Just a note from an unbiased bystander.

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Hello all, I am the innocent bystander. I am greatly aware of the rivalry between Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 and if I may, I will try to shed light on the ups and downs of each of these magnificent games.

Halo 2


  1. Graphics Well it's not like you can run them cranked to 1600x1200 but they are certainly on the up side of halo 2, within the constraints of the xbox console, the bungie programmers did an incredible job of allowing the scenes to feel extremely realistic and were able to successfully portray emotions to a very strong degree. Graphics were realistic and moving and far more than enough for the average human being.
  2. Controls I know since this is being posted on both Halflife2.net and Halo.bungie.org, this is certainly a good arguing point. Many prefer the keyboard and mouse in their hands while others prefer the controller. However, no matter the person, there is no argument that the Halo controls are simple easy and effective and can easially be learned by any gamer in the matter of a few minutes. Halo is great for showing you the controls and then making you forget you even know them as they come so naturally very shortly.
  3. Immersion The first time I played Halo 2 it was a matter of forcing myself to stop because i had school the next day, and that lasted for much more than one night. Halo 2 has a way of making you forget that you are playing a game in a dark room staring at a tv. For me, it took a large disturbance to make me realize that I wasn't the Master Cheif beating up some sorry alien bastard.
  4. Storyline Although I do think Halo 2 fell far short of its predicessor, I still believe that it is undeniable that Halo's storyline has much of an epic feel similar to that of Starwars or Lord of the Rings. The epic storyline is one major thing that made the first halo what it was, and the rest of the story, if at all anything like the begginning, will pull gamers in and show them an amazing story, making halo 2 really something special in comparison with many other video games.
  5. Multiplayer In my lifetime, I have found very little that is more enjoyable than strapping in for a XBOX LAN party or a night on LIVE. Simply put, you can say you hate it all you want, but any gamer knows that its impossible to not have fun the halo's multiplyer.


  1. Storyline Yes this one was in Pros too, but truely it was a massive dissapointment and was far less than what halo fan's expected, and far less than what I know bungie is capable of. Makes me mad just to think about it.
  2. Balance Although this has been little complained about, I think its about time we all start. Halo 1 was undeniably fun, the weapons were not tweaked perfectly, but that did not stop millions from buying the game. With Halo 2 in "balance", specifically in multiplayer, It may be perfectly fair, but possibly not as fun. If i had to choose between getting my ass handed to me every time while having a blast and winning half the time but not enjoying myself as much, I would choose the ass-handing in a second. next time Bungie, please choose fun over balance.
  3. Ending If you've played it you know, If you havent, go find out for yourself. Simply put, its the most dissapointing ending since the matrix 3.

I think that pretty much covers the ups and downs of halo 2, if I forgot anything, I will update my posts. Onto....

Half-Life 2


  1. Graphics Not much to critique here, impecable graphics, extremely realistic and creepy as hell in some places. The greatest graphics I have ever seen in a video game.
  2. Storyline Eaqually as intriguing and interesting as the Halo storyline. Very fascinating and engrossing, but not quite the same as halo where it doesnt quite get you wanting to go buy books and spend your spare time researching the storyline. Still intriguing and as much story-line as a good feature film.
  3. Creepiness If anything was nailed just right in this game, it was that when you get up to go to bed and you step on your headphones you flip out and try to kill the damn headcrawler. The first time I played half-life, I had no concept of the game, the characters, or the enemies, first game I literally pissed myself while playing.
  4. Multiplayer Very good and very fun, a real shoot em' up feel. Not horribly stratigic, but fun enough to keep you engrossed for hours.


  1. Level Design I could always understand how people could criticise the level design on halo (and halo 2) but it wasn't until I played Half-Life that i realized how great halo's level design was. I have never had so much trouble in a video game trying to figure out where to go, you have the right to disagree with me, but when it takes me half an hour to figure out where to go, I would say the level design is flawed.
  2. Immersion This is just a small downside, but when I have to look down at my keyboard to fina control, I realize I'm sitting at my desk, and the game loses immersion, this ties closely with controls, not quite so natural and flowing in Half-life as they are in halo.
  3. Playability I wasn't sure how I was to phrase this, what I mean is that when playing half-life 2, everything starts to feel like one bad online puzzle game after the other, Valve needs to keep in mind that this is an action game, and without ample action, the game becomes boring very quickly.

