JFK Assassination

We had a huge thread on this a while back and it proposed some interesting information. It also had the autopsy photos. (No idea if they are still there, they were quite gruesome.)
ray_MAN said:
We had a huge thread on this a while back and it proposed some interesting information. It also had the autopsy photos. (No idea if they are still there, they were quite gruesome.)

I think they were linked to from that super happy place, celebrity morgue :x

His head was an aboslute mess :bonce:
seinfeldrules said:
This is one of the most talked about, and accepted conspiracies, that I am aware of. What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you have any suspects? Any websites that have lots of reasonable material/ideas on the matter? Over time I'm still shocked by all the possibilities.

If you've ever seen Red Dwarf, you'll know that it was JFK who killed himself from behind the grassy knoll, in an atempt to realign the space-time continum.

The reason being Lister, Rimmer, Kryten and the Cat transport themselves from the far future into the texas book depository. The Cat accidently knocks Oswald out of the window.

That was one of the better episodes (more interesting)

If you want a more realistic approach to the conspiracy, look at the movie JFK
CREMATOR666 said:
No, I have not....what's that? :O

There were two commissions into the Kennedy assassination. One was the Warren Commission which produced a report that had such classics as the magic bullet. The other was something like the House Committee on Assassinations or something like that. They investigated (using the term very loosely) the assassination of Kennedy - and basically wrote their reports with the conclusion that Oswarld was the lone gunman, with his crappy mail order bolt action rifle, and then worked forwards to remove any evidence which contradicted that.

And although poorly put together with holes you good steer the Queen Mary through in the conclusion - they were sizeable documents.
If you want a more realistic approach to the conspiracy, look at the movie JFK

The movie JFK was pretty bad as far as how it squared up with the facts as known. Lot of stuff was made up for drama - and it was a movie - not meant to be a docudrama of the JFK assassination. Oliver Stone got a bit of a hard time around the USA for inventing things for the movie.
Calanen said:
There were two commissions into the Kennedy assassination. One was the Warren Commission which produced a report that had such classics as the magic bullet. The other was something like the House Committee on Assassinations or something like that. They investigated (using the term very loosely) the assassination of Kennedy - and basically wrote their reports with the conclusion that Oswarld was the lone gunman, with his crappy mail order bolt action rifle, and then worked forwards to remove any evidence which contradicted that.

And although poorly put together with holes you good steer the Queen Mary through in the conclusion - they were sizeable documents.

sounds like a classic "coverup" rumor that circles around these kind of stuff. Do you have any links where I can get more info on this? :D
Thats the report they did a few years later trying to clear up every conspiracy there was to settle all the americans down. It was officially published in 1964, and is about 912 pages long.

Oh and i remeber who shot Oswald now, his name was Jack Ruby. He was the gangster guy, or maybe a guy working for Russia trying to cover up Oswalds orders by silencing permanently.

Good source of info on JFK assassination
ray_MAN said:
Jack Ruby was a strip club owner.

He had a strip club and a gun? That's like the American Dream times 1 million :D
CREMATOR666 said:
Here's some weird connections between the Kennedy Assassination and the Lincoln Assassination :

Licoln -> Shot in the theatre (or opera house, I cant remember) called Ford
Kennedy -> Shot in his Ford car!

Now do you see teh connection? :D

also, after both assasinations, the vice president sworn in was a Johnson. We obviously have here a conspiracy where henry ford (acting through telekenises ) wanted to get a Johnson into power, so that he could dominate the world
Hectic Glenn said:
I'll teach you, he got shot in the back of the head by a sniper and 'Lee harvey oswald' was convincted of the crime. But he was shot by another guy who i cant remeber right now. Basically theres the main belief that Lee killed him from the window in the book depository looking down over the motorcade, or some other bullet from this sound clipit from a policemans motorbike which heard a sound from a grassy knoll on the other side of the street. Also it was believed that Oswald had connections with the russians and he was an assassin. Oh and the bullets don't match up exactly, theres a 'magic bullet' which did some zig zagging. uhm thats all i can think of now.

Oswald actually at a point in his life immigrated to the USSR ( Russia ) , married a Russian lady. Oswald was also in the US Military at one point and was rumored to be a CIA operative at one point also. Not a big stretch. Record shows that he was not a Marksman in the military but records can be changed especially in light of the CIA rumors. Its all speculation , all of it concerning the second shooter and the grassy hill thingy. All of it there is not one shred of proof of a second shooter. Movies like Oliver Stones 'JFK' do not help matters with moving this forward.

As for this 'majic bullet' thing. Ordinance travelling at say 500 feet per second can do some amazing things. But that would take a few years of Physics at the PHD level to explain here. Cause right now I am required to light the fires and turn the tires. RL calls.
I'd just throw in that the "shot from the culvert" theory has been shown to be nonsense. The culvert is way to small for anyone to do anything in there, much less fire a rifle.
I A S S A S I N A T E D J . F . K .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MUHAHAHAHA!!!!!1!!!!!!one!!1!!!!!!MUHAHAHAHAH!!!on e!!!1!!!!!1!!!MUHAHAHAHA!!!!1!!!!one!!1!!!!!!
More weird/silly Lincoln JFK stuff:
Lincoln and JFK started politics 100 years apart.
Lincoln and JFK were elected to office 100 yrs apart.
Lincoln and JFKs' vice president's had the last name Johnson.
Lincoln and JFK have 7 letters in their last name.
Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy and Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln.
Here's the BIG ONE: Lincoln, a week before his death, was in Monroe, Maryland. Kennedy, a week before his death, was in Marilyn Monroe!!!!
Speaking of Abraham Lincoln's death -the police officer assigned to protect him left the theatre and went across the road to the Tavern because the play was 'boring'. Apparently, this was considered a fair enough explanation and he was not even disciplined. In addition, the troops who went to arrest John Wilkes Booth decided to kill him rather than arrest. This was also seen as 'fair enough.'

Two things modern law enforcement probably would not get away with. Leaving the president unguarded because the play was boring, and killing the suspect instead of taking him into custody.

Another bizarre twist is that two morons decided to dig up Lincoln's corpse and hold it for ransom. They worked out that there was no crime in stealing a corpse. Just from memory, I think that they were charged with stealing the coffin instead.

Another interesting fact is that the other co-conspirators in the Lincoln assassination when they were rounded up, the owner of the boarding house where they lived was also hung - despite the plotters saying that this was just their abode and she had nothing to do with it.