Jonathan Creek - The Grinning Man


Dec 8, 2004
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First time the show has been on for nearly 5 years, returning with a 2 hour special. Does life really get much better?

Who else is excited?
I was certainly surprised to see it back after all this time, esspecialy now Alan Davies is so burned into my psyche from watching QI, it will be wierd to see him acting straight again.
I thought it was OK, right up until the bath that magically turned upside down. That's just seriously lazy writing - Can they expect anyone to believe that nobody had checked the whole room who might just have noticed that?

The early Jonathan Creek episodes were well thought out ... This one seems like it was written by an idiot trying to copy the originals but completely lacking a flowing believable story line.

Just my thoughts.
A little far-fetched and it did seem to borrow parts from previous episodes. Reminded me in parts of my least favourite episode 'The Scented Room'. And yet other parts were pure JC magic, such as the hypotenuse moment.

Hoping for a new series.

And Sheridan Smith is much easier on the eye than Caroline Quentin was. Nice tatties too.
I thought it was OK, right up until the bath that magically turned upside down.
That was where it got interesting for me - boobies.

I don't watch Jonathan Creek, but I'm guessing it usually has its tongue in its cheek? It was almost a comedy. I can't believe they found a body then didn't have anyone wait by it while waiting for the police... I wasn't focusing 100% so maybe I missed something.