Thanks for listening to me blab, if you have comments feel free to post, PM, or email me here. Don't turn this into a flame war, I love both of these games.

My ratings:

Half-Life 2
Graphics 20/20
Playability/Controls 15/20
Story 18/20
Multiplayer 22/25
Immersion 11/15

Overall 86/100

Halo 2
Graphics 18/20
Playability/Controls 18/20
Story 16/20
Multiplayer 23/25
Immersion 14/15

Overall 89/100
I'm going to sound like a hl2 fanboy, and I am [I love hl2 because of how great it is, not for the sake of loving it], and just a few of the points I saw, are crap.
LittleB said:
Shouldn't this go in the general gaming forum?


And i disagree with your thing about having to look down at the controls, that's down to your own knowledge of your keyboard.

For example, i NEVER have to look at my keyboard as i know exactly where every key is.
CriYam said:
What's an Xbox? Can you play HL2 on it?

Good point :p.

And, i don't see why you are comparing them... Halo 2 hasn't even been CONFIRMED for the PC.
And what's that about level design?
I never got lost once - or stuck figuring out where to go.

Sorry if you've got a poor sence of direction, but that's not a problem with the game.

HL2 fanboy all the way baby!!!
I don't actually look at my keyboard at all during HL2, I know where every key is, as stated maybe that is due to knowledge of your keyboard and as you said, your lack of HL experience. If I started playing Halo 2 now, without playing Halo in my life, I would be looking at my keyboard as well.

As for the level design, I think it makes the game more of an intelligence test instead of having the path laid out in front of you.
omnistegan said:
My ratings:

Half-Life 2
Playability/Controls 15/20
Immersion 11/15
Overall 86/100

Halo 2
Playability/Controls 18/20
Immersion 14/15
Overall 89/100

Ok... The "Joypad versus Keyboard and Mouse" debate is a closed one. Anyone who tells you that keyboard and mouse is an inferior control system to the Joypad is an idiot, and anyone who makes that claim under the pretence that they're "unbiased" is an even worse idiot. No matter how well the Halo joypad is set up (and yes, it is most likely the best control setup ever in a Console FPS), nothing beats the pinpoint accuracy of a mouse for an experienced player. The fact that all Console shooters include a degree of Autoaim should prove this to you. What's more, if you're going to go around grading games, controls are a very bad criteria to give so much weighting on, as they're system specific and have little to do with the game iteself.

As for you immerison score for HL2 being so low, i'm starting to wonder if you even played the game. HL2 is set up for far more immersive qualities: You don't jump out of character to go into an (often berrated) Halo 2 cutscene, and you certainly don't jump around and play different characters. Halo 2 has less potential for immersion, and your problem with immerision basically stems from your dislike of basic PC FPS controls.

Therefore, please don't ride into a fan forum on your high-horse in a vain attempt to settle an already ridiculous arguement by claiming you're not biased, when you clearly favour a control system that has been proven inferior.
Or the same piece of architecture over and over again.
How exactly can you be unbiased when you formed an opinion on both and liked one better than the other?
# Immersion This is just a small downside, but when I have to look down at my keyboard to fina control, I realize I'm sitting at my desk, and the game loses immersion, this ties closely with controls, not quite so natural and flowing in Half-life as they are in halo.
Some nice points there Omnistegan - I'll try to keep my post as rant free as possible too! =)

Firstly - HL2 made you "literally" piss yourself...oh dear. Don't, whatever you do, play Doom3...alone...in the dark.

Ok, onto your real points. I'm gonna have to disagree about 'level' design. Haven't played Halo 2 but have played Halo 1 and if they're anything like each other then HL2 pisses on them with Level design. Whereas Halo loaded Level by Level, Corridor or Outside, HL2 does away with that. Instead, HL2 creates what appears to be a seamless world (minus the load times - which do affect the immersion) which NEVER feels like it's been created by Human Hand - it's just so real, the small details, the discarded rubbish etc.

