mute man had to say, then or later.

The whole autopsy was incredibly suspicious and shrouded in secrecy. Many of the findings make no sense. A magic bullet was 'found' in the stretcher used to carry President Kennedy into the Bethesda Naval Hospital. It was the 5.56 from the Mannlicher Carcano that Oswald had - but it was the metal tip of the bullet that looked as though it had been unscrewed from the shell casing. That is, it had not been fired. It was in perfect condition. A bullet fired even into cotton wool is very messed up. This bullet apparently went through bone, and was fine. Weird. Looks as though it was planted there. And bullets tend not to just fall out into stretchers. If they did, would make a trauma surgeons job a lot easier.

The naval commander in charge of filming the autopsy supposedly committed suicide with his right hand, when he is left handed. He however had such bad defensive wounds on his hands from committing suicide that they could not remove his wedding wing. A former military covert ops sniper said that he had been dispatched to terminate this commander, but had refused the op.

If you look at a list of those involved in either law enforcement or as witnesses to the Kennedy assassination, a large proportion of them met an untimely death. Including Oswald. Over the years, the list is enormous of people who mysteriously died. Check it out on the web.

My best theory is that elements of the US govt wanted Kennedy dead for whatever reason, killed him and made Oswald the patsy. But Oswald was set up to be the patsy a long time ago. He was supposed to have gone to Russia and renounced his US citizenship, and then returned and started working for the CIA again? Is that likely? More likely that they told him to go to Russia as an agent, and gave him the greenlight to come back. Got him the job in the book depository as a 'cover' because they knew he would be near the assassination point.

Put their heavy duty sniper team , probably in a triangular position around Dealey plaza. Coordinated the firing on radio - and then killed the President with Oswald taking the blame. Although Oswald could not be allowed to talk about what he knew, what ever that was - so Jack Ruby who had terminal cancer was given the job of killing him. Probably in return for large payments to Jack's relatives or estate. So whatever Ruby knew died with him too.

There are many unanswered questions. But I do not believe that Oswald killed Kennedy with that crappy bolt action rifle. I hope one day Americans know the truth. I doubt they ever will though.
KagePrototype said:
Were you watching Seinfeld when you made this thread? :p

They parody this because the actor who played Newman was in the famous JFK movie directed by Oliver Stone.
Calanen said:
I did not think that they knew who the other guy or guy's were. I've seen a number of documentaries and read a number of books about it. There are some huge inconsistencies and major government action which makes it all look like a coverup. Who or what wanted Kennedy dead and why is a mystery, and may always be. The professionalism of the hit makes it a look like a government operation, and a US inhouse one. If it was a foreign operation, America would have thundered all over the globe to find the culprits. But they did not.

In short there are a number of problems with Lee Harvey Oswald being the sole gunman, or even one of the gunmen. He had a bolt action mannlicher carcano rifle, which for those of you who know your guns is rubbish. Trained marksmen have not been able to replicate his supposed shot, even to fire the number of bullets he fired within that period of time. This either means someone was using a semi-auto rifle or there was more than one gunman.

And he was supposedly a long way away. A policeman who ran to the book depository straight away initially reported finding a different brand of rifle in the book depository, but left it there to try and chase the gunman. When he came back, the pulled out the Mannlicher Carcono, the FBI did, and he was on record as saying, that this was not the gun he saw in the book depository. He made a mistake? Trained police officers don't usually make mistakes about weapons identifiication.

A civilian down near the tunnel/overpass was nicked by shrapnel from a bullet that hit the road and bounced up. This seemed to suggest more shots were fired and not just from the book depository. There was a bullet imbedded in the curb on the side of the road. When a fuss was made about this, the piece of the curb was removed for analsysis and then 'lost'.

