Jumping onto Imperial Tower



I need to find out how to make a spell like that.
Hmm... there's a link below the video to a thread explaining it, but it won't let me in 'cause I'm not a member... anybody here signed up?
JNightshade said:
Hmm... there's a link below the video to a thread explaining it, but it won't let me in 'cause I'm not a member... anybody here signed up?

I logged in but got a 'link out of date or broken' message :(

Impressive stunt. Shame it clips right through the tower, I thought he might be able to land on the top and look around. Mod it!
Hells yeah! In the meantime, I WILL figure out how to do this :|
The other day I was running around in Morrowind and heard a scream. I went looking around for what I thought would be a man being attacked by bandits but all I found was his corpse. There was a journal at his side which told how he was developing a way to travel great distances without the use of stilt riders. On his body there was a scroll that increased Acrobatics by 1000 for 7 seconds.
I had a good laugh afterwards. :D
Yeah, that scroll was awesome. You could jump from one end of Morrowind right to the other side of the volcano in the middle if you dropped all your items. Fun times.
Quixoticism said:
The other day I was running around in Morrowind and heard a scream. I went looking around for what I thought would be a man being attacked by bandits but all I found was his corpse. There was a journal at his side which told how he was developing a way to travel great distances without the use of stilt riders. On his body there was a scroll that increased Acrobatics by 1000 for 7 seconds.
I had a good laugh afterwards. :D

Good times, lol.
Haha that vid was amazing, somebody definately needs to make the top of the tower solid so you can stand on it.
JNightshade said:
Hmm... there's a link below the video to a thread explaining it, but it won't let me in 'cause I'm not a member... anybody here signed up?
Basically, he used a shit load of spells and items to boost his Athletics and Acrobatics skills to such high levels the game engine went nuts and let him do jumps like that
It's not a shitload of spells.

You can do it with two spells and it's called chaincasting. Basically you need two spells boosting your desired attributes and have a weakness to magicka spell in each of them, which causes the effects to stack up.

It sure is glitchy though. While jumping across the map you will most likely at some point encounter a loading screen causing you game to lock up. Jumping upwards works better, but as you could see the screen was shaking.
Unfocused said:
It's not a shitload of spells.

You can do it with two spells and it's called chaincasting. Basically you need two spells boosting your desired attributes and have a weakness to magicka spell in each of them, which causes the effects to stack up.

It sure is glitchy though. While jumping across the map you will most likely at some point encounter a loading screen causing you game to lock up. Jumping upwards works better, but as you could see the screen was shaking.

I don't get it.

Think what he meant was that because the spells have a drawback (weakness to magicka, fire, ice, etc) the game allows you to stack it. If you didn't, then it would just be cancelled out...


Casting Feather spells to reduce say, 50 lbs, and then casting another to reduce 70lbs. They won't stack up since the game recognizes they're the exact same.

Now what Unfocused was saying:

Casting reduce 50lbs with weakness to fire, then cast reduce 70 lbs with weakness to ice, because of the drawbacks the game recognizes them as distinct spells. :)

Now apply that to increased acrobatics and that's probably how that guy pulled it off.
Unfocused said:
It's not a shitload of spells.
Creator of video said:
•Used Mage's guild spellmaking altar to create "Augmentation" spells. These spells all give +100 to magicka for 120 seconds for the purposes of casting the "Blastoff" spells. 4 such spells were made and were cast on top of each other just to be sure there was enough magicka.
•Used Mage's guild spellmaking altar to create "Blastoff" spells. These spells all give +100 to acrobatics for 120 seconds. Like the augmentation spells, each spell had a slightly different name so that the effects would stack. There were a total of 50 blastoff spells created for this jump.
•As long as all of these spells are cast within the 120 second time frame and the jump is made before they start wearing off, all of the acrobatics effects combine to give over 4000 bonus to the acrobatics skill.
•In order to cast all of these spells, a lot of mana is needed, as well as a quick way to regenerate. Enter the Welkynd stone
•With a stack of 50 or more Welkynd stones, you can use one in between each spell so that you don't have to wait for your mana to recharge, and can cast all 50 blastoff spells before the 120 seconds expire.
•It helps to set the Welkynd stones to use one of the quick select slots so that you don't have to click as much during the casting phase.
•Creating and casting all 50 spells is quite tedious, so save your game often in case you screw up anything!
•After all of that is done and you've cast all 50 acrobatics spells, save again, and mess around for a bit to get the feel of a character with 4000+ acrobatics.
•You'll be warping all over the place and clipping in and out of walls!
•If you actually jump with this exact setup, you'll only make it about halfway up the tower.
•The way the movement works in this engine is similar to the Quake 2/3 engines, where a jump on an upwards slope or corner gives you added vertical velocity. This is similar to throwing something at a ramp and having the horizontal velocity transfer to vertical momentum.
•Due to this effect, you can get more height by jumping against a slope or quickly jumping exactly when you step up a stair than if you simply jump in place.
•Due to the extreme physics that take place at 4000+ acrobatics, you don't even need to jump to get this effect on stairs and other sloped, or elevation changing geometry.
•In the video I simply strafed into the lightpost and it launched me into the air!
•Once in the air, you'll find things a bit hard to control. Sometimes you barely get launched at all, and other times you fly up so fast that it takes minutes before you land again. Some jumps also seem to have more of a degree of air control than others (ability to change direction after jumping).
•One thing that makes it easier to control, as I mentioned earlier, is to cast dispel once you've taken off. This will remove most of the quirky physics resulting from the high acrobatics skill, and generally improve air control. If you fly too far into the air, you can pull up your map and guide yourself over wherever you're trying to go, checking back a few times a second to see if you're still above your targeted landing site.
•I was trying to land on top of the tower, but that obviously didn't work too well... wink.gif
•Have fun!
I don't know about you, but I'd call 50 a 'shitload of spells'