Playability - Bad Online Puzzle. Puh *splutter* wah *cough* where's me gun. I get the feeling you've only played the beginning of both Games (although you mention the ending of Halo 2). When watching my bro play through HL2 (after playing it myself) I did notice that at the beginning the action was sporadic and was interjected with large portions of problem solving and puzzle play. Once you get passed Water Hazard there are less and less puzzles. I think this was something Valve used to introduce people to the game, get used to the physics, give them a chance to use the controls before throwing them to the Lions. Also stopped you from getting delusions of grandeur too early on - "I can take on the WORLD!!!" etc.

One thing you haven't noted in HL2 pros are the characters. For me this was one of the main features that impressed. Believeable, lifelike and very well acted the characters MADE the game for me.

Thanks for posting your comparison - interesting to get a real opinion and critique rather than the same ol' fingers in the ears posts.
I hope you don't mind that I took your 'review' set up to post my own thoughts on the matter.

Halo 2


1. Multiplayer: The game has cooperative play and is reasonably fun while playing through single player [doesn't have much replay value though]. Being an action game the two or more people playing will have more opportunity to enjoy each other's company through the game, and it is a solid shoot em up so fun will presumeably be had.
2. Here's another pro because I was feeling bad looking at just 1 pro. Umm.. it's a solid game. There aren't many bugs while playing it.


1. Storyline: The storyline was very bland, the game did not involve you in the storyline. The only thing that gave you any idea as to what you were doing [other than shooting aliens and moving forward] were some very awkward cut scenes with horrible voice acting. No part of the 'storyline' was reflected upon during the game.
2. Balance: In multiplayer the game is reasonably balanced. This is a byproduct of both teams being exactly the same and having symmetrical, boring maps.
3. Ending: This made me laugh. The ending was hilarious beyond belief. You play through another ambiguous part of the game, go to cutscene, you're waiting for the next "shoot some aliens, walk forward, shoot some more aliens" assignment, but instead the credits start rolling. I laughed so hard when we got to this part.
4. Enemies: The covenant are a solid enemy, they are fairly generic and weak, but they don't have many startling problems. I hate the flood, but they feature less in Halo 2 than in Halo 1 [which i hated utterly after the flood arrived]. I can understand that Halo 2 is just a shoot 'em up, but after you play 2 minutes of the game it becomes all the same. Walk into a generic, ambiguous room. Shoot some blue/purple aliens. Wash, rinse, repeat.
5. Level design: The level design is horrendous. So bleak, so boring, so monotonous and repetetive. I couldn't find my way around because there was absolutely nothing to distinguish a door from a wall from a giant floating mushroom.

Half-Life 2


1. Graphics: I loved the realism, as well as the thought and effort put into the maps, world, and people. The people themselves are stunning in quality and realism. Everything looks so pretty and serves its purpose well. Every part of the maps have a personal touch added to them, that make them unique and real and never boring.
2. Storyline: A very subtle affair indeed. The basic story is there for you to realise, but to understand exactly what's happened and what it all means [who the hell is the Gman?!] you have to really put your mind to it and you're still not sure, and we won't know until the last Half life game comes out and we spend the next 6 months figuring it out. A unique game with a unique story that works so well and doesn't throw it at your face. You have to work to appreciate the beauty and subtlety of it.
3. Sounds: This isn't brought up much, but the sounds of this game are absolutely amazing. Pay more attention when you're playing it and you'll understand. Weapons, ambient sound, the voice acting, the music, everything.
4. Multiplayer: Currently the selection isn't too awe inspiring [HL2dm, cs:s], even though CS is one of the most popular and stable multiplayer video games known to man, the possibilities for the Source engine are endless. Give it time and multitudes more multiplayer games will come to the game.
5. Physics/interactivity: The impact you have on the environment with this game, and your interaction with it and the world, is simply unprecedented and unmatched by any successful game in the past or near future. The gravity gun, the physics puzzles, the possibilities during the game are stunning.
6. AI: While there are some quirks that even the most rabid HL2 fanboys can ignore, I really must commend valve for aiming higher with their AI than any other game I've known and reaching more success that any I've heard of.
7. Characters: Half life 2 had incrediblely complex, deep and proud characters with a lot of detail and personality put into them. Even down to each individual citizens you could empathise with them.