A man near the fenceline - the picket fence, felt the 'woosh' of a bullet pass by his ear, and turned to see smoke rising from behind him. He was filming at the time, and a person appeared with secret service credentials and made him hand over his camera. There were no secret service at the time in the area. The man was in the military, so knew what a round passing by was like. He said nothing however as he was shipping out to be stationed in the military the next day. Another lady took a bad quality photo, which seems to show 'badge man' as he is known, with smoke wafting up as if he has just fired a rifle, next to the soldier who heard the shot and felt the round go past his ear.

A deaf mute man, stopped on the overpass above, saw a man in a policemans uniform fire a rifle from this area, then calmly pack it up and put it into a signal box at the railway yard nearby. No one much listened to what the deaf mute man had to say, then or later.

The whole autopsy was incredibly suspicious and shrouded in secrecy. Many of the findings make no sense. A magic bullet was 'found' in the stretcher used to carry President Kennedy into the Bethesda Naval Hospital. It was the 5.56 from the Mannlicher Carcano that Oswald had - but it was the metal tip of the bullet that looked as though it had been unscrewed from the shell casing. That is, it had not been fired. It was in perfect condition. A bullet fired even into cotton wool is very messed up. This bullet apparently went through bone, and was fine. Weird. Looks as though it was planted there. And bullets tend not to just fall out into stretchers. If they did, would make a trauma surgeons job a lot easier.

The naval commander in charge of filming the autopsy supposedly committed suicide with his right hand, when he is left handed. He however had such bad defensive wounds on his hands from committing suicide that they could not remove his wedding wing. A former military covert ops sniper said that he had been dispatched to terminate this commander, but had refused the op.

If you look at a list of those involved in either law enforcement or as witnesses to the Kennedy assassination, a large proportion of them met an untimely death. Including Oswald. Over the years, the list is enormous of people who mysteriously died. Check it out on the web.

My best theory is that elements of the US govt wanted Kennedy dead for whatever reason, killed him and made Oswald the patsy. But Oswald was set up to be the patsy a long time ago. He was supposed to have gone to Russia and renounced his US citizenship, and then returned and started working for the CIA again? Is that likely? More likely that they told him to go to Russia as an agent, and gave him the greenlight to come back. Got him the job in the book depository as a 'cover' because they knew he would be near the assassination point.

Put their heavy duty sniper team , probably in a triangular position around Dealey plaza. Coordinated the firing on radio - and then killed the President with Oswald taking the blame. Although Oswald could not be allowed to talk about what he knew, what ever that was - so Jack Ruby who had terminal cancer was given the job of killing him. Probably in return for large payments to Jack's relatives or estate. So whatever Ruby knew died with him too.

There are many unanswered questions. But I do not believe that Oswald killed Kennedy with that crappy bolt action rifle. I hope one day Americans know the truth. I doubt they ever will though.

That was quite short, LOL :laugh:
Calanen will meet with an untimely death, he knows too much.

I am also of the belief that the shot was impossible to have the effect it did if fired from the book repository 6th floor window. CIA coverup allover.
lePobz said:
Calanen will meet with an untimely death, he knows too much.

I am also of the belief that the shot was impossible to have the effect it did if fired from the book repository 6th floor window. CIA coverup allover.

you will meet with an untimely death, you know too much.


kills you.
bliink said:
They parody this because the actor who played Newman was in the famous JFK movie directed by Oliver Stone.

...and? I simply made the connection beause the thread starter's called seinfeldrules. :p
KagePrototype said:
...and? I simply made the connection beause the thread starter's called seinfeldrules. :p

I just thought it was in interesting scrap of info :E
It was Colonel Mustard, on the grassy knoll, with the candle stick.
Lee Harvey Oswald was killed so they could have someone to blame it on. I belive Johnson was behind it in one way or another. I allso think JFK was one of our best prez. Even though he was ill, and had to have shots periodically.
X-FacToR said:
Lee Harvey Oswald was killed so they could have someone to blame it on. I belive Johnson was behind it in one way or another. I allso think JFK was one of our best prez. Even though he was ill, and had to have shots periodically.

Told ya he's on medication ;)