June 6th 1944.


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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D-Day. 65 years ago today lots of people fought and died for the freedoms we have today.




Yeah. A lot of Nazis fought and died that day. ;(

My grandpa died in D-Day. This thread makes me cry ;(
bunch of lazy slackers walking around and sun bathing on the beach. :stare:
Damn, can you imagine if that battle never happened? Saving Private Ryan wouldn't have been nearly as good!
If D-Day never happened, millions of first person shooters would be missing their intro level.
I know being sincere is a sign of weakness on the internet, but I have to say that I have incredible respect and appreciation for what those guys did on D-Day. Without their sacrifice the world today would be immeasurably different (and probably even worse, as hellish as that sounds). Every year on June 6th I think about a conversation I had back in 2002 or 2003 over dinner with a WWII veteran that was one of the few men to survive the first wave on Omaha beach. The honor and selflessness of those men, and the debt we owe to them today, really moves me, despite how cliche and overdone the D-Day shtick is after all the video game and movie recreations of it.

I know being sincere is a sign of weakness on the internet, but I have to say that I have incredible respect and appreciation for what those guys did on D-Day. Without their sacrifice the world today would be immeasurably different (and probably even worse, as hellish as that sounds). Every year on June 6th I think about a conversation I had back in 2002 or 2003 over dinner with a WWII veteran that was one of the few men to survive the first wave on Omaha beach. The honor and selflessness of those men, and the debt we owe to them today, really moves me, despite how cliche and overdone the D-Day shtick is after all the video game and movie recreations of it.


Whoever thinks this is weak is gonna get kicked in the balls by me.
My great uncle was a pilot.
He bombed dem nazis.
I know being sincere is a sign of weakness on the internet, but I have to say that I have incredible respect and appreciation for what those guys did on D-Day. Without their sacrifice the world today would be immeasurably different (and probably even worse, as hellish as that sounds). Every year on June 6th I think about a conversation I had back in 2002 or 2003 over dinner with a WWII veteran that was one of the few men to survive the first wave on Omaha beach. The honor and selflessness of those men, and the debt we owe to them today, really moves me, despite how cliche and overdone the D-Day shtick is after all the video game and movie recreations of it.

I went to the ww2 memorial in DC today, there was a very small crowd watching what looked like a volunteer group of musicians playing the national anthem and what not. Couldn't hear much because of the fountain behind them and all the retarded teens yapping on their ****ing cellphones.
I went to the ww2 memorial in DC today, there was a very small crowd watching what looked like a volunteer group of musicians playing the national anthem and what not. Couldn't hear much because of the fountain behind them and all the retarded teens yapping on their ****ing cellphones.

Really says something about the world today.

****ing fountains everywhere.
Too bad Buffy wasn't around then. She may be fictional, but she wouldn't take no shit from any Nazis.
Which freedoms would we have lost were it not for D-Day?

I think there was still a little something called the Atlantic Ocean separating North America from Germany. Not to mention a little other something called the Soviet army.
Which freedoms would we have lost were it not for D-Day?

I think there was still a little something called the Atlantic Ocean separating North America from Germany. Not to mention a little other something called the Soviet army.

Did the Atlantic Ocean keep the US from kicking Germany's ass? Not so smart now are ya :p
Which freedoms would we have lost were it not for D-Day?

I think there was still a little something called the Atlantic Ocean separating North America from Germany. Not to mention a little other something called the Soviet army.

D-Day and Operation Overlord are synecdochic for the entirety of World War II. If D-Day had failed, which it easily could have, it would strike a crippling and potentially fatal blow to the war effort as a whole. Also, even if America was still free by now given a Nazi victory in Europe, all of you Europeans definitely wouldn't be. A lot of you probably wouldn't exist either because of the eugenics programs the Third Reich would have inevitably implemented throughout the portion of the world that they controlled. The Soviet army would have been annihilated if the European theater had gone more in Germany's favor because Hitler could have committed a lot more military resources to the Eastern front if he wasn't so tied up trying to stop the rest of the Allies from breaking Germany. It's a goddamn miracle that the Soviets prevailed in the first place.


Hell, what am I thinking. If D-Day had failed the world would be just fine, the deaths of tens of thousands of American, British, Canadian, and Australian servicemen were for naught. Too bad no-one told those poor shits. I bet Hitler was actually a pretty stand-up gent once you got to know him.
Did the Atlantic Ocean keep the US from kicking Germany's ass? Not so smart now are ya :p

Hmm.. maybe it helps to have a friendly island situated 40 km off of the European coast. I'd like to see an amphibious landing of Europe launched from Norfolk.
Hmm.. maybe it helps to have a friendly island situated 40 km off of the European coast. I'd like to see an amphibious landing of Europe launched from Norfolk.

Germany had the capability to build warplanes that could reach the US. And they also had advanced rocket technology. So it was possible, just not plausible.