1. Ending: I have to endure the long wait for Half life 3.. ye gods.
2. AI: The AI does have some quirks and is not utterly realistic.
3. Time: I felt rushed through the whole game. I know that is what they want, for you to be on the edge of the seat, but I was kind of disappointed that I didn't get time to explore the HL2 world, rather I was storming through it with blood pumping and gunshots ringing in my ears. You can't have both, and I realise that it was conscious decision on Valve's part, but I loved the HL2 world and wanted to see more of it.

My ratings:

Half-Life 2
Graphics 18/20
Playability/Controls 20/20
Story 19/20
Multiplayer 23/25
Immersion 14/15

Overall 94/100

Halo 2
Graphics 16/20
Playability/Controls 16/20
Story 14/20
Multiplayer 15/25
Immersion 7/15

Overall 65/100

*** Edit: I fixed the problem with the paragraphs, added a parapraph on 'Characters', and changed a mark or two in Halo 2's score to be more lenient to it. Note that I did not compare these games together, merely as games themselves and my expectations of what a game should be. You can look at the marks to compare.
eediot said:
My ratings:

Half-Life 2
Multiplayer 23/25

Halo 2
Multiplayer 15/25
I think you're being a little too harsh on Halo 2 here, and probably far too kind to Half-Life 2...
In response to the original post:

If you think HL2's controls are complex you've obviously never played a simulation game (or even heard of Steel Battalion... an XBox game that retailed at $200 because of the massive controller with tons of buttons, sliders, joysticks, knobs, switches, and pedals that all did something different). HL2 has, pretty much, the most simple and straight-forward control system possible in a PC FPS. It's just basic movement keys, use, flashlight, weapon selection (which you can do entirely with the mouse wheel), and the two attack buttons (if the weapon has a secondary fire). How is that so much more complex than Halo 2? Also, remember that, in HL2, you customized the keyboard layout... so it's your fault if the layout wasn't effecient. Anyone remotely familiar with FPS games should be able to pick HL2 up with no control problems whatsoever... even using the default controls. Frankly, the somewhat cumbersome process of weapon management (switching weapons, dual wielding, etc) when there are several weapons laying in a pile in the Halo games can be quite annoying... especially when you are in a hurry. That's coming from someone who has been playing both Halo and Halo 2 since they were released. Isn't it funny that an incredibly skilled soldier in such an advanced combat suit can't grab the weapon he wants if there is one even slightly closer?

On the topic of an immersive world that feels alive... there, really, is no contest. In terms of gameplay, Halo 2 is up there near the top of the list... but the in-game worlds in HL2 had much more ambience than anything I saw in Halo 2. The world seems completely static compared to that of Half-Life 2 (even without considering the significant graphical superiority and the fact that you never break from the perspective of your character). Then, if you add the immersive effect of much more detailed, realistic graphics on top of that the gap widens even more. If you toss in the significantly more advanced physics system it's practically a blow-out in the category of immersion.

EDIT: Other than those two subjects, I agree with the original assessment.
Yeah. At the moment HL2DM doesn't appeal to me and CS:Source is just Counter Strike done pretty.

Both are fun games but nothing to truly write home about. Bring on the Modders!!! That's something you won't get with a Console - even with Xbox (please take my wallet) Live!
You may be an unbiased bystander, but I hope you didn't come here expecting to receive unbiased opinions. I'm watching this thread closely, as they always end up in a huge ball of flames.
omnistegan said:

  1. Level Design I could always understand how people could criticise the level design on halo (and halo 2) but it wasn't until I played Half-Life that i realized how great halo's level design was. I have never had so much trouble in a video game trying to figure out where to go, you have the right to disagree with me, but when it takes me half an hour to figure out where to go, I would say the level design is flawed.
  2. Immersion This is just a small downside, but when I have to look down at my keyboard to fina control, I realize I'm sitting at my desk, and the game loses immersion, this ties closely with controls, not quite so natural and flowing in Half-life as they are in halo.
  3. Playability I wasn't sure how I was to phrase this, what I mean is that when playing half-life 2, everything starts to feel like one bad online puzzle game after the other, Valve needs to keep in mind that this is an action game, and without ample action, the game becomes boring very quickly.

I have to totally disagree with this. Half-Life 2 has some of the best level designs I've seen in any game. City 17, Eastern Europe felt like a living breathing city. I was immersed with the level of detail and character development as I progressed through the game. Citadel was just pure awesome, especially inside it.

