joypad mods and distance culling



i have two questions. are there any joypad mods/patches for half-life 2/etc that anyone can point me to? i'd love to be able to do combination joypad analog stick for movement, mouse for free look - the same thing that chaos theory supports, which is a dream.

second, i'm looking to remove distance culling from the game, either through the console, a patch, or my own small mod. can anyone give me an idea about that? i don't care about the fogging on highway 17, but i'd like to eliminate any model pop-up from the game. thanks.
Joypad? Ask mummy or daddy to buy you a console. Or save up your paper-run money.

FPS are made for mouse / keyboard.
Joypad? Ask mummy or daddy to buy you a console. Or save up your paper-run money.

FPS are made for mouse / keyboard.

Its hard to spite you for being mean, when you are right.

edit:nevermind, still easy. Stop being a dick.
i kind of plan to buy the 360 orange box set and as well as the pc set, so that kind of covers the console angle. i even own the original xbox version of half-life 2, which is why i want analog movement. the only advantage of the pc half-lifes have over any console ports is the mouse. analog sticks are definitely more ideal for movement in any game.

but whatever you opinion is, all i want is a damned combination set up, so what the hell is this.
It's called Shasta's a Douche. Don't worry about it.

Imho you're crazy, but I can't think offhand about any joystick mods for HL2. If you're going to get the 360 box set, why bother getting a joystick to replicate what you're going to get on the 360 anyway?
because in the meantime i want it for the pc hl2 that i already own
by "any game," i mean any game. especially when the game concerns a human being, which like an analog stick, has a full 360 degrees of movement available at any time in the real world
i kind of plan to buy the 360 orange box set and as well as the pc set, so that kind of covers the console angle. i even own the original xbox version of half-life 2, which is why i want analog movement. the only advantage of the pc half-lifes have over any console ports is the mouse. analog sticks are definitely more ideal for movement in any game.

but whatever you opinion is, all i want is a damned combination set up, so what the hell is this.

Don't mind Shasta... he's the resident dick-in-chief here at HL2.Net.

But I have to disagree with you. Sure for SC an analog is better since in that game you have to change the movement speed a lot and its like a...a continuum... if you like. But in HL2 there are only 3 movement speeds. Walk, run and sprint. So there is really no need for an analog stick. But maybe for the driving sections an analog would be an advantage.
definitely for the vehicle sections. as doug lobardi even commented about the development of the xbox version. it's worlds better control for those sections.
Yeah, and he also said that for all the other sections the mouse-keyboard setup is better. Bear in mind that HL2 was made ground up for the PC in mind, unlike say a game like SC which was a console port. So the developers intended people to use the keyboard-mouse setup when playing HL2. It is optimized for that setup.
i know, but a joypad/mouse combo is ideal for me, so i don't think i'd have much of an issue with it
I just cant imagine how you do it. Do you keep the controller and your lap or on the table or what? can you hold the controller with one hand? Either way it seems *very* awkward.

Edit: Just noticed your culling issue. System specs?
specs are pretty nice. amd 64 4200, 2gb ram, nvidia 7800gt. i think it'd be fine.

as far as holding the joypad, i just put it on my leg. but what i use is a usb converted dual shock 2, so it's fairly light anyway.
i suppose i could use one of those joypad to keyboard input emulators to accomplish that one goal.
I'll assume you know how to enable the console and make an Autoexe file. If you don't look here.

Now these are the 2 commands that affect prop(model) culling distance.


What you got to do is load a level, enable the console and type in these commands. Note the values. Now play around the values a bit and note the difference to the culling distance. Basically higher the values higher the culling distance, I think. So once you find a good value, make an Autoexe, put in those commands with the values and you are good to go.
well, actually, those variables only affect small details like grass. i looked up two others myself, r_propsmaxdist and cl_maxrenderable_dist, but neither seem to affect large background props like boats, rocks, trees, houses. beats me.
Hmm.... *scratches head*.... I'm out of ideas too. Actually it never hit me to adjust those bigger entities. The things that annoyed me the most are those little props like grass popping up everywhere. There must be some sort of command that affects the bigger stuff too...
Use the XBOX 360 wired controller. You can download software for it at
I came across a command that might be helpful to solve the culling issue. But I don't have HL2 installed so no idea if it does work.

r_farz [-1,0,1] - Controls the far clippling plane, which determines what is not rendered when it is determined not to be visible to the character. A value of -1 is normal, higher values can result in normally visible objects suddenly disappearing from view (cheat).

Since this is a cheat, you will need to add "sv_cheats 1" to your Autoexec file.