Judge beating disabled daughter for downloading games causes uproar

You're actually literally a terrible person.
stop having such a hard on for me it's embarrassing.
I never said that her getting a beaten like that was OK but the reason she released the Video isn't as clear cut as it seems at first.

ITT:white knights

A father that savagely beats his daughter in anger winds up with a vindictive bitch for a daughter? Nooooo! Color me surprised.

Regardless of WHY she released the video, it makes ZERO difference... his beating of her is no more or less relevant, as stated.

Did I say otherwise?
Why do I have repeat myself? I said it like 3 times her getting beat like is inexcusable but at the same I think she dad ulterior motives for releasing the Video years later.

ya herd working at gamestop is physically demanding and again you're kinda saying she's not that disabled as she doesnt even need crutches.

ataxic cerebral palsy: Ataxia type symptoms can be caused by damage to the cerebellum. The forms of ataxia are less common types of cerebral palsy, occurring in at most 10% of all cases.[citation needed] Some of these individuals have hypotonia and tremors. Motor skills such as writing, typing, or using scissors might be affected, as well as balance, especially while walking. It is common for individuals to have difficulty with visual and/or auditory processing.

okay then forgive ignorance on the subject I didn't know they're were many variations on the disease itself.
as I said though myself either way it doesn't make the beating any less bad either way...Chirst.
Why do I have repeat myself? I said it like 3 times her getting beat like is inexcusable but at the same I think she dad ulterior motives for releasing the Video years later.

Freudian slip of the year.

So, um, what are you basing your Benz hypothesis on, besides cold hard cynicism? She already said why she put the video up, I mentioned it earlier in the thread. I mean, you can believe her or not, but it seems like a bit of a stretch to accuse the person we just saw savagely beaten of being... spoiled?
Her Dad said himself after he found out she dropped out of school he took her Car away which was a Benz, a few days later the Video was released.
A Car for which he was making the payments for which is actually pretty normal for someone attending school though.Aparently she had only a few units to go but she just dropped out and he didn't want to pay for it anymore.
Freudian slip of the year.

I LOLd pretty damn hard when I saw this.

Anyway, I reckon that the specifics of why she released the video are fairly irrelevant. It has no bearing on the fact he physically abused her. Whether she released the video out of spite / fear / whatever, fact is, she had a video of her dad beating the crap out of her which shouldn't have happened in the first place.
Her Dad said himself after he found out she dropped out of school he took her Car away which was a Benz, a few days later the Video was released.
A Car for which he was making the payments for which is actually pretty normal for someone attending school though.Aparently she had only a few units to go but she just dropped out and he didn't want to pay for it anymore.
Maybe the Benz was hush money.