I'm replayed Half-Life 2 3 times now and doing it fourth time. I think its the first game that I've replayed straight away. And if single-player wears off, I've got hundreds of mods to play with. Value for money IMO.

Sitting at a desk is really an opinion. I personally can't enjoy a FPS on my T.V, since I've adapted to playing games on a computer with a mouse and keyboard. Use a game pad just seems unorthdox and unnatural.
kupoartist said:
I think you're being a little too harsh on Halo 2 here, and probably far too kind to Half-Life 2...

I'm being neither.

Half life 2: I'm including all the mods available and the mods that will be available.

Halo 2: I really found the multiplayer [not co-op] really boring and tedious. Too much was going on in a very small screen with limited control, bad aiming, and bad maps. It just wasn't designed at all and I didn't like it.

This is a review after all, and like EVERY SINGLE REVIEW OUT THERE it is based on personal opinion.

By the way, I laughed at 'unbiased'.
I don't know about you fellas but I wouldn't call those generic, indistinguishable, bland and uninteresting corridoors of Halo 2 interesting level design.
OK, I accept most of your opinions, but the controls one is just daft! How can a keyboard and mouse be inferior to a controller? Especially when it comes to immersion? Since how is clunkly moving a controller more immersive than properly aiming with a keyboard and mouse!?
OCybrManO said:
In response to the original post:

If you think HL2's controls are complex you've obviously never played a simulation game (or even heard of Steel Battalion... an XBox game that retailed at $200 because of the massive controller with tons of buttons, sliders, joysticks, knobs, switches, and pedals that all did something different). HL2 has, pretty much, the most simple and straight-forward control system possible in a PC FPS. It's just basic movement keys, use, flashlight, weapon selection (which you can do entirely with the mouse wheel), and the two attack buttons (if the weapon has a secondary fire). How is that so much more complex than Halo 2? Also, remember that, in HL2, you customized the keyboard layout... so it's your fault if the layout wasn't effecient. Anyone remotely familiar with FPS games should be able to pick HL2 up with no control problems whatsoever... even using the default controls. Frankly, the somewhat cumbersome process of weapon management (switching weapons, dual wielding, etc) when there are several weapons laying in a pile in the Halo games can be quite annoying... especially when you are in a hurry. That's coming from someone who has been playing both Halo and Halo 2 since they were released. Isn't it funny that an incredibly skilled soldier in such an advanced combat suit can't grab the weapon he wants if there is one even slightly closer?

On the topic of an immersive world that feels alive... there, really, is no contest. In terms of gameplay, Halo 2 is up there near the top of the list... but the in-game worlds in HL2 had much more ambience than anything I saw in Halo 2. The world seems completely static compared to that of Half-Life 2 (even without considering the significant graphical superiority and the fact that you never break from the perspective of your character). Then, if you add the immersive effect of much more detailed, realistic graphics on top of that the gap widens even more. If you toss in the significantly more advanced physics system it's practically a blow-out in the category of immersion.

EDIT: Other than those two subjects, I agree with the original assessment.

Damn, man! That controller is so chunky!
The immersion in HL2 is amazing, I don't have the full game yet, (I've played the demo) and I reallly thought I was in the HL2 world. Once you open those doors in get the view of City 17 its just amazing. I didn't move around for 5 minutes because that was such an amazing scene.
Yeah, when i first saw that scene, i went "woooaah"
You seem to being biased towards halo 2, i mean the controlling shouldn't have anything to do with it; they are on different consoles.
There is no such thing as a unbiased person, everyone is biased. Anyway the level design in Halo 2 was repetitive, Half Life 2 made me feel like i was where my character was.
No offense, but I am getting sick of people comparing Half-Life 2 to Halo 2.

They have NOTHING in common. Halo 2 is for the X-Box, right now. Half-Life 2 is for the PC. No connection at all!

Does anybody else feel this way?
I refuse to believe that Halo 2 is more immersive due to that awful soundtrack. My flatmate and I frequently became "unimmersed" every 20 minutes just to burst out laughing at it.

And on the subject of level design, spending half an hour wondering around the level just because nothing told you that BOTH players had to walk into a tiny room to continue is not good level design.

