Just Cause Demo

It's out on Marketplace too. Downloading now.
downloading! I'll give impressions whenever it finishes. Goddamn do I hate Fileshack.
fileshack gives me uber speeds (currently 300k/sec)

here's an impression from a shack member

"Just got done playing this a bit. Awesome fun!

The missions have a very short time limit on them though, I failed one mission about 10 times because I ran out of time allowed for that mission, and also because I didn't have a clue where I was supposed to be going.
Graphics are really nice, sound is good, controls are excellent and the stunts... It's very cool jumping out of your helicopter that's on fire, deploying your chute for a few seconds and then freefalling onto the helicopter that just took yours down and then kicking the pilot out, very satisfying!"

sounds like fun
Downloading this and the new TDU demo, I'm going to sleep for a few hours than I'll post how it is.

For the record, from the trailers it looks freaking lame, I thought it was a [bad] joke at first.
Downloading off Marketplace now :thumbs:, will also get the pc version
Bleh, it's really dull. The combat and driving are both very bland, and there's absolutely nothing to do apart from the missions which seem to fail if you do the slightest thing wrong. The scope of the environment is quite nice, and it's fairly pretty I guess, but nothing amazing.

Overall, it's a pretty poor game in my opinion.
Bleh, it's really dull. The combat and driving are both very bland, and there's absolutely nothing to do apart from the missions which seem to fail if you do the slightest thing wrong. The scope of the environment is quite nice, and it's fairly pretty I guess, but nothing amazing.

Overall, it's a pretty poor game in my opinion.
Agreed, I'd give the -demo- 5 out of 10, however, I'll wait for the final version to reserve judgement, but considering how the demo felt, I'll probably acquire it on the PC before I buy the 360 vers.:)
Got it downloaded going to check it out later.
Bleh, it's really dull. The combat and driving are both very bland, and there's absolutely nothing to do apart from the missions which seem to fail if you do the slightest thing wrong. The scope of the environment is quite nice, and it's fairly pretty I guess, but nothing amazing.

Overall, it's a pretty poor game in my opinion.

Can you atleast kick the shit out of pedestrians? D:
Horrible, horrible and HORRIBLE handling on the vehicles, it feels like you're driving a boat on land. You don't have any kind of control over what you're doing, at one moment you're zigzagging on a road, the next driving in the jungle. Absolutely horrible controls.
The gameplay is just too fast for me, I was hoping it would be more like Far Cry but boy, no way.
I also hate the fact that you can withstand hundreds and hundreds of bullets fired from the enemy, it feels like you're running around with a invincible cheat code turned on.
Also the game froze. Wee!

Bah, mesa no likey.
Just did one mission, gonna go back and play some more. The handling of vehicles definitely could use some work, but the stunts are pretty looking. Oh yeah, did anyone else notice how F*CKING AMAZING the explosions look? These are the most realistic explosions I've ever seen, and this comes from a person who loved FEAR. I personally like how the weapons handle, especially the mounted gun on those jeeps.
Can you atleast kick the shit out of pedestrians? D:
Yeah, but in something like Saint's Row it's a part of the game - something really fun to do for 20 minutes or so. In this, it's shoot generic pedestrian A/B/C, letting them die in a canned animation. No ragdolls here.
shooting sucks in GTA ..is it anything like that? imo vehicular manslaughter is much more fun ..especially if it was unintentional

oh and it's fun in GTA too
shooting sucks in GTA ..is it anything like that? imo vehicular manslaughter is much more fun ..especially if it was unintentional

oh and it's fun in GTA too
Unfortunately, unless you specify to go into over-the-shoulder mode, it's lock-on targetting. For everything. Cars, people, helicopters. Argh.

Edit: This is the 360 version. Might be different on PC.
so if you dont lock down on pedestrians you cant run them over?
You can run them over without locking onto them... just need to lock on for gun. You can use free-aim in the PC version.

I found it to be pretty sucky. Like said, the driving sucks bad. And you can easily take 300 bullets. The AI is pretty bad too. They just run up to you and shoot in most cases...

Shame this aint as good as it looked.
man after struggling with Boiling Point (which Just cause remarkedly mimics ..except the flying part) for so long and STILL finding it fun despite the fact that it's a buggy mess I should enjoy this game ...really doesnt sound that bad ..but then again I'm a sucker for sandbox games
man after struggling with Boiling Point (which Just cause remarkedly mimics ..except the flying part) for so long and STILL finding it fun despite the fact that it's a buggy mess I should enjoy this game ...really doesnt sound that bad ..but then again I'm a sucker for sandbox games

Ew, You enjoyed Boiling Point?

I saw the potential behind Boiling point yes ..the bugs eventually drove away
man after struggling with Boiling Point (which Just cause remarkedly mimics ..except the flying part) for so long and STILL finding it fun despite the fact that it's a buggy mess I should enjoy this game ...really doesnt sound that bad ..but then again I'm a sucker for sandbox games

It's nothing like Boiling Point. The plot and setting are similar but the game feels and plays nothing like it.

The game itself is interesting. The on foot gameplay is crap, and the gun battles are a lot worse than GTA (although I give it major points for having a decent grenade system). The cars don't handle well at all. The parachuting thing was really cool, and I'm sure the grappling gun is fun as all hell but I don't think it was in the demo. The boats and helicopters handle arcadey, but are the best parts of the game IMO and remain pretty fun.

