Just Cause Demo

After reading people's comments in the thread I thought it was going to be rubbish, but I really enjoyed it. The stunts and stuff that you could do were absolutely ridiculous, but that's what made it great fun.
The driving is shambolic how things sway side to side uncontrollably, but the purdy water effects make up for that. I don't think i'd buy the game though. Sadly i'm so skint, I can only afford about 2 games this side of xmas - and they are dead rising and forza 2.
Sadly i'm so skint, I can only afford about 2 games this side of xmas - and they are dead rising and forza 2.

Yeah, I don't think I can afford to get all the games I want either. I think I'll wait until the price goes down for this one.
omg what a gay game... installed then got an error that said to uninstall then re-install...I un-install and it removes the ****ing installer aswell...2 hours downloading all for nothing....**** THAT!
Fun game! Nice explosions, helicopters are great and you can fly so high up and see everything. Pretty awesome.
I played this for about 5 minutes in total. Sometimes you can just tell when a game is absolute tripe.
I personally really liked it ..although I could do without the timed missions and horrible handling cars ..but overall it's lots of fun

anyone find the grappling hook? ..the parachute isnt that much fun (except freefall which is awesome) without the ability to tow yourself behind a vehicle. Also needs more sandbox for a sandbox game ..and more variety in vehicles ..the motorcycles are painfully slow

speed boats are fun ...so is driving a 70's muscle car over the cliff freefalling, pulling your chord a dozen feet above a speedboat and hijacking it ...tons of fun ..tricky to do successfully
Stern, did you find any good jump spots? As you can see in my vid I only found two.
there's that one huge cliff after the first part of the mission but I couldnt explore all that much because of the timed missions ..but if you cross the river there's a few cliffs but I didnt get that far

some needs to hack the timed missions ...I want to roam goddam it
but I couldnt explore all that much because of the timed missions

There's an easy workaround for that. Finish the first mission, kill yourself and load from the latest checkpoint. Then you can just cruise around the island and do what you want. The game tells you just once to go to the rebel village, but after that you can basically do what you want.
really? will try that tonight ...did you explore the entire island? there's some parts that will warn you you've gone out of bounds and the mission will end
really? will try that tonight ...did you explore the entire island? there's some parts that will warn you you've gone out of bounds and the mission will end

Yes, you can go all over the island. It's not that big though. If you take the coastal road, it'll take you about 6 or 7 minutes to drive around it.
there's the map that shows all the unique weapons/vehicles ..have you found them? I so want the grappling hook
there's the map that shows all the unique weapons/vehicles ..have you found them? I so want the grappling hook

I read somewhere that the grappling hook simply isn't in the demo. I'd love to try out too. I already imagined myself parasailing behind a speedboat ...
not in the demo? that was a mistake ..the parachute is almost useless without it ...but i guess they didnt want you to free-roam but rather to follow the missions
Pretty looking but very very average.

Car physics remind me of Outrun on my old Spectrum, popups spoil the flow of the game, and you can't even define keys???

Its funny how game companies cry about the state of the industry when the solution is to just make decent games...
I dont see how you can say it's average ..maybe as a gta clone it's average, maybe as a 3rd person shooter it's average, maybe as a driving game it's average but you're missing the overall point: leaping from car to car, hijacking and then ramming into a group of soldiers just as you leap into the air as you open your parachute. The game isnt all that much fun if you just play it as a shooter/driving game

but yes the driving sucks and there's plenty of bugs
Yes but how long will the "over the top" novelty value last? I think it'll be a fun, decent game ... but average would definitely be a fair way to describe the overall quality and fun factor IMO.
I've played the demo for more than 10 hours ...and I havent completed the missions ..I just stunt drive

did you guys find the speedboat with missles?
Is it possible to save the game?

Did someone mention a way so you can just roam around the place without having to do anything?
It's more fun to sandbox in than most games right now. Hopefully we see some changes to driving mechanics and whatnot though in retail.
die immediately after finishing the first objective ..hit continue and you can drive around without having to complete the rest of the missions
you have till sunset ..I usually go splat before then anyways

anyone hijack the helicoptor that chases you if you kill enough soldiers? get it to closely chase you jump on the hood when you hear it breathing down your neck, pull the chute (look on left hand side of screen it will say "enter vehicle") hit E and voila you're hanging on to the rotor of the coptor ..then just kick pilot off and it's payback time ..die soldiers die!!!