And so on. I don't really agree with you, thread poster.
You lose all imersion with Halo the second your hands heat up using that x-box controller.
All of these review were made by fanboys (of halo or half life 2)

In my opinion, Half-Life 2 is great. I haven't played Halo 2 yet, but the graffics are crappy compared to Half Life 2...
Interesting lil article, I cannot comment on the Halo 2 points as I am

strictly PC gamer and havent played the thing, but as for your criticisms

of Half life 2, whilst I personally never had to look down at my keyboard

or figure out where to go in anything other than 2 seconds, I realize

that this is because I am a pure PC gamer and am therefore used to

them PC style games/controls and it doesnt matter if we can do this,

the system must be at least partially flawed if some cannot (although I

must add that I bet I'd have difficulty with the halo 2 controls and

design since I havent played on a console for years),

kupoartist said:
Ok... The "Joypad versus Keyboard and Mouse" debate is a closed one. Anyone who tells you that keyboard and mouse is an inferior control system to the Joypad is an idiot, and anyone who makes that claim under the pretence that they're "unbiased" is an even worse idiot. No matter how well the Halo joypad is set up (and yes, it is most likely the best control setup ever in a Console FPS), nothing beats the pinpoint accuracy of a mouse for an experienced player. The fact that all Console shooters include a degree of Autoaim should prove this to you. What's more, if you're going to go around grading games, controls are a very bad criteria to give so much weighting on, as they're system specific and have little to do with the game iteself.

As for you immerison score for HL2 being so low, i'm starting to wonder if you even played the game. HL2 is set up for far more immersive qualities: You don't jump out of character to go into an (often berrated) Halo 2 cutscene, and you certainly don't jump around and play different characters. Halo 2 has less potential for immersion, and your problem with immerision basically stems from your dislike of basic PC FPS controls.

Therefore, please don't ride into a fan forum on your high-horse in a vain attempt to settle an already ridiculous arguement by claiming you're not biased, when you clearly favour a control system that has been proven inferior.

I agree with you. Completely.
You think HL2 has too many puzzles to it and not enough action...well i think thats what makes it different to a bland fps, with puzzles like putting floating barrels under ramps, that incorporate physics into the game like HL2 does. It does both with a nice mix. Game that end up with just blasting away everything for 18 hours straight are tiresome and pointless. Broaden your horizons, think outside the box...change is good. and im my opinion, PC games out do console everytime. PC = proper gaming, consoles = lax gaming.
if you have to look down at the keyboard to play,,, you should stick to consoles and not offer "unbiased" opinions on PC games.
i played halo 2, and the only thing good about the graphics i found out is cut sences, all the other stuff looked same as halo 1. HOW the **** is half life 2 controls hard? its w s a d 1 2 3 4 5 6 space bar, shift vtrl mouse buttons f e, how the hell are those hard? for replayability, im the kind of gamer that plays through the sp, then never touches it if it doesnt have a good mp or skermish, and for hl2, i spent about 2 week playing certains lvl again, spawning npcs, make fights! in halo 2, every part of the ship was the same, the marines looked retarded with their jumpsuit, what are they? gay strippers? id admit halo 2 was adicting, for about 2 hours, then it got borring as hell. i didnt play the mp, but it looks great, i can say that, how the viechels can be destroyed, and the details. another thing i didnt like about halo 2 is the aliens talking, its like a game from 1999 or something, the mouth movement is so choppy! and most of the game is super blurry(because its on console and on tv prolly) does halo 2 has insane physics, or ragdolls? no. the only difference i see in halo 2 and halo 1 is new weapons, new monsters, new cars, new story, and new mp maps, thats it! thats just pathedic.
omnistegan said:
Hello all, I am the innocent bystander. I am greatly aware of the rivalry between Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 and if I may, I will try to shed light on the ups and downs of each of these magnificent games.