Basically, it's an extremely fast paced game that's constantly throwing different play styles at you. I liked it. It's certainly no GTA, and no one part of it is particularly good (some parts are pretty bad) but it's decent mindless fun. When I play the full game I'm going to try and stay as far away from the cars as possible though ... just not fun.
If you guys have played anything beyond Vice City, you'd know GTA has good auto-targeting and better on foot gameplay.

My friend was so excitied about this game. I can't wait till he comes back from Spain so I can tell him its stupid :D
Hopefully they get all the bugs and shit taken care of before release, I still have 2hrs left on my download.
that was an interesting game. not to shabby though its fun to kill the hoards of army guys.
Did no one else notice the explosions?!?! Am I going crazy? Someone go shoot down a helicopter please and tell me that's not the most gorgeous explosion.
I was in Panama during Just Cause. Makes me wanna try this one out pretty bad
I played it and thought while not exactly polished (control-wise and balance-wise) it was fun to mess around in.
I got this off the XBLM earlier today. It's great fun, and quick to pick up, too. I've only had the chance to spend 20 mins on it so not found anything that flies, but the boats, cars and bikes are damn cool. Love the water effects too.
Meh, I hate how many shots it takes to kill people, and get killed yourself.

The control scheme blows, I mean when I'm on top of a vehicle... I should be able to ****ing jump off, not just hop from car to car ffs.

And driving the cars is a gorramn chore.

And, if the game's so freeform, You shouldn't be ****ing timed! >.<

I could think of a dozen other ways to restrict a demo for a game like this. (Invisible walls? Or barriers of some sort?)
I was psyched for this game, but after reading through the mediocre replies I'll give it a pass.
The game is only a tiny bit similar to Boiling Point and I wish these guys had made Boiling Point. :)

Anyway, the demo was surprisingly good and I'd say I'm hard to impress, especially when I think it looks lame.

It was fun, great vehicles (Helicopter rocks), awesome graphics (Blur, sun and everything), crazy stunt things, missions were fun and so on.
I've played it once more, I have to say it's a decent game. It's even good imo, the poor thing is the demo and the limits on it : (
personally, i really liked it. it was fun, a bit silly, and good looking.

it had lots of "problems" but i didnt care about them at all. i thought the second mission was fun, as silly as it was, and then with the music at the end... it sounded like a fiesta. haha.

flying choppers driving crazy boats with rocket launchers riding motorbikes and all the usual stuff.... i dont know whats not to like?

playing 360, and the graphics of the environments were really nice. the explosions were nice too like someone said earlier.

the on-foot combat wasnt so bad. so could take 10000 hits, which was kind of silly, but i didnt wanna be dying 100 times in the demo.

i wasn't really expecting much from this game at all, but its fun.

my only problem with the demo was that you can't go from a driver position to a gunner position... you have to get out to do that. but that just becomes a gameplay mechanic. so i'll deal with it.

imo this is a great fun game, getting a bad rap that it doesnt deserve!

by the way, the demo was pretty big, but it was just a tiny portion of the full map! the full things gonna be huuuge.
Hopefully some modder out there can disable the timers and mission failure things.

I was too busy messing around to even realize I had a mission to do. D:
this game amazes me technically. i think its one of the most advanced i've seen for a long time. hl2 is all small corridors and little scenarios loaded one by one, but this things huge and seamless. plus there are cars and bikes and choppers and boats (something which not many games manage) and they are all acceptable to drive... not great, but ok.

im gonna go back and play it through again. fun fun fun on the xbox 360!
Q:why is this game getting such mixed reviews???

A: Just cause'



... Ahem
I simply cannot understand why people are spouting over this game. It's not impressive from a technical standpoint - the graphics are pretty much lower-res textures stretched across the whole island (and I imagine the whole game as well), with copious amounts of bloom and motion blur to try and paint over these garish cracks.

The traffic density is, well, non-existent, and for a sandbox game like this that's unforgivable. I'm sure people will try and counter by saying it's an entirely rural location, but the fact is that's irrelevant for a GTA-esque game such as this. If I want to drive a car, I shouldn't have to wait a minute for 2 or 3 (of sometimes the same) cars to pass.

The driving itself is shambolic. I mean, they must have spent about 5 minutes on the driving model-shambolic. People rant and rave over how Saint's Row has much heavier driving and turning, y'know, like cars tend to be, but I see people across forums praising this in some instances. It kills me, it really does.
Meh , didn't like it too much. The problems with these kind of game is that they try to do so much , they end up doing them not well.

The shooting in the game is avarage , so is the action. Driving isn't much fun. The GFX wasn't impressive as i thought it would be , yet the game doesn't run smooth.

The free fall stuff was nice , and so were the stunts of getting on top of cars and so forth but really that's not nearly enough for me.

I reckon this game will go along the lines of Boiling Point. Though , it's seems better tech. wise and the gameplay is better , but overall , Just Cause seems like an avarge game.
I simply cannot understand why people are spouting over this game. It's not impressive from a technical standpoint - the graphics are pretty much lower-res textures stretched across the whole island (and I imagine the whole game as well), with copious amounts of bloom and motion blur to try and paint over these garish cracks.

The traffic density is, well, non-existent, and for a sandbox game like this that's unforgivable. I'm sure people will try and counter by saying it's an entirely rural location, but the fact is that's irrelevant for a GTA-esque game such as this. If I want to drive a car, I shouldn't have to wait a minute for 2 or 3 (of sometimes the same) cars to pass.

The driving itself is shambolic. I mean, they must have spent about 5 minutes on the driving model-shambolic. People rant and rave over how Saint's Row has much heavier driving and turning, y'know, like cars tend to be, but I see people across forums praising this in some instances. It kills me, it really does.

Axyon speaks the truth.