But, yes they were pretty much defeated before D-Day since they didn't capture England. (jerk)
Germany had the capability to build warplanes that could reach the US. And they also had advanced rocket technology. So it was possible, just not plausible.

But, yes they were pretty much defeated before D-Day since they didn't capture England. (jerk)

I believe he's trying to say that it was the Russians, not the Americans or the British, who were most responsible for Germany's defeat in world war 2.
I believe he's trying to say that it was the Russians, not the Americans or the British, who were most responsible for Germany's defeat in world war 2.
I actually wrote a lengthy post about this but decided to scrap it to save myself some time.

Let me just respond with:


I know it is a lot to ask, but can all salon historians please refrain from ever speaking up again about anything like this.
D-Day and Operation Overlord are synecdochic for the entirety of World War II. If D-Day had failed, which it easily could have, it would strike a crippling and potentially fatal blow to the war effort as a whole. Also, even if America was still free by now given a Nazi victory in Europe, all of you Europeans definitely wouldn't be. A lot of you probably wouldn't exist either because of the eugenics programs the Third Reich would have inevitably implemented throughout the portion of the world that they controlled. The Soviet army would have been annihilated if the European theater had gone more in Germany's favor because Hitler could have committed a lot more military resources to the Eastern front if he wasn't so tied up trying to stop the rest of the Allies from breaking Germany. It's a goddamn miracle that the Soviets prevailed in the first place.


Hell, what am I thinking. If D-Day had failed the world would be just fine, the deaths of tens of thousands of American, British, Canadian, and Australian servicemen were for naught. Too bad no-one told those poor shits. I bet Hitler was actually a pretty stand-up gent once you got to know him.

I to that.

And if the nazis were running things today you would better hope your Anglo- x, not homosexual, not mentally disabled and most of all, not a gypsy or you would be dead by now.
Germany had the capability to build warplanes that could reach the US. And they also had advanced rocket technology. So it was possible, just not plausible.

But, yes they were pretty much defeated before D-Day since they didn't capture England. (jerk)
And America had this small device called the atomic bomb, which Germany was nowhere near to produce.
And America had this small device called the atomic bomb, which Germany was nowhere near to produce.

True, by 1945 German scientists were over 3 years behind the americans. Apparently this was because they rejected all the scientific breakthroughs from Jewish scientist because it was 'insulting'.
D-Day and Operation Overlord are synecdochic for the entirety of World War II. If D-Day had failed, which it easily could have, it would strike a crippling and potentially fatal blow to the war effort as a whole.

The Soviet army would have been annihilated if the European theater had gone more in Germany's favor because Hitler could have committed a lot more military resources to the Eastern front if he wasn't so tied up trying to stop the rest of the Allies from breaking Germany. It's a goddamn miracle that the Soviets prevailed in the first place.
Not really. Germany had several times the number of troops engaged on their Eastern front than on the Western.
It wasn't a mircale the Soviets prevailed, it was due to mistakes made by the German command (who didn't learn from Napoleon's campaign apparently) and the decision of Japan to expand in the Pacific rather than attack Russia from the east.

I don't think anyone is trying to minimise the contributions made by D-Day, but rather to correct mistaken beliefs about what it actually achieved.
If the Allies hadn't invaded the Nazis would have still been soundly defeated by Russia, but the USSR may have had Western Europe under their control in the end as well as the east.
If the Allies hadn't invaded the Nazis would have still been soundly defeated by Russia, but the USSR may have had Western Europe under their control in the end as well as the east.

That seems like a quite probable outcome should D-Day have failed, A giant European Soviet superstate would have completely altered the course of history.


Here are the countries that payed the heaviest cost of WW2:

Here are the countries that payed the heaviest cost of WW2:


also cuz germany invaded there just like japan invaded most of china while britain never got invaded and the usa less so its obvious those countryes suffered much more but saying that that measn they could have win whitout the allies is stupid

the soviet union was backed trough iran and china also got help of the usa from the pacific
True, by 1945 German scientists were over 3 years behind the americans. Apparently this was because they rejected all the scientific breakthroughs from Jewish scientist because it was 'insulting'.

Well it was mostly because the German government didn't give their nuclear research anywhere near the kind of priority that the US gave the Manhattan Project.
D-Day was crucial in making sure France and Holland would become democratic after the war, unlike Poland or Hungary.

Even though Germany's plans for world domination had already failed at Kursk, the Germans were still able to fight the soviets to a stalemate numerous times in the east, and without a western front the war could have lasted another few years, and maybe have ended in an armistice.
D-Day was crucial in making sure France and Holland would become democratic after the war, unlike Poland or Hungary.

Even though Germany's plans for world domination had already failed at Kursk, the Germans were still able to fight the soviets to a stalemate numerous times in the east, and without a western front the war could have lasted another few years, and maybe have ended in an armistice.