Halo 2


  1. Graphics Well it's not like you can run them cranked to 1600x1200 but they are certainly on the up side of halo 2, within the constraints of the xbox console, the bungie programmers did an incredible job of allowing the scenes to feel extremely realistic and were able to successfully portray emotions to a very strong degree. Graphics were realistic and moving and far more than enough for the average human being.
  2. Controls I know since this is being posted on both Halflife2.net and Halo.bungie.org, this is certainly a good arguing point. Many prefer the keyboard and mouse in their hands while others prefer the controller. However, no matter the person, there is no argument that the Halo controls are simple easy and effective and can easially be learned by any gamer in the matter of a few minutes. Halo is great for showing you the controls and then making you forget you even know them as they come so naturally very shortly.
  3. Immersion The first time I played Halo 2 it was a matter of forcing myself to stop because i had school the next day, and that lasted for much more than one night. Halo 2 has a way of making you forget that you are playing a game in a dark room staring at a tv. For me, it took a large disturbance to make me realize that I wasn't the Master Cheif beating up some sorry alien bastard.
  4. Storyline Although I do think Halo 2 fell far short of its predicessor, I still believe that it is undeniable that Halo's storyline has much of an epic feel similar to that of Starwars or Lord of the Rings. The epic storyline is one major thing that made the first halo what it was, and the rest of the story, if at all anything like the begginning, will pull gamers in and show them an amazing story, making halo 2 really something special in comparison with many other video games.
  5. Multiplayer In my lifetime, I have found very little that is more enjoyable than strapping in for a XBOX LAN party or a night on LIVE. Simply put, you can say you hate it all you want, but any gamer knows that its impossible to not have fun the halo's multiplyer.


  1. Storyline Yes this one was in Pros too, but truely it was a massive dissapointment and was far less than what halo fan's expected, and far less than what I know bungie is capable of. Makes me mad just to think about it.
  2. Balance Although this has been little complained about, I think its about time we all start. Halo 1 was undeniably fun, the weapons were not tweaked perfectly, but that did not stop millions from buying the game. With Halo 2 in "balance", specifically in multiplayer, It may be perfectly fair, but possibly not as fun. If i had to choose between getting my ass handed to me every time while having a blast and winning half the time but not enjoying myself as much, I would choose the ass-handing in a second. next time Bungie, please choose fun over balance.
  3. Ending If you've played it you know, If you havent, go find out for yourself. Simply put, its the most dissapointing ending since the matrix 3.

I think that pretty much covers the ups and downs of halo 2, if I forgot anything, I will update my posts. Onto....

Half-Life 2


  1. Graphics Not much to critique here, impecable graphics, extremely realistic and creepy as hell in some places. The greatest graphics I have ever seen in a video game.
  2. Storyline Eaqually as intriguing and interesting as the Halo storyline. Very fascinating and engrossing, but not quite the same as halo where it doesnt quite get you wanting to go buy books and spend your spare time researching the storyline. Still intriguing and as much story-line as a good feature film.
  3. Creepiness If anything was nailed just right in this game, it was that when you get up to go to bed and you step on your headphones you flip out and try to kill the damn headcrawler. The first time I played half-life, I had no concept of the game, the characters, or the enemies, first game I literally pissed myself while playing.
  4. Multiplayer Very good and very fun, a real shoot em' up feel. Not horribly stratigic, but fun enough to keep you engrossed for hours.


  1. Level Design I could always understand how people could criticise the level design on halo (and halo 2) but it wasn't until I played Half-Life that i realized how great halo's level design was. I have never had so much trouble in a video game trying to figure out where to go, you have the right to disagree with me, but when it takes me half an hour to figure out where to go, I would say the level design is flawed.
  2. Immersion This is just a small downside, but when I have to look down at my keyboard to fina control, I realize I'm sitting at my desk, and the game loses immersion, this ties closely with controls, not quite so natural and flowing in Half-life as they are in halo.
  3. Playability I wasn't sure how I was to phrase this, what I mean is that when playing half-life 2, everything starts to feel like one bad online puzzle game after the other, Valve needs to keep in mind that this is an action game, and without ample action, the game becomes boring very quickly.

Thanks for listening to me blab, if you have comments feel free to post, PM, or email me here. Don't turn this into a flame war, I love both of these games.

My ratings:

Half-Life 2
Graphics 20/20
Playability/Controls 15/20
Story 18/20
Multiplayer 22/25
Immersion 11/15

Overall 86/100

Halo 2
Graphics 18/20
Playability/Controls 18/20
Story 16/20
Multiplayer 23/25
Immersion 14/15

Overall 89/100

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